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    Nelson,BC (Sould be called Granola - It's full of fruits and nuts)

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  1. Morgan, you have the right idea, but to be more specific, I believe the Butcher should: 1) Be subjected at length to vengeance by his victims, namely, the Iraqi and Israeli peoples. This should all be done in the public spotlight, with medical oversight to ensure his most painful survival for the next phase, i.e; 2) Be lightly armed and confined with his friends on the left, two or three at a time, say for a week, so they can get to know each other better. These would include the American Democrats and Canadian lib-left politicos who have been so supportive of him, as well as the rabid menopausal grandstanders such as Barbara Streisand and the Dixie Chicks (Svend would fit in both groups). This process could take years but should result in a better understanding of the consequences of their positions; 3) Be publicly and spectacularly executed, and interred in a hog’s carcass, facing Jerusalem. This would send a message to his Stone Age fellow Islamists that there are not 73 (or whatever) virgins waiting in heaven, only a lot of Virginians here on Earth. Deterrent enough?
  2. Thank you Paul Martin for your great reforms. We here in Non - Liberal BC have a brand new Minister in Charge of Depressing West Coast Initiatives: DAVID ANDERSON!! Now we can be sure that our offshore oil and gas reserves will be forever hostage to green and native victim demands, and therefore never, ever developed for the benefit of honest taxpayers. Tell us again about Western Alienation.
  3. Thank you, Craig. A BCer indeed. Going farther back on the subject, our waffling PM had no qualms about sending our under-equipped forces to Kosovo without a lot of ignored UN resolutions when his soul mate Slick Willy whistled for him. So why did the UN, acting for its Old European PC masters, suddenly become his moral arbiter? For that matter, when did Canadians vote the UN into power as our foreign Affairs authority? It seems to me that if our spineless leader must abdicate our sovereignty in favour of a foreign government, we would be better off with the Americans or Brits, who at least have an understanding of the concepts of morality and the rule of law. But then, since said spineless leader himself has never demonstrated any comfort with these ideas, his choice is fitting. In a rational society, though, I believe any leader who decided to cede his governing authority to a foreign power would be tried for treason.
  4. [in fact canadians have already died in afganistan, a war fought because the US was attacked not, canada.] (sic) This ignores the 25 Canadians who were killed at the WTC. Aside from that, our deprived, neglected forces did us proud in Afghanistan, but our government dishonoured us on the issue of Iraq. Of course, the PM's incoherent waffling on the file up until his decision to pass could not have been influenced by his daughter's husband's fortune being tied to Power Corporation's heavy investment in Total Fina Elf, the French fagship oil company that was much in Saddam's favour. Would it? The threat to withdraw makes Canada's contribution to the reconstruction effort look like the bribe it probably is, something else at which our governing Liberals are accomplished It seems the chickens are home.
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