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  1. The only ballot I trust is a hand marked paper ballot. Electronic ballotting allows too many opportunities for fraud.
  2. Secure home ownership is both an Aboriginal right and a fundamental Human right. Cultural and mental health are dependant upon secure land holdings that are administered by the holders with responsibility towards past, current and future generations. Without land there is no legacy. The individual that is separated from ancestral land is a lost and tormented being. They are like a dry leaf blown in the wind . They have no meaningful foundation to stand upon and they leave a poor legacy for their descendants. As they tumble in the wind, they ultimately vanish and are forgotten. Most of the major land claims that I am familiar with are products of both Federal and Aboriginal fraud. The Federal and Local Governments want to gather a group of agreeable Aboriginal vendors to engage in land surrenders and sales that the vendors generally have no right to. Select groups of well organised Aboriginals derive personal profit from land sales and royalties they are not entitled to. A few examples of this are the New York Mohawks and Lake Superior Mississaugas that lay claim to the City of Toronto. That region is the ancestral Territory of the nearly extinct Wendats. Manitoba Cree obtain oil royalties in Alberta from land that is the ancestral possession of the Blackfoot. The British Columbia Niska have derived profit from lands that are the ancestral possessions of their neighbours. Only a minority of Aboriginal people derive any gain from these malicious and fraudulent practices. Many Aboriginal peoples are dispossessed by them. Both the living and future descendants of land fraud practioners are victimised by suffering in both this and future worlds. They are accursed. That is why there is so much rape, murder, robbery, arson and other violent crimes in their communities. Their guilt drives them to consume each others homes and lives just as they have consumed the land and spiritual rights of the neighbours they have dispossessed. Those that sacrifice and labour on behalf of the dispossessed can be freed from this curse. Those that do not seek to remedy these injustices stumble blindly into a painful state of disembodied oblivion.
  3. Prior to commenting on this thread I feel it is important to qualify my opinions and expose potential prejudices with a few facts that influence my opinions. First is that my maternal grandfather was nearly beaten to death by his fellow classmates at a band school due to their ultra conservative upbringing. His near death experience led to his adoption. After adoption he was never allowed to return to his band due to opposition from ultraconservative aboriginals exploiting the Indian Act. Even his children were barred from returning to the band until after his death. Second is the fact that my mother claimed throughout life that it was harder for her to become a Canadian Citizen via enfranchisement in 1951 than it was for a foreign prostitute. No outside influence can have a positive impact upon the development of aboriginal culture or identity. Most of the aboriginal culture that I see being promoted by government funding and concerned individual outsiders is more rooted in Hollywood's fanciful stereotypes than any Indian culture that I am familiar with. Even the regalia worn by Canadian Indian Act Chiefs at ceremonies of the Assembly of First Nations is more Hollywood than Aboriginal. Aboriginal Culture will only begin to flourish when it is allowed to do so without outside interference. Despite unknown billions of dollars being spent by governments upon Aboriginal peoples , the vast majority of Aboriginal people see no financial benefit whatsoever. The vast majority of funding is spent upon those with status while an additional trickle flows to the organised non status. Those that are niether status nor organised receive nothing that I am aware of. There are no greater schisms within the Aboriginal community and individual mind than those caused by questions of Indian Status and financial entitlement.
  4. I try to like everybody, even militant gay rights activists that ensure that threads like this one are aleays on top of forum discussion boards. I know that upon every medium of political expression there is a cadre of gay thought police. their duty is to identify every new voice as either gay sympathiser or homophobic. As a newbie on this board I thought I'd save the gay thought police from the anxiety of wondering. Now I don't have to worry about incessant emails from gay activists trying to determine whether I am friend or foe. Now I know that everything I post will be scrutinised by the gay thought police. Now I know that I have an assured audience. Even a hostile audience is better than none at all. If Canada does have any promise in its future that promise lies heavily within the gay community. They are the largest , most powerful and best financed political lobby in the country. On average , gay people have more energy, more money , more talent and more time to apply to combatting social ills than straight people. Hopefully , as I pursue my quests upon this forum I will be able to convince some of them to spend less of their resources upon their selfserving ideology and more upon the common good.
  5. The dual tragedies of homosexual and abortion legislation have taken their toll both in Canada and throughout the western world. The western world is dieing, period. As prospective parents view the moral abyss that surrounds them they are choosing in ever larger numbers to neither marry nor parent. Our populations and economies are sustained solely by immigration and senseless speculative gambling in the guise of investment. Both the religious and the non religious can clearly see that our cultures are rapidly becoming extinct. If Canada has a future it is not in the hands of those born here. Canada is now the rightful possession of those immigrant peoples that are displacing our diminishing population.
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