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Everything posted by Nazia

  1. I didn't bother reading all 30 posts...so I'm just going to type out my opinion. Canada's intentions were good in the begining with Afghanistan. But Steven harper is just another one of Bush's dogs. Which is basically giving Bush the chance to take over Canada's intentions. Which in my opinion they should all leave Afghanistan alone. Bush's intentions are not to help AFghansitan...nor is it becoming Canada's anymore!!
  2. You know what moderate american I'm glad you saw all that..and shared it here. And you can't blame the young men yelling at you...I would do the same. Since Bush has ruined their lives ..you think they're gonna like Americans? No way! And you saw how people live there now...and in the west Bush is sitting his ass down drinkin coffee and his giant ********** house! He's ruined the lives of several Muslims all over...! You saw the terror the horror the deaths the pain and the agony they all suffer day and night. Here you come back and your DAM fortunate to sit infront of your computer and share this piece of sadness you perceived. As for them they die with their agonizing stories. The children....ahh don't even get me started. :angry: And in Iraq...they do not speak Farsi. In Iraq, Arabic is spoken. (With slighlty different pronounciations from the Arabic Kurds speak) In Iran, Farsi is spoken. In Afghanistan, Pushto and Farsi (slightly different pronounciations from the Farsi in Iran.)
  3. ...Global warming seems intriguing I must say. I'm not scared I'm actually excited. The only thing that frightens me are the lives of the animals. Otherwise...global warming is all our fault anyways. And it sucks other countries haev to suffer becasue the rish countries are so greedy they never want to stop upgrading and etc...
  4. Im to lazy to read all 76 posts...but I will say... Sadam Huseein was a good guy. He was killed for he was far to influencial on the Muslim's and Bush had to demolish Sadam...which was the Muslim's strength and Bush's weakness. But I am glad he was killed on EID..a religious Muslim celebration. He shall be forgiven for his sins and sent to heaven inshallah.
  5. Myata I agree with you. I think Karzai is a good guy but hes not really the government. I think Bush paid him which he does 1,5 billion dollars a year to stand as goverment and to show that Afghanistan has a democratic system. Hamid Karzai took this oppurunity in good intentions but he is far to weak!!! He's afraid he will die...he is as myata said associating with the west to closely. I for one hate Bush and would like him to stop interferring in Afghansitan's and all Muslim countries affairs. Hamid Karzai's life is going to end quite shortly...he will die soon.
  6. Ok...alirght let's take this step by step. Mr.Mcqueen... You did not answer my question regardless of whatever you posted.... Or maybe you did...you're tellling me that the Taliban-style is repressing freedom and women's rights and etc.. correct? OK now tell me...are you as naive to believe that this is the TALIBAN STYLE.... theres a difference between the Taliban in AFghanistan long ago...and the taliban's we have now a days...which I may add are from Pakistan..trained in Pakistan. You are being judgmental on the TALIBANS ...the media have told you about. Which are not the real Taliban's! You get what I'm saying? Are you just gonna sit there in front of the t.v and listen to the fact that taliban's have done this and that...when its not even the real taliban's!!!?!! And do you their reasons? ANd one more thing geez....if the women ddidn't have rights at one point they would've..because that's how a country develops. Canada for example didn't giev women they're rights either..remember? But eventually Canada developed and balanced out right. SO would have Afghanistan. And I a have question for you: here What have you specifically read about women being covered up in the Koran? Be specific!
  7. Big deal. Why is that a problem? Now Dear Charles, Now that we've put aside misunderstandings..(is that a word?) I completely agree about what you said: "With a lying media, you have the power to not believe it. You also have the intelligence to realize that what you identify as "The Media" is operated by real people and not some supernatural force." But unfortunatley..yes we have the power but many the reason why is is a problem (answering your quote which is at the top of my reply) is because the majority depends on media...worships the media. Now what about that?
  9. To Charles Anthony... so are you telling me because the world knows 'NOTHING" then you are going to accept whatever is thrown at you and simply ASSUME on those basis? Just because you have no power over it..does that mean your mind will accept it...? and another thing u mentioned yourself...your ignorant concerning the truth. meaning you take the lies and judge them. But on what views on what basis...obviously by those provided to you through the media. Each lie you accept builds a brick..then in the end you have your false statment.in other words your building. AS for your question: Do I believe everyone tells the truth? Ofcourse not...that would be absurd and deceiving. But Charles it depends GREATLY on the circumstance. I mean think about it....in the case of the media...its a grand matter...it goes around the countries, it influences it affects minds and most importantly decisions! Are you getting at what Im saying...? If soemone lies about their age or etc...that is a personal matter you know between you and the person. But in the case of the media..theres no oppurtunity to explain to understand. Whatever is said is the final decision and those that know NOTHING will no doubt except it as a foundation to BUILD on... THATS WHY....... media vs truth is a bigger issue which deserves to be considered.!! Get what I'm saying?
  10. To Charles Anthony... so are you telling me because the world knows 'NOTHING" then you are going to accept whatever is thrown at you and simply ASSUME on those basis? Just because you have no power over it..does that mean your mind will accept it...? and another thing u mentioned yourself...your ignorant concerning the truth. meaning you take the lies and judge them. But on what views on what basis...obviously by those provided to you through the media. Each lie you accept builds a brick..then in the end you have your false statment.in other words your building. AS for your question: Do I believe everyone tells the truth? Ofcourse not...that would be absurd and deceiving. But Charles it depends GREATLY on the circumstance. I mean think about it....in the case of the media...its a grand matter...it goes around the countries, it influences it affects minds and most importantly decisions! Are you getting at what Im saying...? If soemone lies about their age or etc...that is a personal matter you know between you and the person. But in the case of the media..theres no oppurtunity to explain to understand. Whatever is said is the final decision and those that know NOTHING will no doubt except it as a foundation to BUILD on... THATS WHY....... media vs truth is a bigger issue which deserves to be considered.!! Get what I'm saying?
  11. Now...now. I am quite intrigued by the participants of this site...as I joined a few days ago. I have already input alot into the articles but I would like a taste of your brains/thoughts. What are you're opinions on Hamid Karzai? Is he being sold out by Bush.... Is he a good guy.... Is he blah blah blha...fill in your opinions. ....
  12. I would no doubt go to war if it's obligatory! In a world like ours...people do not seem to co-operate with words..Because first of all you can't even believe what's coming out of their mouths. But anyways...yes if strong values and matters lay at hand...then I would be FIRST to declare war. Human's have to stand for what they believe in!...or else it would be no fun (jks)
  13. Alright...I've had enough! Miss mcqueen625, I mean no insult or disrespect but... Tell me what do you know about the "Taliban-Style'? I mean I'm intrested because you seem to hate extremists... What have you HEARD about the taliban-style and what do you actually KNOW about the taliban style? Seriously..answer my question Please think before being so judgmental
  14. I'm apparently to lazy to read all these comments people have posted...as I'm sure they've raise great arguments. But in my opinion....if you want to send money for aid etc...do it yourself somehow. Because all leaders search for greed and are equipped to deceive! Nobody is really helping anybody! There are several examples..concerning political as well. Really, leaders and countries only wish to secure their political status by demonstrating a 'tad' of humanity. Hahaha...I pity these lowlife people..surely each person will receive their punishment.
  15. Well, well I'm sorry but I must ask Charles Anthony,....do you not have any sensibility? Yes you don't mind the media lying because I hardly think it affects you...or you really don't care. Now as GostHacked quoted: "NEWSFLASH SCENARIO - Charles Anthony is a racist and is ignorant. Don't talk to him if you encounter him, he is armed and dangerous. ^^^ If that was in the media, slandering you, you would just be fine with that? Or would you say something." I don't know if you are racist Charles but I certainly agree you are ignorant! I mean you refuse to see the lies...the betrayel. You don't care and you don't want to know! What are you afraid of? And as for GostHack's question....would you be fine with the fact if someone was 'slandering' you on media. Would you not want the truth settled? Please Charles Anthony..answer these questins...because I am APPALLED with your selfish,naive,cretinous reply.
  16. lol..my mistake guyser. First of all I never really liked spelling disgust...always got it wrong. As for the grammer...it happens when you speak with angry passion. I shall correct my mistake, indeed. Medis is DIGUSTING! It is full of savaged lies... In short and comprehendible terms....media is the Satan's daily homework. Now if that satisfies your rude comment guyser then good. I've put each of my mistakes in bold font
  17. Media is a DIGUST! It is fully of savaged lies... :angry: In short and comprehendable terms...media is the Satan daily homework!
  18. It should not be technology,weaponary,sensitivity or trust etc... Because we have none of those(sensitivity,trust...) or because we have them.(technology,weaponary If we were to show the universe the face of this world...the universe would spit at our lies and cowardness. This world's soul has been betrayed by the most superior creation living amongst it. In short..we've sold the world for greed. Look at us..look at what humans have done and become. Let's pick up a history book...and begin to defame ourselves.
  19. To Jdobbin: Hello! If I have misunderstand your comment then please do correct me, and I apologize..otherwise satisfy my question... You quote, "It still might not matter in the end if the country is determined to go to civil war. At the moment, it is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel." What are you implying by stating that in the end, the country is determined to go to civil war. It is currently in civil war right now! It is between Shia's and Sunni's...do you immensly fail to see that? As for your comment regarding its hard to see light at the end of tunnel..in my opinion...no its not! It's quite clear! I mean look at it from this point of view...currently Bush has been harrassing Muslim countries for his selfish reasons. Here's a visual representation of what I am saying : Bush VS Muslims Now...since there is a civil war in Iraq right now (sunni's against shiah's) Bush is using this to his advantage. Bush see's this civil war as a weak link in Islam. Therefore...hes just sitting there pretending like hes doing something and waiting for the Muslims to brutaly turn agaisnt eachother then at a point turn to Bush and suck on America's candy.
  20. That was quite funny....I love to see Bush become a devestating mockery..it pleases me Anyhow....Bush is an A$$! Sincerely, Nazia
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