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Brain Candy

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Posts posted by Brain Candy

  1. When Robert Stewart was found at the Aberley House Hostel in south west Scotland, desperately trying to have sex with his bike, he couldn't possibly have foreseen the immense effects of his deviant act. Although critics wrote the case off as "absurd" and "impossible," Robert's case would turn out to be just a small drop in the ocean of a growing trend in our modern society: universexuality.

    Universexuality: the new frontier of sexual liberation

  2. I gotta say this jbg, I admire you for taking the free speech stance.

    But I will qualify it by saying:

    In taking the stance of free speech you must accept that , applies, to everyone' else's right to free speech also.

    In taking the stance of free speech are you doing so only because by supporting it, it gives you the right to exercise your own unique brand of it, without fear of repercussion.

    Or are you supporting it on principal, purely principal?

    I do wonder, so humour me, okay?

    I don't think this ultimately matters. Free speech is free speech regardless of the viewpoint, if you speak total lies then it will ultimately be exposed though we definately dont need laws were you can go to jail for saying certain things, which ultimately adds more fuel for the ones you are trying to silence.

  3. :lol: It's not about who was here first, it is about who is the rightful owners of the land. If it were all about who was here first, I'd go back to the person I sold my house to and demand my house back since I was there first!!

    But they did sort of sell the land, but aside from that if their were populations here before do you think its likely that they came in contact with the natives, and either contacted diseases from them or were killed in a large scale war?

  4. Stormfront link aside, this is quite an interesting possibility. Unfortunately as Ive heard It their had been an instance of bones from people of african descent being discovered on reserves, though the first nations (should their be a quote around that now?) demanded the evidence back for proper burial.

    Multiple groups coming here at multiple times, then dying off due to various cause would make sense, I wonder if their was any contact between the groups, any wars and the like? Either way I think the current way we treat the natives as far as reserves just helps keep them living in poverty.

  5. According to this article, "many European societies decriminalised [incest] - France in 1810, then Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Portugal. It is also legal in Turkey, Brazil and Japan. " And according to this article, "Sweden ... permits half-siblings to marry."

    This seems to be an issue now so maybe we will see incest legalized. I think there's going to be a lot of children born with birth defects if that ever happens. But then, with all of the sperm banks out there, that very well could be a problem anyway.

    I think think big thing is having enough people not wanting it, I dont think their is enough people in the west who want to marry their sisters or cousins and their are currently no major groups advocating it, possibly because they cant use the habits of certains areas in rome as examples of successful societies who had incest at some point, like NAMBLA does for pedophilia.

  6. You are correct, a child isn't mature enough to understand the consequences of his actions if he meekly or with fear consents an adult is suppose to be mature enough.

    But he/she can still perceivably give consent even if its not viewed that way by the law, at least to the extent a women in a drunken stupor gives consent at a bar. Thats all im saying aside from most pedophiles appear to be mentally ill and will probably pass their warped view of sex to the immature child.

  7. I saw a recent story on CNN: Unknowing twins marry each other

    What makes incest wrong?

    What makes this couple brother and sister? Is it simply DNA? Would two adopted kids who grew up in the same household as brother and sister but not genetically related, be considered "brother" and "sister" and any sexual acts between them incest?

    It seems to me that our crimminalization of incest is simply based upon past cultural taboos, rather than any rational justification.

    I agree, lets keep it in the family people! Breeding between directly related people can mean horrible defects. Related through marriage might be harmless other then being a bit socially awkward.Personally I couldnt imagine being attracted sexually to siblings they grew up with without being slightly perverted.

  8. Homosexuality is a consensual relationship between two same-sex partners.

    The same cannot be said about beastiality, incest and pedophilia. You should be banned for comparing the two.

    Yes it can, the difference is that pedophilia is probably harmful to the psychology of the children (and is usually commited by people who are allready mentally ill) and incest creates deformed offspring. The juries still out on bestiality but if have so little control over your sexual urges that you feel the need to hump a goat you might have issues.

  9. As adult obesity balloons in the United States, being overweight has become less of a health hazard and more of a lifestyle choice, the author of a new book argues.

    "Obesity is a natural extension of an advancing economy. As you become a First World economy and you get all these labor-saving devices and low-cost, easily accessible foods, people are going to eat more and exercise less," health economist Eric Finkelstein told AFP.

    "When you have a first-rate medical system that can cure the diseases that obesity promotes, you no longer need to worry so much about being obese," he told AFP.

    Obesity is the wave of the future

    He's right, why worry about taking care of your general health when modern medicine is there for you? Thank god they dont have universal healthcare in the states.

  10. The lesson of World War II for the Americans is that if they don't engage the world, the world will come to America. Since World War II, the US government has engaged the world in a way that it did not before. There remains an (admirable) isolationist streak in the US (as there does all through the Americas, Quebec included) but most intelligent/thoughtful Americans realize that the US cannot pretend it has no active role to play abroad. Such a policy would only invite more catastrophes for the US.

    No it wouldn't, He never says the US has NO active role to play, but the days of strong arming countries with a military presence are numbered with the advent of modern day terrorism. Even if Iraq suceeds in the long run (with Iran and Turkey gunning for it all signs point to no) what we end up with is more embittered people for terrorists to recrut looking to carry out an attack later(probably funded by Iranians or Saudis). Best is to AVOID bad blood with these places and getting the hell out before you are drawn into such messes.

  11. Paul is closer to Larouche than he is to Henry Wallace or even the John Birchers.

    I watched the SC Republican debates and came to the conclusion that he's a whackjob (with a patina of libertarian Although he occasional ideology). If he gets 1% of the vote (and since he'll run as an independent when he doesn't get the Republican nomination so 1% is a distinct possibility), then several million people will vote for him. So what. The United States has at least several million whackjobs.

    To pick one example of Paul's form of nuttiness, his extreme version of isolationism is unrealistic in this world. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and extreme Islamists flew planes into the WTC. The US government simply cannot ignore the outside world. Paul is living in the 19th century, if not fantasyland.

    Its not about ignoring the outside world, its about only being aggressive when its in the countries best interest, otherwise trade and discussion will do.

    Japan was an imperialist first world nation, radical Islamics are uncentralised and easily blend in with over a billion people in the world. You need to be aggressive when it comes to strong nations with imperial aspirations but invading nations over terrorism just adds fuel to the fire. What we need to do is find its source, which is military intervention in the middle east, which is both easy to fix and leaves more troops to actually defend the US. Reducing military aid to Israel might be a good idea too.

  12. I would have to say that the Fillipino (or however it may be spelled) girl I dated when I was 18 takes the absolute cake in terms of unearthly beauty. The Irish girl I dated at early twenties took the cake in terms of consistently getting her way and making me like it and think it was my own idea all along...

    The point being all races are human races. Why would any of us really care about colour of skin or accent of voice when that is stacked against weight of thought, force of feeling and the passions of the soul?

    Most of the intelligent ones on the other side take culture and history into consideration.

  13. I think then the question is how much can you trust a person like Bill White? I think the last time he was in the news was for praising the killers at columbine.

    And this donation scandle... why hasn't any other candidate been scutinized for not checking the background of donators who gave something less then 1000? Id bet youd find some nazis supporting the other anti immigration candidates.

  14. There are no unique aspects....race is a social construct. A myth for those who obsess on such things.

    Race is both a social and a genetic construct. For some reason, people overtime developed different traits and formed different cultures all over the world.

    But to say anyone of them is "inferior" is absurd. All are unique and beautiful in their own way, which is why interacial breeding should be limited.

  15. Who is we? Speak for yourself. The vast majority of the world's scientific community believes human activity is contributing to what is happening.

    But it is meeting resistance from people because Al Gore and the like are using fear tactics that people see through, and then offering some fancy "green" products for us to buy then everything will be ok. Their is to much focus on this over the countless ways overconsumption and such is hurting us right now.

    If your going to simplify my position then assume my head is in the sand, speak for yourself.

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