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Posts posted by ScottSA

  1. Scott, you've set your argument in about the 1950s, which is 900 years later than normal for you. Congrats. No Vikings or Goths this time.

    While I actually agree with some of what you say, your paragraph assumes that the 'normal' state of affairs involves kids settling it in the schoolyard, which assumes that the 'normal' state for kids to be in is a schoolyard penned in with dozens of other kids. That is one of the problems, and one of the reasons that nanny-ism has risen to comment on the natural aggression that happens with children.

    The normal setting in which humans congregate is groups - with adults and children mixed. This is how humans evolved, with tribal elders of high status keeping an uneasy peace between small bouts of individual violence between tribe members of all natural. That is 'natural'. It's not natural to have dozens or hundreds of children jailed together in a yard, watched over by one woman in her 60s.

    If we were to go back to a truly natural system of conflict resolution, we'd have to destroy the education system as we know it, which would probably be a good thing.

    Thank you Mikey *patting you on the head* Now trot along.

  2. Scott,

    I would count 'exorcism' that we've seen in such cases as a culturally inspired nasty too.

    Your defense seems to be that the fake Christians can't claim to have a theological basis for their actions, while fake Muslims can. I guess if you're insisting that fake Christians can only use the new testament as a basis for their actions, and that Muslims are allowed to pick some passages from their book but not others then you're right.

    Still, it seems like a pyrrhic philosophical victory - to claim that the fake Christians were actually MORE fake than the fake Muslims were.

    If the matter is to look at root causes, to use an oft-ridiculed phrase, then cultural factors are clearly the dominant predictor here.

    As for the isolated case claim, this is laughable. You have continually refused to provide valid statistical reference for your claims, and instead you opt to cut & paste the latest isolated incident as 'proof' that Islam needs to be kept out of Canada.

    What a galloping strawman! Toodles, Mikey.

  3. The Conservatives have all the credibiltiy they need. There's a global debt crunch in the works, probably heralding a severe recession or worse, possibly much worse, and the airy fairy crowd is worrying about Just how much we want to amplify the economic problems by tackling a "problem" that may or may not exist, and that may or may not have anything to do with CO2 even if it does exist. It's just astounding.

  4. That's what happens, but by using the same line of logic to attribute the 'cause' of this behavior to religion, you're validating that argument.

    These are cultural factors, and whether they're Christians, Muslim or tribal isn't the most significant factor.

    As usual, you're only partly right. This episode, for example, is 21st century Nigerian cultural, just as the Salem witch hunts were 17th century American cultural (although in that case something of an aberration, since it had only been common in the 13th century). Islam also has culturally inspired nasties, like female genital mutilation and bagged women.

    But the doctrinal difference is, of course, that Christians cannot appeal to the New Testament to validate these actions, while Islam can. Further, this is an isolated case of clearly bad behaviour, which explains why the spoon gagged brigade is eager to jump on it, while the daily death toll of Islam's latest victories (people killed by Muslims in the name of the "prophet") ranges between 10 and hundreds.

    There is no equivalency here. Sorry.

  5. kengs, how are you going to MAKE women be more "virtuous"? Perhaps more men should slap their wives around when they step out of line? Does that sound like a good idea to you? Or how about when Christian daughters don't act as "virtuous' as you would like, their fathers could strangle them? Does that sound like a good idea to you too?

    No one can make women be more virtuous, unless it is other women readopting virtue as a norm, and that won't happen until we as a society readopt some of the virtues we've lost. The trouble is that since the 60s we've been practising hedonism and pretending it's freedom, and one way or another we'll return to a stae of civilzation. One way is to allow the inroads of 7th century barbarians; my prefered way is to rediscover western Virtu ourselves.

  6. Absolutely.

    They get what they want (sovereignty), and we get what we want (the ability to defend our property and laws). A Native person living in Canada has every reason in the world to break the law, ranging from past atrocities to the generally abysmal treatment of Natives by the present day Federal Government.

    Giving them their own land and government would end a brutal system of co-dependence and allow them to develop the best chance for themselves, as they see it...

    And that way we wouldn't have to listen to the whining. Trouble is, it would be about ten minutes before they starved to death, or froze to death, or started showing up at our hospitals in poor shape, and their leadership, like recovering amnesiacs, started remembering other treaties carried down by "oral tradition"...

  7. Adolf Hitler was a psychopathic bully who happened to get control of a State. How do we face such people? Despite the American/Ayn Rand ideal of an individual cowboy who swaggers in and protects us all, civilized people cannot defend themselves in such a manner. We have to do it collectively.

    I think you're way out on a limb here. There is absolutely no indication that Hitler's particular pathology had anything at all to do with "bullying," and indeed there is nothing from his childhood to suggest that he was in any way a bully. In fact, quite the opposite. From all accounts he was something of a well-liked loner, and later a well-liked and respected soldier. In fact, his personality seems to have evolved later on, and the inputs seem to have more to do with the adulation he received and the events of him later stepping into his own Fuhrer-myth - originally conceived to describe someone else.

    Stalin, along with Saddam Hussien, apparently were bullies, of sorts, at least, but Mao wasn't, and Mao killed more Chinamen than Stalin had Russians to kill. Caligula was a bully, but Napoleon wasn't. Attila might have been but Edward Longshanks and Henry V weren't. In fact, from all appearances, bullying and nasty leadership have nothing to do with each other. There is no correlation.

    What you seem to be doing here is elevating "bullying" to the top of the current pantheon of evils by associating it with Hitler and Stalin. Bullying is normal behaviour, usually confined to the schoolyard. So is letting society teach bullies a lesson, which it has done, quite effectively, for generation upon generation. Lots of kids try it (dipping pigtails in inkwells), and until relatively recently it would be dealt with with a birch switch or an after school fight, after which 9/10s of chastened bullies would slink home, never to bully again. It's only now, when immediate society has been made powerless to intervene, that bullying has become something more. Bring back after school fights and stop feminizing society, and we'll damn some stop seeing masculinity driven underground to manifest in this sort of way.

  8. I don't condone what this father did, but I certainly understand it. I understand how a person can become that exasperated with their teenager.

    I understand.

    Obviously some of you have lived very quiet sheltered lives so this type of "experience as or with a teenager" would be totally beyond your realm of understanding.

    I apologize for thinking that you may know something about the subject. My bad.

    I am often angry at my daughter, just as I was at her older sister. I manage not to kill them. And I never once got angry at them because they refused to bag their heads in public acknowledgement that they were lesser humans because of their sex.

  9. But what is almost as sickening as the act, is that there are those that would use this tragedy to push their own political agenda, namely the anti-immigration, anti-Islam, anti-nonwhite pro-Eurocentric Christian only agenda. Listening to these bottom dwelling mouth-breathers, I can hear the echo's of May 23, 1914 resounding as once again, the scared and insecure White men of Canada attempt to hold back the "Brown Invasion".

    I think lots of you too, you obviously naive lollygag. This has absolutely everything to do with religion, and a refusal to integrate. What exactly do you have against an "Eurocentric Christian only agenda?" Let me rephrase it: under what moral imperitive do you suggest that we (meaning Eurocentric Christian based society) should be compelled to allow 7th century barbarians to set up shop here and maintain barbaric customs? You can attach all sorts of 60s era pseudo-intellectual nomenclature to your manufactured scorn, but you know what? Euro-centric Christian only "white" society has every right to have an agenda...especially if that agenda involves saving our society from sociopathic deathcults. Everyone else has an agenda, but somehow that never seems to get quite the same degree of scorn that "Eurocentric" agendas do. Why is that?

  10. I think the UN was intended to bring the world together. This however has not been the case, I think the major players in the UN need to reform it as opposed to abolish it.

    The "world" being "brought together" is a grand old idea. Rome, Napoleon, England, Marx (Lenin), and Hitler all tried it too, but unfortunately it means a lot of people die to no real effect. Now we're trying it under the assumption that barabarian tinpot dictators, formed into a talkshop and funded by the US, will do it so much better. I vote the UN disbands, goes home, and shoots itself in the head.

  11. All deversionary talk - no one wants to see their precious bank account drop by even 5 bucks in order to clean up this looming global environmental disaster - it gets down to your money and the money that trickles down from oil companies - imagine the Don Valley Parkway - or the 401..remove all the cars and in their place take a bucket of oil with a towel in it and light that baby up - now stand back and look at the millions of buckets of buring oil blowing up filth - mulitply this scene daily by every city in the world - and don't tell me there is no over load of CO2...this is the reality - a billion smoldering fires on earth like a billion smudge pots buring in an orange grove attempting to change the climate to ward off the frost..

    .This is a disaster - and you greedy delluded fools will live in this dream till it is a night mare - the car culture not to mention the coal fired plants in Chinas have to be stopped - I mean the fires have to be put out and a readjustment has to be made or we will destroy the miracle and the heaven called earth - then we will die ...to me death is not an option - or is extinction - but to you who can not live a day with out spending 200 dollars - death and destruction seem to be an option - you are delluded - poverty breeds mental illness - so does extreme wealth - no one is immune to this insantity.

    Oops, you forgot to pay your taxes, so I guess that means you won't be helping out with this Big Huge Nasty Mean Crisis!!!!!!! of Epic Proportions HAaAALp!!!!11!1!1!1!1! either, eh?
  12. Freeze the bank account - make a person homeless - and you have a north american creature that goes into a state governed by fear. Where as the primative culltures just smile..so that makes us the inferiours. Most of us would fall apart if the creature comforts disappeared..a strong culture adapts instantly.

    Oleg, could you trot along and plague some other poor unsuspecting thread with your deep metaphysical TRVTHS from left field? If you're running short, here are some more LINK.

    Dude, you didn't pay your taxes, and now you want all the other taxpayers to pony up while you whine about it. Grow up.

  13. Sorry you is wrong....the upper classes alsop consisted of quaesters...and tax farmers....


    Hey Momo...I have news for you: tax farming was common in the republic and early empire, but had been almost entirely replaced long long before the 5th century. So solly, more reading is needed. Try to avoid Wiki, though; when there is an ongoing debate about something, the last place in the world you want to quote for sources is the battlefield.

  14. Really? Didn't you just mention Brittany? They started leaving for te continent to Britanny as the legions left. The upper classes whose livlihoods depended on the empire no doubt followed.

    You obvious need to bone up on how the Roman patron system worked. The "upper classes" consisted of landowners who, by 410 in Britain, had few if any connections to the Empire outside tax levies. I have a feeling they didn't follow Constantine III just to make sure he'd keep taxing them. Furthermore, the vast bulk of Romanized society was agrarian, and without any means of packing up their fields, I can't imagine why they would leave in the absence of any (then) apparent danger.

    The exodus to Britanny took place later. Read more, pontificate less.

  15. This is hilarious. The Global Jihad grinds out it's horrific monthly death toll; Cair, Cair-can, and numerous "moderate" organizations siphon millions upon millions into court cases challenging security and cultural mainstays in the west; and further millions convincing sheep and smug liberals that to argue against it is "racism" and "Islamophobia;" yet some Islamofascist comes up with a cute Goebbelian scheme to put the Christ back into Christmas, and we're all supposed to be about heaping praise on them? Errrrrr, no thanks.

    In any event, it's not the 7th century savages who are offended by Christmas; it's lilly white liberals who think they ought to be; or at least think Christ should be re-crucified, but more quietly this time.

    I'm noticing quite a groundswell, or backlash against calling Christmas "the Holidays" this year. I'm even starting to send emails back to companies who deal with me, suggesting that they use the auld terminology.

  16. Well don't you think that in general the current climate could be affected by humans, it's not that hard to consider especially what with CFC's in our past.

    Well, there's probably quite a bit we can learn from the CFC hysteria, as long as we're willing to learn. Are you?

    Markus Rex, an atmosphere scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam, Germany, which finds that the data for the break-down rate of a crucial molecule, dichlorine peroxide (Cl2O2) is almost an order of magnitude lower than the currently accepted rate.

    Oops. Billions upon billions down the drain, entire industries shut down, hundreds of jobs lost, and well, maybe CFCs weren't all that bad after all. Oh well, on to bigger and better giant apocalyptic scares, like Y2K! Act NOW!

  17. Seinfeld,

    The number ONE stupid argument used to generate anti-Islamic posts around these boards is to find some ridiculous person who did a ridiculous thing, and make them the captain of whatever team you're cheering against.

    This Islamic lawyer is a lawyer too. Maybe it's his lawyerness that's making him evil ? Or maybe he listened to heavy metal while growing up in Turkey... Or maybe he grew up needing rock-simple answers to anything that ever happens in the world and needs to tie everything to someone's religion.

    Why are you so insipid?

  18. Yes quite. undefended because it was underpopulated. Never the less the plethora of celtic and romano place names as well as grants and chrater by saxon kings to celtic named individuals suggests that their presence wasn't as overwhelming as you are want to make out when you are on one of your rants.
    Utter nonsense. Not only is there no evidence of any kind that anyone but the legions and their immediate followers left (remember, they were anticipating a return), but there is no written indication from the Romans themselves that anything even remotely close to a mass exodus happened. You're just making sh*t up now.
  19. Do you read or just pretend to read other people's posts?

    It was from your own link.....and please don't be so pompous to pretend you have all these websites that you use that don't particularly support your ideologically motivated position at your fingertips.....

    Whether my position is ideologically motivated or not, it doesn't change the actual facts. Clearly the saxon invasions involved more than a few war bands; they involved massive immigration. Mass immigration was hardly uncommon at the time, and in fact the entire Germanic world was well documented as on the move at the time, so it's not a leap of faith to suggest that at least three tribes came to the undefended shores of a rich land just waiting for the taking. In fact, suggesting otherwirse is not only ahistorical, but requires the suspension of common sense.

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