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falling leaf

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Posts posted by falling leaf

  1. Yes if you can call being shot at while driving my car.

    I was driving my car along a secondary road . I had my youngest daughter with me ( aged 8) in the front seat. The bullet broke the window . The glass was every where . We were lucky my daughter and I only had some small cuts .

    I drove to the police station to report what had happened.

    The next day my car door was removed and they found the bullet inside the door panel.

    No this person was never found. But I did get a call from the police they told me over 300 people had the same thing happen that year in the same area.

    This was in the summer if 1989 on the Saanich Peninsula on Vancouver Island where I used to live.

    That year a young teenage girl of 15 was shot and killed while walking in the same area .

    I am still nervous of driving in that area when I go home for a visit.

  2. We have created a society of dependency [thanks mostly to Trudeau -- with help from the NDP] which will take a whole generation to undo.

    I agree with you Hjamar. Trudeau (Liberals) and Jack Layton ( NDP) ( two birds of a feather) .

    Past and present, different parties but they both over spend .

    If layton is allowed any influence in government affairs it will take at least 3 generations to correct.

    If we have too many people on social dependency , we will become a nation of losers.

    Doesn't bode well for the future.

  3. Boydfish

    This is an out-of-date internet myth. The Russians didn't lose 200 tactical nukes. They had some accounting problems in the early 90's, but the accepted stance by all nuclear powers is that the accounting was flawed based on items that were supposed to have been manufactured, but never were.

    That is no myth. It could be more than 200! Even the Canadian forces have missing weapons at times. every time they go out on the range they have to count all they have used and what is left.

    The nukes I am talking about went missing , why do you think they are guarding our ports they way they are today?

    Even if the above is incorrect, the simple fact is that nukes are extremely delicate and complex feats of engineering. They go "stale" very quick, often in less than a year after assembly. This is very true for tactical devices.

    Yes they are extremely delicate but safer to store than conventional weapons.

    Have you ever heard of broken arrow?

    Stale is not a word I would use.

    NMD/ABM system is meant to shoot down sea-launched and inter-continental ballistic missles.

    This is old stuff , at least 20 years old or more, do you think our goverments tell us everything!

  4. Reverend Blair

    I'd like to see Saddam in an international court. His crimes reached far outside the scope of his own country and there will a lot of ass-covering going on with the trial being held in Iraq

    I agree with you Reverend Blair. The Amercians should have gone in because he was a threat to his own people.

    The UN and other countries should have agreed to stop him.

    What he did to his own people was a war crime., just like Hitler .

    He should be tried in the international courts.

  5. Cartman

    Its not the registered guns I think we need to worry about its the unregistered ones . The ones used to commit crimes, such as murder, I am sure someone who is going to commit murder is not going to go register that gun.

    I do believe that money would be better spent going after the people who commit crimes.

    Has anyone seen any data on registered guns used for criminal activity?

    Also there is another thing I would like to say about weapons.

    I don't think the star wars defence system will do anything to stop the terrorists which is the biggest threat to the USA and Canada today . We don't have enough troops to protect ourselves , it will be the Americans who will protect Canada ,their sons that are lost at that time, so I would like to see a little more respect given to the USA.

    Anyone who thinks different is a fool

    We should be thinking beyond our own borders.

    There are 200 nukes ( suitcase size ) from Russia which went missing 2 years ago. Where are they and whoses hands are they in?

    Also bio and chemical weapons are easly made and used.

    Bio (smallpox) we do not at this time have enough vaccine to protect our population.

    Chemicals can do a lot of damage , and could be used anywhere.

    It doen't take more than 6 nukes to do major damage to our planet. ( there is no such place as a nuke free zone) .

    I have had people say to me in the past that the Americans are always to blame, then in return I have said who do you think is going to save your sorry ass, if the terrorists attack Canada. ?

    The answer of course is the Americans

    Canada and The United States of America have the best this world has to offer, lets prove it . We should be asking our goverments from both Canada and the USA to do their best to see that we are a fine example to the rest of this planet.

    There is another thing we as a nation have forgot !

    Only on Nov 11 at the 11th hour do we go out of our way to respect Canada's dead. In France and Belgium they have a lot more respect for our Canadian dead . I have been to France and Belgium and at the 11th hour every day 365 days a year they have a service in Belgium .

    The only time since world war 1 they did not have this service was during world war 2 ( german occupation)

    Sometimes peace is worth fighting for.

    We would not have the country we have today if it was not for the young Canadians who died in world war 2

    they are not buried at home but in the fields of France and Belgium.

    So what do we do about the weapon problems? It is not just guns that are weapons either as I have said above we need to think beyond guns and our borders , If a full study is done and we find that the ( gun registry) is not working ! What will be the next step?

    Is this the first step to making guns illegal?

    I don't think its just gun control the whole legal system needs to be changed.

  6. caesar

    I agree 100 % with not giving prisoners vote. Welfare is another matter. There are people who are on welfare because of legitimate reasons; health problems. If we deny people voting rights because they are on welfare; would low income people (generally young or seniors) be next. I do understand where you are coming from as I do often get irritated by welfare groups demanding more of everything.

    I agree with you here! :)

  7. caesar

    Great news. Harper and his big mouth has shown its true colours. I would imagine the ridiculous charges he made that the Liberals and NDP supported child porn were a big factor. Ralph probably gave it the extra little push.

    Children should protected in this country ! Child porn should not be allowed.

    All poltitcal parties should agree on that issue.

    There is a diffrence between child porn and an art form we as adults should know that.

    Reverend Blair

    If it's accurate I'd say it was caused by a combination of Ralph Klein and the assertion that Paul Martin supports child porn. Harper and his neo-conservatives have been showing themselves to be scary people that the Liberals have been trying to paint them as.

    This statement is in very bad taste. Children should be used by no one . Not politians , and not sex offenders.


  8. To all in this forum

    Two children I can think of that could still be here if our laws had protected the child and not the criminal.

    Holly Jones - a beautiful little girl ages 10 taken because of child porn on the net. ( her killer admitted he was watching child porn ) .

    Michael Dunahee - A beautiful blue eyed, blonde 4 year old who disappeared from Victoria has never been be found.

    If you go to child finders you can see how many children in Canada are missing.

    We owe it to these children to change our laws to protect them.

    All parties should be for a stronger laws to protect children no loop holes should be left for them to get off.

    Bring the laws into effect with out delay. Or put it to the people of our country for a vote. for or against child porn.

    As adults we should know when a picture is porn or not.

    Children should not be used in this way. Sex with a child is very offensive .

    I feel the Canadian laws should be that they stay in jail if convicted , one child is to many to lose.

    Also if the laws were a stronger message to the offenders they may stay away from our country and not come here from other places to do their dirty deeds.

    We try to show the world we are a peaceful nation! But how can we say that when we protect the offender and not our children?

  9. maplesyrup

    This is the first wheel today that has fallen off the Conservative bus. 

    Thats a laugh maplesyrup after election day you will eat thoses words . Both Martin and layton are on the same page . The thing they know best to do is lie.

    If Layton got in there would be no money left in 3 years.

    Spend spend spend.

    They will not protect the children of this country.

    Harper is the only one going to do something about children being killed by porn loving men).

    How about the terrorists Maplesyrup?

    Martin said they have hand held weapons to shoot down planes. Then he forgot to tell the people of Canadian about the missing nukes 200 of them ( russian). Also about the chemical and bio weapons which could be used agaist us , how do you think layton would do as a leader under that type thing?

    We do not have enough vaccine to protect our people from small pox.

    Having down sized and almost putting our military into ruins how are we going to protect ourselves? O I know we will ask the USA to do it right!

    Because when it really comes down to it we have our troops in other countries . Leaving only a few to protect us here. Not a pretty picture.

    Now the medical plan I do believe if people in this country who have the money to do so pay their own medical in private clinics. It will take the strain of the public system

    Less waiting for those who need it !!!!!!!

    Vote Stephen Harper and you will not have to worry I am sure he could deal with anything that came his way .

  10. I think you really had to be in the USA to really understand what it was like on 911.

    I was in Washington it took me 21 days to get back to Canada.

    My days spent there were helping others . I worked from a church helping people who were in shock.

    I have worked with cancer patients and their families.

    Which is not an easy job.

    I will never forget.

    I don't think we should forget. Canadians died there also.

    I don't think its last time they will attack.

    Canada has troops in afganistan .

    Do you have to be reminded Canada is not so innocent we sold reactors to countries who would use them for other reasons besides power. What about the big gun ? In Iraq.

  11. jacqueline944

    Gosh, what a choice. Paul Martin  or Stephen Harper  Yes, I'm just as peeved about this whole sponsorship scandal as anyone, but I'm not about to throw my entire country down the toilet because of it. Paul Martin still has time to make it right in my eyes

    Paul Martin had a chance to come clean and he would not answer the questions put to him by the quebec leader on the night of the debate . I was Liberal , but He has lied and will not tell the truth thats dirty politics which I will not have any part in :rolleyes:

  12. I think the liberals believe their own lies . I used to vote liberal but never again . I can't believe that Paul Martin can stand there and lie to the people of Canada and Quebec. He would do anything to stay in power even sell his soul.:rolleyes:

    Stephen Harper all the way the only one with a clean record.

    Any other leader who lies about him is playing dirty politics.

  13. cgarret & Slavik44

    well good thing that Harper doesn't belive the Earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese, so you can belive him.

    Furthermore you talk about a shift away from oil, so I went and did a search to find out if it was true; what i found was the consumption of oil was steadily increasng, not decreasing. Wich woudl make sense with the modernization of china and that process occuring in india.

    Now then it would make sense that the consumption of oil does not need anyone to keep it high, we do that fine on our own. Now that I have your blatent lies out of the way we can start to adress the topic

    believe Not belive

    Address not adress

    which not wich

    would not woudl

    I not i

    Read what you post!

    This is a bunch of lies. Show me the site where you get your data please. :rolleyes:

  14. Maplesyrup

    Harper came in dead last on ideas and policies.

    I don't think so! Layton looked like Hitler with his beady little eyes and sneeky grin .

    Can't wait to get his hands on Canadians hard earned money.

    Martin looked like a fool.

    Duceppe Was very good , he would make a good prime minister if he would think of canada as a whole country . He was interested in what is more important for his province for Quebec.

    Harper was great

  15. BQSupporter

    There is something called copyright ssflamingo, why are you stealing the work of someone else and trying to pretend that it is yours. Those comments are from BlogCanada.com. I think im going to report you.

    I am going to check this out myself.

    Can I ask you one question BQSupporter .

    My children have taken french in school since age 5 to 16 . I live in B.C there are a lot of children taking here!

    Do the children in Quebec have english as a second language?

  16. Slavick44

    the fact is we are not bilingual stop being so niave as to belive it, mind you looking at your posts, i realise you are easily lead into believing anything.

    This is true we are not bilingual till all Canadians speak english and a second language, or speak French and second language! or another language and english or French.

    If Quebec wants bilingual languages in their province they should all speak english as a second language.

    I live in B.C and my children are bilingual they have attented schools where they have had French since age 5.

    to age 16

    Can children in Quebec say they have had english as a second language since age 5?

    My youngest daughter speaks English . French,

    I think we should get on with living and think of this country as a wonderful place to live! But if we don't change some of the terriable things that are happening we will end up a third world country.

    We need a strong leader! the only man I think can do the job right is Stephen Harper. Wake up Canada.

    I am tired of the lies of Paul Martin. And Jack Layton will turn Canada into a "Third World Country".

    Stephen Harper has the best policies here, a down to earth man with a nice family, and a clean record.

    Vote for Stephen Harper and we will not regret one day.

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