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Posts posted by Bushmustgo

  1. whoknows,

    The fact that Bush misled everyone on pre-emptive strike against Iraq....we were told that we knew where the WMD were, blah, blah, blah.

    His credibility is gone, especially when you look at all of these other lies and promises.

    It's time for new leadership to restore some credibility and start over with a new 4 years.

    Let's face it, Bush didn't get the job done and it doesn't look like he was up for it.

  2. We don't know that yet; however, we do know that Bush is not, just follow the lies or promises:


    -Healthcare 1/3 off.

    -Job projections.

    -No new deficits with the tax cuts, now he holds the recrod deficit.

    -No Child Left Behind.

    -Implied U.N. had no credibility for not finding WMD.

    -Mission Accomplished

    -He would be a uniter, arrogantly that hasn't happened.

    The list goes on and on.

  3. Sure,

    They are backing away from their implications now concerning, "Imminent Threat." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/06/25/...ain560449.shtml

    They have misled and now playing a war of words.

    I remember watching CSPAN with Rumsfeld at a Hearing and he said that the President did not say, "Mission Accomplished," and one Democratic Senator said, "Oh yeah, it just happened to be on a banner behind him mysteriously."

    In other words, it's playing on what was quoted vs. implied or advertised, etc.

    Bush Sr. raised taxes after his infamous, "Read my Lips" statement and then you are saying that Clinton inherited an economy on its way up...which one is it??? Is raising taxes good or not? Sounds like you're making excuses for Bush and it also sounds like he wasn't up for the tasks at hand by what your contradictions say.

    That's why we need someone up for the job and leaves the excuses at home!

  4. Yeah, he will go down as Greatest President in US history if being great is redefined as misleading and overspending:

    -Iraq was Imminent Threat.

    -Iraq had Stock Piles of WMD.

    -Promised no new Deficit with Tax Cuts

    -Projected many more jobs out of the tax cuts and looks

    to finish with a net loss since Herbert Hoover.

    -Miscalculated Healthcare by a 1/3 (that's quite significant)

    -Didn't get the necessary finances from other countries for Iraq due to his arrogant behavior, now we pay the bill.

    -Hasn't gotten Osama, instead chose to go for Saddam.

    -Said Saddam had ties to Al Quaeda and 9-11.

    -No Child Left Behind became a failure.

    -Cut Veteran Benefits

    -"Mission Accomplished"

  5. You're right.

    This 9-11 add would be like Kerry having an add showing dead American soldiers in Iraq. It would be just as legitimate cause the Iraqi War was based on false or sexed up pretenses and a big cause of some of the problems we're facing today, i.e., deficits, over-extended military, Iraq being a terrorists Mecca now and not before.

    Kerry obviously wouldn't stoop to Bush's levels though out of respect for the families.

  6. Since some Priests are pedofiles, should we ban the Catholic Religion?

    Since some Heterosexuals are pedofiles, should we ban Heterosexual marriages and ban all heterosexuals from having kids?

    There was that female teacher who had a relationship and children with a 6th grade student, should we ban teaching?

    There are bad apples in every group and some who try to speak for all who don't represent that community properly. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out these types of things unless you are blurred by religious factions and pure discrimination, period!

  7. He has no choice but to run these adds because he obviously cannot run on the economy and jobs, healthcare, finding the large stock piles of WMD's, getting Osama, Balancing the Budget, and No Child Left Behind...

    I think the 9-11 disaster could have been more effective if if they did without the flag draped coffin.

    It would be his suicide not to run these adds.

    Bottom line is, he has not shown good leadership but, shown the future presidents....WHAT NOT TO DO!

  8. He has exploited 9-11 ever since 9-11.

    He was able to brainwash people into believing that Saddam had something to do with it.

    He was able to convince some people that all of the problems, i.e., deficits, massive jobs losses, etc all are because of 9-11.

    When he is attacked for the deficits and job losses, his simple answer will be, "9-11."

    He'll be the Ex-President with pun intended!

  9. They are the happy parents of 10 children of which I am the eldest (so don't even think that their marriage has been easy), and you know what, I've never seen a happier family.

    And what if one of those 10 children were gay, do you think your parents wouldn't want the same opportunities for that one as the other nine. Should that family member be forgotten or, would the family be a family and protect that child and wish the best for him/her?

    As of now, you prefer that the govt. make the choice for us and leaving us with no option if one of our brothers or sisters or our own children were gay...it's just not right.

    Anyone could have a gay child or relative and WE are deciding what's best for them??? It doesn't make sense linving in a civilized, free nation.

    Again, the American saying is, "Justice for all," and not "Justice for some."

  10. Approx. 50% of marriages end in divorce, I guess that is "traditional" as well???

    Should we ban divorces with an amendment since that isn't healthy for families?

    Banning gay marriage is more of discrimination than anything else because some people think less of them just like Blacks at one time were considered to be a fraction of a human being.

    If you recall, this is America and supposedly, "Justice for All," it does not say, "Justice for some."

  11. Let's be honest here anyway, the whole "Gay Marriage" issue is just a diversion by the administration from all of the lost jobs, economy, and war of choice...all in an election year. Also trying to shore up support on some swing voters.

    In the 2000 Campaign, both Bush and Cheney were quoted that marriage was a personal choice and they shouldn't step in and it was up to the states...they lied again.

  12. Bush insists on the wealthy having a tax cut and now Alan Greenspan suggests the benefits of Social Security for those in need be cut. Something had to give.Didn't he promise no new deficit with the tax cuts and approximately 4 million jobs created?

    Alan also says the economy is going to be in big trouble if something isn't done with the deficit soon.

    Well, here's the 1st of many to come proposed cuts.

    The wealthy who received their tax cut don't care if Social Security gets cut or not, they are already rich and it wouldn't affect them like it does so many out there who struggle every day to make ends meet.

    I know there are other factors to the Social Security Cut Proposal.

    Seems like these wealthy tax cuts helped them move their business out of the country instead of creating the promised jobs. We cannot afford another 4 years of Bush!

  13. At the end of the day, it is not one's choice to be gay, therefore, they should be allowed to have a civil union by law.

    What kills me about many christians is that they preach love and compassion but, the second you mention "gay," these people are filled with Osama bin Laden type of hatred against them!!!

  14. ShiRiff,

    Great post!

    Should we ban people with mental disabilities and physical disabilities from getting married as well.

    Do you think that someone with Cerebral Palsy or Down Syndrome had a choice in the matter???

    NO they didn't, therefore, we shouldn't be out taking their rights away either. Just because you may not agree with the lifestyle does not mean you should tell them what they can and cannot do.

    Marriage is also suppose to be for life but, look at the divorse rate...should we not allow divorses by law???

    No, it's your choice and America is all about choices until conservatives try to control every aspect and minimize our RIGHT TO CHOOSE.

    DJ and Derek,

    Would you like America to be like the muslim law where the women wear burkas? Is this how much control you want our govt. to have?

    By the way, Dick Cheney (of all people) and Dick Gephardt each have a gay child..

  15. I would like to quote the Rev. Al Sharpton from a T.V. program I watched this week when asked what his stance was on gay marriage/ civil union.

    "As much as I may disagree or not understand the life style, this is still about civil liberties in America and until someone can convince me that homosexuals are not human, they shall have the same rights as the rest of us."

    Now I agree that the church can say what they want because we do not have to be a part of it; however, the law shall not be biased and discriminatory.

    This kind of falls in the lines of Separation of Church and State, if my history serves he well this time.

  16. This is America, the land of the free!

    Once again, some want govt. to step into the lives of others to control their actions. Why can't two people who love each other have a civil union and obtain the same rights as us...because they're different???

    If you recall from history, that "different" label caused a lot of grief towards African Americans because it's a prejudice! This simply is discrimination.

    There's no doubt in my mind that "gay" is of birth, not by choice; therefore, any one of us could have a son, daughter or grandchild who happens to be born gay...would you take their equal rights away???

  17. The UN is a complete waste of resources of the United States.

    Then it is safe to say that Bush would not go back to the U.N., correct?

    washingtonpost.com: US Asks UN to Resolve Iraq Conflict

    US Asks UN to Resolve Iraq Conflict. ... Not everyone agrees with the Bush administration

    decision to call the ... I view it with some concern because the UN's role in ...

    www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/ A40761-2004Jan23?language=printer - Similar pages

    [ More results from www.washingtonpost.com ]

    But, Bush goes back and asks anyway...which one is it?

    Does he want them or not? Only when it is convient.

    Please list Bush's accomplishments.

    Also, sure Saddam killed his people but, how many Iraqi's lives were taken from them by U.S. bomb?

    Also, WMD was the reason given to go to war and you say it doesn't matter now, well it matters to a whole lot of people for the dramitized information to follow out his mission.

    Bush will win cause he has proven himself to independents, Republicans, conservatives, and many moderate democrats.

    So this means he "is" going to win????

    How many Republicans, conservatives, and many moderate democrats did he not prove himself to????

    Even Rush, O'Reilly, Kudlow and Kramer along with many other right wing media figures question Bush and only will support him because of their overall ideals.

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