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Everything posted by hands4

  1. All it shows is that Spencer can get the graph he wants by using bad data, you know GIGO.
  2. A quick read of this paper and I find some problems. 8 years of observations?? Weren't you the person complaining about curve fitting in a previous post? "ocean mixing depths around 800 meters"?? source Sorry. Dr. Spencer is not on my "credible" list.
  3. Help me out here. What "70 year quasi-periodic ESNO signal"? Ignoring my obvious question, let me ask you if you know why anomalies, rather than actual temperature are used? OK. You mention Spencer with no link to his paper. You mention comment by Svalgaard with no links to his comments. You mention a 70 year cycle with nothing I can review. It would help this discussion if you posted something for me to read instead of having to guess what you're referencing.
  4. You still need a cause and evidence for the sudden release of heat from the ocean. Without a way to check and confirm, your conjecture is nothing but speculation. And once again, speculation is not science. I tracked down your last image, but I'm not going to track down every claim you link to. I'm too familiar with blogs making incorrect statements to accept everything that is stated. If you have a IPCC source for the linked graph, I need to see it before I respond. Otherwise, I'll just view your link as another unreferenced blog with no credibility. How can you state that this paper is enough to overturn mainstream thinking when Svalgaard himself writes: mine bold
  5. What evidence do you have that the ocean has been releasing it's heat since the 1970s? Oceans have been warming as evidenced by the rising sea levels.Incorrect. IPCC models do indeed simulate aspects of ENSO. WG1 ch 4 But the claim was that IPCC had no cause for the early 20th century cooling, not that the IPCC was wrong. One paper is not enough to overturn mainstream thinking. Even Svalgaard admits more research is needed. So looks like you and I agree. IPCC did have a cause for early 20th century cooling.
  6. I was invited to join this forum by a member and have been following this discussion. I'm with wyly and waldo here, a "warmist". No one has addressed this post so I'll give it a shot. Heat just doesn't suddenly decide it needs to be released. You still need a reason for the heat to released. So unless you have a cause for your sudden release of heat, your have nothing but speculation and speculation is not science. IPCC suggests that the warming of the early 20th century was due to solar forcing and GHGs. mineUnderstanding and Attributing Climate Change IPCC I get my climate info from peer-reviewed papers found with Google scholar, RealClimate, Skepticalscience, Science Daily, NOAA, GISS, etc for the "pro-AGW" information and Wattsupwiththat, climate audit and Daily Tech for the "anti-AGW" information.
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