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Posts posted by Carinthia

  1. And the CNN reporter didn't show enormous bias? :P

    The man she was trying to interview shouted her down and would not answer her question about the fact that Americans are now eligible to receive a $400 rebate. They were protesting tax laws implemented by the Republicans. Doh!

    Shouting everybody down is the Republican way, unless they are being interviewed on Fox News because nobody there asks the tough questions. Desperadoes!

  2. I don't know about Boston, but there were 15,000 - 20,000 people in Atlanta's, which isn't bad considering it was held in the evening, when most people just want to relax after work.

    Keith Olbermann said that the Atlanta Police reported there were about 5000 who showed up. Considering the fact that I can't find any credible news site that is reporting that 15,000 to 20,000 showed up, I would think this to be the truth. If their were huge numbers who turned out anywhere across the country, you can bet Fox would have reveled in reporting it. They haven't. It was a wash out.

    If you have a credible, unbiased, and non blog link to the story that 15,000 or more turned out I would be interested in seeing it.

  3. Those of us who do not abuse alcohol should now be made to pay more freakin taxes? I am so sick and tired of these idiots who are running the show. This guy is a high profile Doctor. It's not like he has to worry about how much he pays for a bottle of wine. This idiot makes my blood boil!


    Harm reduction, combatting drunk driving and even raising the price of alcohol.

    Some suggestions from provincial health officer Doctor Perry Kendall in his 2008 'Public health approach to alcohol policy report.'

    Kendall says the report, which researches alcohol distribution and consumption since 2002, shows both are up.

    So are harmful behaviours....including binge drinking by teens.

    He's recommending a five-cent tax on every drink, which would raise up to 100 million dollars for research, prevention and treatment.


  4. I've been to Stonehenge, it may just be a collection of very old and large stones but it exudes a certain aura or power. Hard to say why or what it is but it was almost tangible. Or maybe I was just awe struck when I finally got to see it. I've seen the Pyramids but they just didn't have the same effect on me.

    I have been to Stonehenge too and I know just what you are saying about it having a certain aura. I did not expect to experience that. Awe is what I experienced upon my visit to the Tower of London and West Minster Abby etc. I got a completely different feeling at Stonehenge. Hard to explain.

  5. Star Choice sucks! Their PPV sucks! Their Program Guide sucks!

    They used to provide 35 channels on PPV. Now they have about 9 and that changes daily. The program guide is a joke! They give one sentence descriptions about the show and sometimes all you get are the names of who's starring, or "Program Information Is Not Available". I have complained to them about the program guide and they don't bother answering. If you need Tech support, you need to have a lunch handy by the phone. The wait time is ridiculously long!

  6. "Doing news" is just one part of CBC's operations. I don't doubt that the upper echelons of the CBC are discussing the advent of a new culture of doing things as we speak. The prospect of a Conservative majority government will do that.

    If Harper gets a majority Government, that will be the end of CBC. Gone, toast, buh bye!

  7. Keith Olbermann will be late to the game, just like he was when they canned his ass from ESPN for being a tool.

    Not everybody gets their political news from the Internet. Thanks to the right wing MSM, the only place on TV where 'others" can see this appropriate protest against Palin will be on Olbermann, whose ratings have greatly increased over the last year. This is due to the fact that he is now exposing Bush Co. and all the rest of the Republican good ol boys. (and now good ol girls)

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