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Everything posted by randyjohnson

  1. John McCain has voted with President Bush over ninety percent of the time. He voted with Bush higher than most of his colleagues. Since he voted with Bush that much, that means that he'll run this country just like Bush has. Bush spends ten billion a month in Iraq while our own economy struggles and McCain plans to do the same. Do you want your tax dollars to be used to continue funding the war? No, I don't think you do. Our economy stinks and we can't afford another four more years of this.
  2. Barack Obama is going to Hawaii to be by his ailing grandmother's side. He loves her dearly and that's nice. We should all pray for his grandma to recover. Obama is a great man. If he wins, he will end the war and the recession. That's why I voted for him.
  3. John McCain plans to give the oil companies a huge tax break. He plans to give other rich people tax breaks too. Barack Obama plans to give tax breaks to the poor. The poor need the tax breaks. Not the rich. Sarah Palin unlawfully fired a man because he refused to fire her ex brother-in-law as a state trooper. She abused her power and that's not a good quality for a potential Vice President to have. Many people have lost their jobs because of this recession. If McCain wins, the recession will most likely continue and many more people will lose their jobs. You may or may not agree that McCain isn't a good choice. If you disagree and later have to go to the unemployment office, you will agree. Obama wants to end the war. McCain wants to continue the war. Do you want this war to drag on for the next four to eight years? No, I don't believe that you do. Do you want to turn on your television and hear about more of our soldiers dying? No, you don't. A vote for McCain is a vote to continue the war and the recession.
  4. Because of George Bush, my parents are struggling to survive. My dad lost his weekly bonus at work and sometimes he's only able to work four days a week because of this recession. I give my parents some money once a month but they're still struggling. My mom is having to use the little spending money she has to pay bills. They're barely able to make it. If things get worse, my dad may be out of a job altogether and he may go under. Bush may have high hopes of getting us out of this recession but I have serious doubts. Bush got us into this recession and many people like my dad are suffering. I doubt that John McCain can end this recession either. Bush's dad also got us in a recession and it took a democrat to get us out of it. Republican Presidents tend to get us into recessions. Democrat Presidents don't. President Hoover was a republican and he was the President when the Great Depression began. At the moment George Bush is as popular as Hoover and that's not very popular. I doubt that McCain can do a better job than Bush. On November the 4th Obama is going to be my choice.
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