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Posts posted by g_bambino

  1. No, like when we were asked to take the reporters' word for it that they saw the video, now we're asked to take the chief's word for it. Until we see the video, the situation hasn't really changed.

    In regard to the video, specifically, what's changed is the Chief of Police has said the video exists. Of course, he too may be in on the anti-Ford conspiracy...

    As for the rest, there's more than just the public urination. You should read it, if that's all you're aware of.

  2. The original Toronto Star story without having the original tape asked readers to take the word of journalists that evidence they wrote their stories on existed even though they could not produce that evidence.

    Hey the media is bias. Its par for the course.

    Good grief. Is this tired sqwaking still going on? How and, more importantly why, would three journalists working for two different media outlets in two different countries conspire and put their careers at great risk just to exercise a bias against Ford, who basically consistently makes himself a target for negative press, anyway? And, besides, why do you target these journalists when printing claims without revealing the source (any more than "people close to the prime minister" or "a source within the ministry") has been going on for... well, a century or more? Do they lack ethics simply because they went after that poor, suffering underdog Ford?

  3. Not technically no. It's no. Full stop. Wallin, Brazeau, and Duffy now realize that he can't do anything to them. The party whip can try to get the Conservative senators to all vote together a particular way, but they are by no means required to... Harper has no authority over Senators. There's literally nothing he can do to them that would be of any consequence.

    It's true he has no direct way of removing a senator or docking their pay or inflicting some other punishment upon them. But, jacee is right in that that won't stop him from trying to get as many senators as is needed to agree that removing the disgraced three is the best course of action. He can attempt to do that either by trying to make a convincing argument that suspending the senators is the right thing to do, or he can make threats. However, for the latter to work, the senators he'd be threatening would have to be so dumb as to believe that Harper actually has some sort of control over their futures. Evidently some Conservative senators understand that isn't true and, even after agreeing in camera with Harper that Brazeau, Wallin, and Duffy should be suspended, are now saying the way that end is being achieved is wrong--ie. a denial of due process--and are talking about voting against the motion as worded. Others, though, seem to just be the kind who ask 'how high?' when Harper says 'jump!'.

  4. Yes, and Harper's now trying to boot them out of the Senate.

    You've evidently not been reading what I write.

    Harper can't boot them out of the Senate. Only senators can boot a senator out of the Senate. Harper wants Wallin, Duffy, and Brazeau out of the Senate, but that won't happen unless enough senators either happen to feel the same way he does or will do his bidding. The question we've been considering is: why would a senator feel the need to do the prime minister's bidding? He can't do anything to a senator besides kick him or her out of caucus (should they actually be of the prime minister's party).

  5. Apparently they do.

    Ask Duffy.

    As I explained to cybercoma, Duffy's fate as a senator lies not with Harper but with his fellow senators. For Harper to get what he wants, he needs the luck of finding just enough sycophantic senators who'll do his bidding for... well, it's uncertain what for, since they'll lose nothing if they don't.

    [ed.: punct.]

  6. It's pretty interesting to see Duffy, Wallin, and Brazeau realize that.

    Any punishment they suffer will be brought upon them either by their fellow senators or by a judge in a court of law. We'll have to see how Conservative senators vote on any motion against Wallin, Duffy, and Brazeau. They have no reason to vote as Harper wants them to (and we've seen before senators he recommended for appointment voting contrary to his wishes); he holds no way to force their vote; about all he has is bribery, which, of course, is illegal.

    [ed.: c/e]

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