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Posts posted by Catchme

  1. It was an excellent action 2 billion people participated, if even a 1/3 get active it will be a huge plus.

    More on latest news on Global warming;

    The strongest evidence to date that the sun is not responsible for recent global warming has been set out by scientists.

    The new study by Prof Michael Lockwood of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxfordshire, and Claus Fröhlich of the World Radiation Center in Davos, Switzerland, overturns claims by climate sceptics who say that the planet's climate has long fluctuated and that current warming is just part of that natural cycle - the result of variation in the sun's output and not greenhouse gas emissions. Their study appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

    "This paper is the final nail in the coffin for people who would like to make the sun responsible for present global warming," Stefan Rahmstorf, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, told the journal Nature.


  2. In the view of the New Democratic Party, the military mission should be judged by its capacity to protect Afghans and decrease violence against them. Support for the establishment of a viable, law-abiding and civilian-controlled Afghan National Army should also be a central component of the mission’s effectiveness.
    The fundamental problem of the NDP position, and this inconsistency is not lost on most voters, the NDP social positions supporting gays and women's rights require sometimes the use of force.

    The NDP is all in favour of using police force to stop spousal abuse in Canada but it seems unwilling to use force to stop far more atrocious abuse in places like Afghanistan.

    Oh come on, that summation is absolutely nonsensical. It was even a good sstrawman that you created to kick down. We were not in Afghanistan to make sure women were treated correctly, and in fact the ISAF has now killed so many innocent women that such a comment is exposed for the ridiculous nature of it, that it is, it it hadn't been from the moment you posted it..

    The NDP has not been inconsistent in anyway shape or form, they have been quite clear stop the combat warfare, start aide and reconstruction, actually reading the Report would be a good thing, eh?

    Here is the link again.


  3. The one big program, Medicare, that they claim as their own, was a Social Credit program to begin with...and it's broke and getting broker. I guess they're motto is, "if it is broke, keep it!"

    Wow, now there is a doosey, medicare had NOTHING to do with the social credit it was Tommy Douglas under the CCF/NDP who brought universal health care to Canadians.

    And the only reason it is getting broker, if indeed it is is because the Federal governemnt funding is going elsewhere like 1.5 billion a year minimum to Afghanistan and thus it has been since Martin made the the deep cuts back in 1994.

    And thank goodness we have the sytem we do, if it was USian style it would be even broker.

  4. Certainly, Tories have been known to call into phone shows on the radio and impersonate ordinary citizens. Sometimes they even impersonate their bosses.

    Liberals have been calling phone shows on the radio, and on tv, impersonating ordinary citizens. This tactic especially appeal to the Liberals since they are such big liars to begin with. Conservatives are just taking a defensive stand.

    Please provide proof of your assertations betsy, because we all know the proof of the CPC doing so, Jaffer anyone?

    The CPC and their followers top Liberal liars any day of the week.

  5. Instead, the opposition has been criticizing the mission and our role ever since the Conservatives came to power - even though the Liberals sent us there in the first place. This criticism displays itself in different flavours, from the NDP's "get out now - abandon NATO and Afghanistan... We all know that the NDP simply want to bring all the troops home. The Bloc is not that far behind. Those parties are ideologically motivated.

    No, actually, we ALL do not know that, as that presentation of what is going on with the NDP 's positions is incorrect.

    First off, the NDP started criticizing before the CPC came to power back in 2005, with Martin at the helm. They have remained consistent for well over 2 years. In the meantime, because of both the Liberals and the CPC, there are scores of young Canadians dead and diasabled.

    The New Democratic Party opposes sending more Canadian troops to Afghanistan at this time.

    We appear to be drifting from our original mission there – which was to provide security in the capital region – and into a combat role side-by-side with American troops.

    We must not drift into a war blindly or secretly, on the say-so of one man – Mr. Martin.

    If Paul Martin wants to involve Canada directly in a war in Afghanistan, then he must spell out what our goals are, what our commitments will be, and when and how we will get out.


    Last week Dawn Black, tabled The Oppositions Report on Afganistan by the NDP. And in it the NDP call for the withdrawl of the counter insurgency military personal, and end that mission. In it they support the other 2 missions of aide and reconstruction. Moreover, today NATO spoke out against the actions of the ISAF in killing the amount of civilans they have, NATO is not in agreement with US policies in Afghanistan.

    On staying in Afghanistan to provide diplomacy, aide and reconstruction:

    the reconstruction and development efforts that are led by Afghans and clearly separated from the counter-insurgency have been the most successful. The projects that have been overtaken by military strategy, or instrumentalized by NATO forces, have failed and/or put Afghan civilians and Canadian troops at risk...

    In the view of the New Democratic Party, the military mission should be judged by its capacity to protect Afghans and decrease violence against them. Support for the establishment of a viable, law-abiding and civilian-controlled Afghan National Army should also be a central component of the mission’s effectiveness.

    The diplomatic mission should be judged by its capacity to support, facilitate and catalyze efforts towards the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Afghanistan. Specifically, the diplomatic mission should be measured by progress in building international momentum for comprehensive peace negotiations at three levels: within Afghanistan, with international players, and in the regional context. Such international momentum might take the form of a UN Security Council resolution, the appointment of a UN special envoy, and/or the establishment of a safe space for negotiations to occur...

    On stopping the counter insurgency warfare and bring that portion of the military home:

    In this context, the New Democratic Party believes that the safe and determined withdrawal of our troops from the counter-insurgency mission, in consultation with our allies, is now required.

    The Conservative position is clear: they have an open ended commitment to whatever is requested by NATO or the United States regardless of the cost to members of the Forces and their families...

    Many other NATO countries, mostly notably most of the European partners, have taken exception to the counter-insurgency mission and have shown no intention of participating.

    Canada has wandered into an international conflict in the middle of Central Asia, with little control over the direction of the mission, or with much influence on its strategy...

    In the meantime we should not ask the Canadian Forces to be sacrificed for a mission with no clear opportunities for success or completion.


    It is an extensive report which is full of information pertaining to all aspects of what our military is, or is not doing, in Afganistan. Plus what NATO is doing and Afghanistan and the plight of the women and children.

  6. What a great man IMO, is Taguba, to have the courage to present the truth, when everyone around is trying to stop the truth, is no small thing.

    The story he told of the woman detainee who was sodomized by one of the guards in front of others, is absolutely sickening.

    As you say kuzadd, when these monsters come home, it won't be pleasant for the women and children with whom they come in contact with.

  7. Umm where is the proof?

    secretary of defense says they don't have any.

    "senior coalition analysyst" concludes there is clear evidence of Iran's involvement.

    who do you think knows more?

    oh wait lets see what a FORMER counter terrorism official. "It is inconceivable that it is anyone other than the Iranian government that's doing it," this article is all oppinion and no fact. the SoD even discredits this thread.

    is this not the same bullshit from Corporate US news that got them into the blunder that is Iraq?

    the whole article rests on an un-named analyst...

    Exactly, good job pointing out the propaganda, and it sounds exactly like the same nonsense leading up to Iraq. The fact is they are trying to generate public support to attack Iran, before Bush leaves next year. Want to fill their pockets with a bit more blood money before they leave.

  8. It now seems some Senators are grumbling about Harper's not making any recommendations to the Governor General to fill the current 13 vacancies in the Senate; in particular, 5 of the Atlantic region's 24 spots are empty, 3 out of 10 for Nova Scotia alone. Amazingly, the two Senators about to call on Michaelle Jean to unilaterally make appointments each come from different parties - one Liberal, one Conservative.

    Senator Moore presented a motion:

    That an humble Address be presented to Her Excellency the Governor General praying that she will fill the vacancies in the Senate by summons to fit and qualified persons.

    Senator Cools went further:

    That the following Address be presented to Her Excellency the Governor General of Canada:

    To Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of the Order of Military Merit, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.


    We, Her Majesty's most loyal and dutiful subjects, the Senate of Canada in Parliament assembled, beg leave humbly to represent to Her Excellency our just anxiety for the constitutional condition of our country, which condition is needing Her Excellency's intervention to provide Her Majesty's Canadian subjects with proper and full representation in the Senate of Canada, and thereby to avert the constitutional crisis arising from the Prime Minister's refusal to perform his sworn constitutional duty of advising Her Excellency in the exercise of Her lawful constitutional duties, in particular, Her Excellency's vice-regal duty in regard to Her Majesty Queen Victoria's command which Her Majesty enacted as the British North America Act, 1867, Section 32., in the most carefully chosen words, "When a Vacancy happens in the Senate by Resignation, Death, or otherwise, the Governor General shall by Summons to a fit and qualified Person fill the Vacancy.'', which words "shall ... fill'' are clear and unambiguous in their constitutional construction, meaning, and interpretation, and are not open to any doubt whatsoever;

    That it appears to your faithful subjects and senators that the Prime Minister has claimed a power unknown to our Constitution and to our law, being the false power of refusal to advise the Governor General, and, that the Prime Minister's public refusal to advise the Governor General on qualified persons for appointment to the Senate is a power which is not only false, but which is also wholly repugnant to the Constitution, because the exercise of such a power by a prime minister has the effect of making the Governor General into a felon and outlaw of the Constitution, and that this would be a most terrible infamy, not countenanced by the Constitution, of which Her Majesty is the source of all power and authority, and that such infamy would be a most terrible constitutional crisis;

    That it appears to your faithful subjects and senators that prime ministers have no constitutional power whatsoever to compel or to cause the Governor General of Canada to transgress the law, and that confronted with such compulsion and provocation from any prime minister, the Governor General's proper constitutional duty is to refuse to acquiesce to that prime minister, and to decline to transgress the law, therein to uphold the Constitution, the law, and the rights of Canadians to responsible government and a lawfully abiding prime minister;

    We therefore humbly pray Your Excellency, that, in conformity with the law and the B.N.A. Act, 1867, Section 32., Your Excellency, the Head of Parliament, the high representative of the people of Canada and the actuating power in the Constitution, will be pleased to exercise her lawful and constitutional duties, and will be pleased to summon qualified persons to the Senate of Canada to fill the many and growing vacancies, thereby to provide Her Majesty's Canadian subjects with proper representation in the Senate and thereby also to provide for the proper operation of the Parliament of Canada, for peace order and good government, and for the amelioration of the constitutional condition of the country.

    The references to the Constitution Act are, of course, correct; it is the Govenrnor General's duty to fill Senate seats... how long can she wait for Harper to advise her?

    Where is the link for this, you cannot site thing without referencing and providing a link if source was on line?

  9. Well, a change of government without an election, eh? That may suit Canadians very well. It would also sacve Harper face from losing an election, and all the Conservatives could rally behind him about the injustice of it all. Of course failing to realize it would be Harper's fault, and/or his mechanations.

  10. Recently hard left wingers started a little boycott of Chapters, which is owned by Jews apparently, and now it seems the left fringe wants to start boycotting whole countries. Of this, an editorial on the weekend said it reminded him of the brown shirts in Germany in the Thirties who stood outside Jewish owned businesses and warned good blond Germans to stay away. A few short years later they were killing them.

    What a grotesque appropriation of the Holocaust to defend the policies of modern Israel!

    The boycotts apply to Israel because of policies, not Jews because of race.

    Exactly, and just ignore the comments about an editorial. The one being spoken about is simply Coren's usual blathering and one can hardly attribute anything thoughtful, let alone editorial, to him.

  11. Oh, so it is okay for you Rue, to utilize generaliztions, when taking exception to my obvious yet not so faulty generalizations that were taking exception to JBG extreme generalizations. :rolleyes:

    Perhaps you should have taken exception to JBG's, absolute hate mongering generalizations, as opposed to mine that were merely pointing out very real inconsistencies and outrageous generalizations in the title premise?

    Instead you insist upon furthering those outrageous generalizations and fail to address the very real inconsistent thinking of some of those on the right who believe the "left" is too tolerant of and is thereby hurting society, while pretending you are doing a debunking.

  12. The thread title set up the tone of this thread , and of course participants in the thread continued with the negative tone set up by the title between one another.

    But now this thread is under way, let's look at the reality of the postulations in the title.

    1. It states a premise that the "left" has a vicious hatred of Israel. Now the reality is the "left" is absolutely chalk a block full of Jewish persons. It could hardly be said that the "left" has a vicious hatred of Israel, now could it?!

    2. Moreover, the left can hardly be said to hate anyone, after all, the complaints against the "left" from the right, always contain the fact that they feel the "left" is too tolerant of EVERYONE. So, from that perspective it is highly unlikely that the "left" hates anyone, let alone viciously hate a country. Now that is a serious inconsistency in thought processes, that those on the right fail to perceive or at least acknowledge.

    3. Theere are mistruths postulated here about Israel and the formation of it, based upon the Palestine Mandate and events leading to and after.

    historians do not accuse Britain of favoring either side or of collusion with the enemy. They also reject the claim of Jewish extremists that their terrorist campaign forced Britain to withdraw. An economic crisis in Britain and the overall decline of the British Empire forced Britain to be content with holding only those areas of its empire that were of high strategic value in the Cold War era. Palestine was not one of them. Early on, leaders of the Jewish community recognized the imminent end of British rule in Palestine, while the political leadership of the Palestinians seemed convinced that the British Mandate would remain longer, especially after the failure of the Palestinian revolt against it from 1936-39.

    From the moment London decided to refer the Palestine Mandate to the United Nations—from February 1947 onwards—the Jewish leadership in Palestine effectively mobilized its community and prepared it for the takeover of the Mandatory government and its functions. The Palestinian leadership, with its prominent members exiled abroad by the British, did very little in this direction, and failed to organize its community financially or militarily.

    The result was that the Jewish community was superior both militarily and financially when a civil war broke out between the two communities in November 1947. Jewish superiority also was evident in the number of fighting men. In the local war, which lasted between November 1947 and May 1948, Jewish forces took control of all of the mixed Jewish-Arab towns in Palestine and seized crucial transport routes as well. The end of Palestinian presence in Palestine began not because few Jews fought against many Arabs, as the official Zionist version would have it, nor was it a miracle, as the mainstream Israeli historians tend to describe it. It was simply the outcome of a military advantage.


    Please do read the link it is to the University in Haifa and it details the conflict and the creation of Israel, in factual reality, as opposed to the myths spread by both Israel and Palestine.

  13. JBG, you are hardly an honest broker in your commentary against Muslims.

    And in fact, in case you all did not notice, you all have an unhealthy sick obsession with trying to stir hatred against Muslims, there does not need to be every other thread here being a hate rant against Muslims.

    I mean really, you people, trying endlessly to spew hate, get self aware and realize you are making mockeries of yourselves.

  14. Wow, the CPC, or rather Harper, really knows how to keep a party together. Lie to them, then kick em out for actually representing their constituents. and all when you have a bare minimum minority government

    Mackay is gone in Central Nova now for sure, if not every CPC seat in the Martitimes.

    After the fiasco of Harper in Europe this week, and the soft wood lumber debacle, CPC seats in BC will be toasted off.

    Maybe he thinks his photo op with the French President will score him points in PQ, if so, I guess they forgot to figure out PQers do not like the results of the French election.

    So that leaves AB and ON, and it doesn't look good for more seats in ON.

    The polls have seemed to stop now there is no time this summer for an election and Harper has resigned himself to the fact he could not possibly get even another minority.

  15. ... they mistakenly think that the Palestinians are the underdogs when it's really the Israeli's.

    ...they apply that at an international level they see the Israeli's as...

    It''s why those of the FAR left are fanatically against Jews and Israel.

    You'd be a lot easier to take seriously if you'd learn to use the apostrophe correctly.

    The use of apostrophe is hardly the worst thing contained in that post.

    The blatent misrepresentation and skewing of truth really ranks as number. The Iraelis are not the underdogs, and there is absolutely no way anyone should be able to presume they were. Unfortunately, we are seeing an example of the truly self deluded.

  16. The land claims should be settled. Now.

    How are you aware that the Chiefs take the money for themselves? Each dollar that enters a band administration has to be accounted for to DIA and Health Canada, each band office goes through a pre audit in Jan and then an annual audit in May. You would have to have some pretty big loop holes to scam that much money. And yes....many First Nations carry good ideas, wow amazing who would have thought.

    The "poor me" mantra as you call it, is something that you can't judge. You have not lived what these people have gone through. For so many years until in came to light, these people ignored it, hid it, covered it up with other negative forces and relived it. Many of the abused became abusers, there is just a thousand things I could list, but there is no sense because you would not understand it. Why? Because most with this attitude don't want to. Most with this attitude were the ones that opened and operated institutions that created generations of pain.

    To the poster that said the girl no longer wanted to live by the rules, in a good home, etc. May it wasn't that she didn't want to. For one, we are finding out that children placed in home that are not of their ethnicity, is damaging. Another, maybe she was fetal alcohol effected. With some of these kids, one taste of alcohol is all it takes, thats it, it then rules their whole lives.

    Yes Drea, they should be settled right now.

    Excellent post FN&Proud, it is real easy to judge and condemn erroneously and from a position of priviledge, isn't?

  17. excerpted...

    There is nothing in these excerpts that shows criticism of Israel to be driven by anti-semitism. The suggestion seems quite slanderous, really.

    Yes, I concur. Why is it that some have to over exaggerate and broad brush it exposes their atempt to foster hate of the "left".

    Whatever, the 'left' is supposed to mean. It seems they only see bland and white no shades of grey.

    Jewish voices around the world have stated that Zionists do not have the right to utilize their voice because they disagree with their actions against Palestine, plus other things.

    Now, this boycott of Israeli academia was launched by the South African Trade unionists because of a request from the Paleastinian trade unionists. What is behind it is the aparthide that is being committed.

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