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  1. Always nice to see a little humor in these forums... ha ha ha. Where to begin..... Yes I am a southeren boy, but I wouldn't consider myself a "deep" south boy. I am from West Virginia, which could be considered a Mid-Atlantic state instead of a southeren state (which, by the way, fought for the north in the Civil War). Although my opinions are radical by today's standards, I pride myself on not being rascist with so much racism existing in the town I live in. The do not dislikes all blacks, gays, immigrants, etc. because of a belief of White Supremacy. I dislike the extremists groups of these minorities that force their views on the majority of America and attempt to sway the government in their favor. While you could still argue that I exibit many qualties of a racist, until you can prove such a thing, calling me a racist is no more than childish name-calling. We're all grown-ups here, right?
  2. To most, comparing America to ancient Rome would be similar to the comparsion of an apple and an orange. Yet, I believe this would be an interesting topic to discuss. Of course, Rome was one of the first "world powers" after it had conquered the then known world. Indeed, Rome was a powerful, and sucessful nation. As many cultures do, it experienced a Golden age and then slowly declined till it was over-run by barbarians and the sort. Now the lingering question is: How's is this similar to America? The answer is quite obvious (to me at least). Currently, America is considered the only super-power. Indeed, we are a powerful and successful nation. In our current age, we have become the most technologically advanced nation in history. All of armed forces have the latest in weapons, and our taught the newest of strategies. Best of all, America measures it's yearly income in the trillions of dollars. I wouldn't doubt for a minute that I am living in the Golden Age of this great nation. Yet, I am fearful that this society is soon to peak. While reaching the top of the mountain is great, the only direction to go after you reach the summit is down. While our Founding Fathers wished this nation to be a Constitutional Republic; yet in recent times, greedy politicans hoping to acquire votes have turned America into a pure democracy. Any minority group can have their way with government, as long as they create enough ripples in the media pool. This is a terrible occurance that should disgust every single American. Yet, the majority stands silent. Elie Weisel once stated, "Silence is tancent consent", indeed he was a very wise man. The majority is consenting to losing their say in gevernment. Why? The majority (by majority I am referring to any of the following:white, middle class, hetrosexual, or the rich) are fearful of appearing racist or hateful. So now, the biggest dog has a muzzle and the smaller dog rules the yard. When the minorities of America have wiped away the last of the mjority resistance, they will continue pilagaing our freedoms till there are none left.
  3. This is the type of situation that disgusts me. Rush Limbaugh has his own independent opinion, and announces it to millions and millions of people via Television. Since society is frightened of harming the minority we appear disgusted of this action while mentally we tell ourselves "This man might be right....". I can't force my opinion on anyone, nor would I if I could. Yet, I can introduce you to logic. Logically, we as logical concious indivduals, should not be forced into a viewpoint with which we disagree. Yet, we believe anything a minority controlled leadership has to tell us. It would almost seem as if we are experiencing "Reverse Evolution", in which we digress from the superior human the the babbling chimp. Have a Nice Day.
  4. Patroitism in America will only be found in rare instances such as: before a war, after an attack, or after a victory from war is achieved. The rest of our existence as Americans is spent criticizing a government none of us seem willing to change. It would seem to me that this is a bit oxymoronical. Thus I believe that patroitism in America is confused with the terror each of us feels when our "normal, routine life" is threatened. Don't mistake me for an anti-American. I am not anti-American by any stretch of the word. I am anti- minority rule though. The basis of this country was to allow the majority (complete opposite of minority) decide who is worthy the make the laws of the land. Recently, it has seemed minority groups have "sqeeked" the loudest, and politicans have turned a listening ear. The majority decides not to speak for the fear of appearing rascist or prejudice. It is this type of fear that allows the minority to continue on it's rampage, it's rampage that will doom the great freedoms and liberties we once enjoyed. I will warn you once, and only this once; if a majority will not reclaim it's rightful place, the minority replacing it will rule the land. It's rule will ruin this nation.
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