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Jay Dee

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Everything posted by Jay Dee

  1. Guess that's why my late father voted for Grit standard bearer in provincial elections and for Tories federally....... In baseball there's a term for it? Covering ones bases?
  2. ....."but Liberals and bloc could".........gosh that would be a marrriage made in hell......since there never has been any love loss/lost between these two parties....but then again politics makes strange bed fellows......
  3. Add it to a crowded poll takers' view on the pending 38th national election: Ipsos Reid's latest seat count: Tories and Bloc could form a coalition.........Grits and NDP could not........ Armed with this information chances are all camps are really scrambling to get out the votes in every knook and cranny in the country.
  4. Not even two weeks into the campaign and all parties can't help but check the polls.........
  5. At the rate things are going...Paul Martin may join that class of short lived national governments, aka Joe Who, John Turner et al. Leger Marketing survey puts voters trust in Martin at 27 percent.....down 12 from before he started out on the campaign trail just a week and a half ago.. Dalton Promise Breaker's budget here in Yours to Discover hasn't helped either.......but folks are upset at a host of issues the least of which is how mad cow was handled and how farmners got the hose, to aging Sea King helicopters, a not the best equipped military, to missing millions, boondoggles, our G.G. budget ballooning from $19million when she moved into " Re-Do" Hall to $41million....... Still think Stompin' Tom Connors should replace her when her five year tenure ends this Fall......either he or Ms. Copps or even Don Cherry since there's a good chance CBC won't renew his Hockey Night in Canada Contract.
  6. I think I have seen this movie before. Paul Martin says he'll resign (after forming a new government) if he doesn't keep his promises This is the same fellow who said he wanted the missing sponorship millions hearings transparent.....stacked the committee looking into the rip off....and brought the hearing to its knees as a result of calling a federal election. It is called "blind trust" he trusts that all Candians are blind to what he has up his sleeve. If present polls are close to being on the money...Ontario voters hold the final results in the palm of their hands. Mind you, you didn't read it here first...............
  7. If approved, every four years we will be going to the polls in a provincial election (first Tues in Oct.) if Queen's Park has its way. There are reports that Ontarians are turning their backs in record numbers on federal Grits after provincial Grits tabled their budget over a week ago....which resulted in many a campaign promises biting the dust. :angry: :angry: :angry:
  8. Barrie TV station noted tonight.....Grits and Tories deadlocked at 36 percent each in Yours to Discover in Battle for Ontario, according to most recent polls today.
  9. Newly minted Tory Party seems to be catching second wind...at rate polls are showing up on an almost daily basis now.
  10. One has the feeling, MAPLESYRUP, that all parties are going to track polls 24/7 until the bitter end. Not certain if this is the Year of the Rat or Year of the Polls........ As for news outlets.......it is easy to report as well as write columns and editorials about since there is very seldom any heavy lifting. I confess...been there, done that....long retired from chasing ambulances.
  11. One has the feeling, MAPLESYRUP, that all parties are going to track polls 24/7 until the bitter end. Not certain if this is the Year of the REat or Year of the Polls........ As for news outlets.......it is easy to report as well as write columns and editorials about since there is very seldom any heavy lifting. I confess...been there, done that....long retired from chasing ambulances.
  12. Always amazed at election promises that result in hard earned tax dollars often being squandered.
  13. News reports this morning seem to indicate Martin has been reading the tea leaves and has called on a couple of Chretien p.r. people to help bolster Grits' cause out on the hustings......reminds me of Bush NOW seeking UN help to sort out things in Iraq ............. Most of the networks and dailies today talking about Liberals losing as many as 30 seats this time around........ Sure pleased Mrs. Martin hasn't decide on painting rooms in the Prime Minister's official residence............
  14. Speaking of polls...it is my understanding that the brass at CBC have decided not to refer to polls during the weeks leading up to the federal election......inasmuch as Mother CBC feels polls might influence voters not to vote if it appears one party is ahead by a considerable amount prior to folks officially going to the polls. The heavily federally tax funded national communications giant is to be commended (for a change) for taking the high road......
  15. Exit polls are often used south of the border although they are starting to catch on here.......a team of reporters, or party faithful, stand outside polling stations and ask voters who they voted for....thus getting a trend to report back to candidate(s), supporters and media......... Mind you...one wonders how many folks fib a bit to keep media et al at bay.
  16. Do you think when a pollster discovers a trend after calling 100 people when he/she should have called 687...they have a tendency to make up some numbers and go home early? Just curious as Canucks should be.
  17. I find polls and ratings a bit hard to swallow including exit polls.... Has anyone called you as to who you will be voting for or what radio station you listen to or TV news you watch? At 66 I'm still waiting for the first pollster to call me.....other than sell me a vacuum cleaner.
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