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no queenslave

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  1. I know how things work by practical experience ; not by being told by some dictator wanabe. So post some facts to prove me wrong.Your sniffets will not do,
  2. its called a democracy by some ; but it is just a demonstration of how a dictatorship opperates.
  3. it is just a job creation for lawyers , judges, and gives the cops the power to eliminate the competition to their own operation.
  4. Post how you think the cons deliberate sabotage the accord. How many countries are involved? Can the cons change the accord by themselves? Maybe you alone can save the accord ; if you only knew how it is to operate, and how you were to determine if it is accomplishing what it is suppose to do. Was it to stop you from creating too much heat?
  5. You must understand by now big business runs the country , not the politicians; they haven't a clue what is going on most of the time.
  6. One law for government people and another for people who question the governments authority. Thanks for clearing that up. Since you have never been to tax court you haven't any clue as to how it works. No M.P.has ever been audited and had to go to tax court.; they just want others to.Have you ever heard of a income tax court case of an M.P.
  7. We know that is the best you can do; as you have not posted anything which is contrary to the findings of R.Rogers Smith or Walter F. kuhl . You seem to follow the action of jbg QUOTE " The queen pays me to post.... I am not going to take any position contrary to the one I,m paid to take. If you do not want to get the information from one website ; get it from hansard from your government. I know that is not what you will do because your politician will not help you, and you have no interest in facts.. How is your constitution charter rights working in tax court; with it' s guilty first assumption? You and your government supporters of their corrupt system are worried about what happens to dictators as was demonstrated in IRAQ and will employ all means to maintain the corrupt system. Your threaths do not scare me at all. You want to be a defendant in the next court case with your propaganda?.
  8. Go to federal tax court and quit proving how uninformed you are about the law.
  9. How many times have you been sworn in as a minister? You do not even understand the definition of democracy. The ministers are sworn to obey the queen not a Canadian constitution which you claim is the law of the land. Kyoto is not the law of the land; when did you vote in a referendum to make it the law of the land? The misconception that you think Canada is a democratic country which does not follow the law of the land just demonstrates how obtuse you are. QUOTE " The queen pays me to post.... I am not going to take any position contrary to the one I'm paid to take " by jbg which liberal riding is that? IS innocent till proven guilty the law of the land in federal tax court ?
  10. It is not amazing you still stick to your government propaganda. R.Rogers Smith and Walter F Kuhl have documented what you think is true is not. You must have the same problem as jbg QUOTE "The queen pays me to post.... I am not going to take any position contrary to the one I,m paid to take. by jbg Post your clue as to who requested the Statute of Westminster ; and why. Hansard record .
  11. The liberals ran on geting Canada out of the free trade agrement and did not. The liberals got into power by promising to get rid of the GST and did not . the liberals are as obtuse as you ; but you are more obtuse in not understanding the government has no legal right to govern from the people. If you insist the dictatorship of a country has rules to follow; who gave them their rules.
  12. Thanks for posting you do not understand what the purpose of the Statute of Westminster was for. Your indoctrination of government propaganda is all you demonstrate. "(2)NO LAW and no provision of any law made after the commencement of this act by the parliament of a dominion ( also 7.(2)province and the powers of the legislatures of such provinces.) shall be void (without law) or inoperative on the ground that it is repugnant to the law of England, or to the provisions of any existing or future act of the parliament of the United Kingdom . SO THE PEOPLE WERE GIVEN THEIR SOVEREIGNTY , FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED . TO HAVE A LAW OF THE LAND < THE PEOPLE HAVE TO HAVE A CONSTITUTION RATIFIED BY THE PEOPLE> THIS WAS NEVER DONE. So british law no longer applied and their is only a dictatorship in canada governing without any authority from the people; just like other dictatorships which assumed power.
  13. sounds like a very poor explanation. the reason is because the liberals are better liers; they promise you more and deliver less.. They take more in taxes ;and give some services back and use the rest for bribes and corruption. how is your golf course doing?. What you want to check is how many times the majority of politicians in government were from Quebec; which wants to separate; demonstrating they are against colonial rule. Quebec politicians have been in control of government in the vast majority of the time ; liberal or concervative government ; excluding Defenbaker's government.
  14. what about your obtuse; it does not change the fact the government has no valid constitution to govern; only a bna act they assumed as their constitution to fool you, and they have sucseded . as you don't understand they can change the rules , or not obey them whenever they want. What you don't understand their is no law of the land. Go to tax court and report back how your right of innocent works.The indoctrinated mindset you have of government is wrong as to the facts.
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