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Everything posted by Mardy

  1. My whole point is: What other kind of business closes for this amount of time. They still get their annual salaries. Be it one week, two weeks, two months or whatever, they don't deserve this kind of time off. Why should "we" allow it?
  2. Of course I voted Completely Unconfident. A good leader would not have recessed parliament just for some time to think. He would have faced the facts, discussed the facts, and made suggestions, rather than "taking a holiday". These people in parliament are our employees, are they not? How dare they "take off" for a couple of months and leave us hanging! It's time they all grew up and act like adults. Any given day, just watch the live TV coverage of the House of Commons. They're not only bickering back and forth, but shouting back and forth. What really irks me, is when the Mr. Speaker who sits up the front keeps saying "Order, Order" and the whole place is so into each other, that they completely ignore, or don't even hear him. What a farce! I'D LOVE TO HAVE HIS JOB! They're worse than kids in a classroom without a teacher! At least one of the kids would take command.
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