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Posts posted by SirSpanky

  1. Exactly.  I had no idea either.  As long as their back to work for the beginning of hockey season.

    That's the beautiful part. Management has vowed to broadcast HNIC strike or no stike. So who cares when they settle?

    Do they vow a commentator too? Did you guys try to watch a CFL game with just the stadium audio? Its just weird. I don't know if I could handle not having a play by play.

  2. If you are looking for seperatists in the Post-secondary institutes that explains why you aren't finding them =p Heck, I don't even know many in my College that support it (of course, I don't ask around alot), I mainly know everyday joes that support it. You know, the non-elitist hardworkers ;)

    Hehe, good post. I like the "non-elitist hardworkers" phrase :).I wonder if anyone really understands the implications of what a seperation would do, myself less than most I think.

    But seriously, where do you guys find these attitudes? Just this weekend I made a point of asking people I saw what they thought. I got "deer in headlights looks" from most. Never heard of it before. Maybe when I'm done school and I have to come out to Alberta to get a job, I'll do some market research :P

  3. Yup Doug Christie is just the kind of guy you wanna follow.

    What a healthy society he would create.  :blink:

    I second that.


    What does "socially left out" mean? And I'm about 18ish, (24) and don't know anyone who even thinks about seperation. We're too busy painting faces for world hockey matches :P. But seriously, The only talk of seperation I've heard is on these forums. Nowhere in my university, social circle, or any other place at all.

    Oh yeah, I'm from the west too, so you're talking about me, and my peers.

  4. I miss trudeau

    Let's have your comments to offset such a huge distortion of what Trudeau did for Canada.

    Sir Spanky, if you think the comments here are representative of most Canadian's viewpoint about Trudeau you will be sadly mistaken.

    Basically you have heard comments from separatists and conservatives, people on the margins of Canadian society, both groups of course which were severely defeated by Trudeau and his supporters, the vast majority of Canadians.

    Begs the question; why don't the "vast majority of Canadians" post on these forums, which generally indicate a concerted interest in politics?

  5. From some of theses posts he kinda sounds like Napoleon, minus the little man syndrome.


    I get from your post, you think he was a touch arrogant :P

    So clearly he had the vision, and the balls to push it through. If he wasn't so into himself, and listened to people when they told him he couldn't do all of these things the restrictions being financial, do you think he would've been a "good" PM?

    To all;

    Is an intellectual PM a good thing? Personally I'd rather have a practical, intelligent, experienced, and tolerant PM. Intellectuals (with the exception of intelligent) in my experience are the polar opposites of these.

  6. With oil prices skyrocketing, production slowing and demand reaching a fever pitch, it seems ludicrous to continue to promote such an inefficient form of development, particularily one with such detrimental effects on the community as a whole.
    These things come and go, but it is certain that some people will always want to feel morally or esthetically superior and look down on ordinary people simply trying to manage in life.

    Why are esthetics and practicality mutually exclusive to you? I recently took a road trip down to southern Alberta and was struck by the increasing homogeny of so many communities. It was almost impossible to distinguish Camrose, Leduc, Red Deer, Wetaskawin from the big box "commons" complex's sprouting up across Edmonton and Calgary. It's disgusting. And if that makes me a snob, so be it. I am under no obligation to accept these blights on the landscape, these destroyers of farmland and propigators of the destructive car culture, simply becaus ethey are the choice of the working man.

    I'll look for beauty and esthetics when I'm at a gallery, or at the city park when its +30 degrees outside :P ;

    As long as I can still get toothpaste, an office chair, plastic flowers, and a pair of jeans, all at low low prices, I'll stick with the box stores.

  7. Howdy. I'm relatively young, and wasn't around for the Trudeau days. I was hoping someone could tell me the general opinion of him the country held. Not something I can read in a book, but how was he regarded? Was he just a great leader; ie. do you think he could've been as effective with a different opinion on policy?

  8. Weird; I was thinking why the parties mainly promote their leaders instead of a strong team this morning before I read this.....eerie.

    So question for those who've followed politics longer than me (probably everyone), why don't the parties produce advertisements about their candidates, and the team that they want to form the cabinet? Just my opinion, but I would vote for a strong team, rather than a single leader any day of the week (a simplified arguement I know, but I think you get the picture).

  9. I'm not sure I agree with this argument; I don't think my personal def'n of pride is very developed though. Feel free to help me out with it by sharing yours (like anyone here needs prodding to "share" their opinion :) )

    I'm not proud to be Canadian, I'm grateful. I'm happy. My view of pride is that to be proud of something, you must create it, maintain it, have some say in it. I don't feel that way about Canada. You could argue that this is a democracy, and we all have a tiny say in it, but its so tiny a say, practically, I have no say. I pay taxes for it, but I don't decide how to spend the $$ on it.

    I'm lucky that I was born into prosperity and I'm happy I wasn't born into squalor in the Congo, or Bangladesh. I'm happy by chance that this country has a good education system, and was able to meet a nice girl. I was born into good conditions.

    I would be proud of my child winning a science contest, if I helped in his education, or made him feel secure enough to study hard. If I didn't, I would not be proud, cause it has nothing to do with me. Too many people I feel scream that they're proud of whatever; if you are, why do you need to share it?

    I feel more bad things come from it than good ones. Namely war, materialism, and predjudice.

  10. Yet another big box store development is going in quite close to my home; in the last 5 years, this area has gone from fields to big box stores at an amazing rate. I have to admit that I like the convienience of having everything so close by, but I always wonder who designed the layout, as the stores seem to have been dropped from the sky with no thought to how they share the space with the other stores next to them. And who really thinks its a good idea to walk outside from store to store, across vast parking lots, during a Winnipeg winter?

    The stores being generic, soulless, may be true, but at the same time I'm not necessarily looking for an esoteric experience when I want to buy school supplies at Wal-Mart, or a hammer at Home Depot.

    Ah, you must be talking about route 90, by scurfield. I think 4 of the cities 10 most dangerous intersections are on that strip. (A highway, pretty much one of 2 main traffic arteries south, with speed limit 80, booming in development)

    And how does it make sense at all? I would much rather get from store to store in a traditional mall, than walk far distances, across heavily traffiked streets where everyone is pissed off cause is so damned crowded.

  11. I don't really see wind and solar energy production as a major player in solving our reliance on fossil fuels. Something like two-thirds of our electrical energy production in Canada is already provided by hydro-power, another 15% by Nuclear which is also relatively clean. Only 25% or so is still provided by thermal(oil,gas,coal,wood).

    I think we would be better off trying to increase green energy in areas of locamotive energy and indoor heating. Wind and solar don't really pack the kind of energy efficiency to help us in this regard.

    Moving towards geo-thermal, gas over coal, and improving air scrubbing technologies  could help us reduce emissions until we can make the leap to a hydrogen based economy.

    What about a law increasing the ethanol content of gasoline and diesel fuels? Vehicles would be less polluting and farmers would benefit from growing such a lucrative cash crop, therefore reducing the amount of government subsidies to the to agriculture. Two birds with one stone.

    Not solutions, but they are viable, and will ease the transition to the next stage. There is not going to be a main source like there is now, in the future. A combination of all alternatives is most likely. And you're right, we'll save gargantuan amounts of electricity through better efficiency. Manitoba Hydro is building a new energy efficient building, that will pay for the extra costs of construction, in about 4 years with its energy efficiency. Staggering.

    As to the hydrogen economy, there are huge technological barriers, with no site of solution anytime soon. We're stuck with fossil fuels for at least 30 years.

  12. Not appeasement buddy, don't put words in my keyboard.

    All I said was if we goe toe to toe with em, we'll lose, simply cause they don't care enough. To get them to listen, we need more than us. Perhaps getting some kind of economic coalition. Having a "loser attitude" is picking a fight we won't win. This administration has made it clear that it does what it wants, when it wants. A combo of pressure from allies, and all the legal stuff, I hope will settle some things.

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