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Posts posted by Nuclear

  1. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...31006141617&e=1

    The UN keeps tying the hands of the Israelis while they are murdered almost weekly yet they talk about a Palestinian nation at the same time.

    If Israel listens to the UN, they do nothing as they are slowly cut apart. Meanwhile, the UN seems to not notice that fact that nations like Syria and Saudi Arabia and the palestinian people are trying to destroy the Israelis. Bush said they have the right to defend themselves and I completely agree with him.

    This is like the parent "The UN" telling two children fighting that one shouldn't fight back while it sides with the other and seems to not notice when the trouble child hits the kid.

    Go Israel! You have my support. Screw the UN!

  2. Last I heard they were still in the process of searching and despite small finds here and there, I think the motherload is still out here under the sand and we jsut need to be patient.

    Whatever is under the sand, the views are this:

    Let's say there is, and never was WMD:

    Repubs: We go to war anyhow, topple a corrupt regime and give the Iraqis their freedom.

    Libs: We don't go to war, and nothing ever happens.

    Let's say there is WMD and we just a have to find it:

    Repubs: We topple the regime, give the people their freedom, and most importantly, we prevent the risk of a terror attack that could claim millions of Americans or other allies.

    Libs: We do nothing. DC or NYC have a mushroom cloud over them and 9-11 looks like nothing.

    I believe there is WMD out there in the desert of Iraq, but WMD or not, we made the right decision.

    I also heard somewhere that Saddam made up the WMD to try and 'scare' the Americans out of attacking. He thought we'd cower and not attacks because he had WMD....if anything, it encouraged us. We are not cowards.

  3. There are people who go different ways in every country. Here, the PResident does something, the conservatives usually love it, the libs usually hate it. Same thing in Iraq. Some Iraqis know that they are getting a precious gift and are grateful. Others are snobish and don't know any better.

  4. For being new to politics, you have worded yourself very well. Very well said.

    I agree with what you're saying. The loud minority would argue that for the majority to put it's foot down would not be "Politically correct"

    I was in college when 9-11 happened and heard many stories about how our own American Flag was not allowed to fly or be displayed for fear of it offending our foreign guests.....

    That was shocking....

    I went to Montreal once and saw the Canadian flag flying everywhere. I was NOT offended. I was in Canada. I didn't expect to see the Stars and Stripes.

  5. We are on a similar page, at least the same chapter.

    I seriously think that, other than what we've already put out for Iraq, that Iraq's oil should go to helping pay for rebuilding the country, starting a government, and building a foundation of security for Iraq. There is no reason the US should have to pay for the whole ball of wax. We did it for our own security and have more than paid for it, in money and in lives, so from here on out, why can't Iraq take care of their own? They DO have one of the most valuable resources on the planet....

  6. This is definitely a blow to his conservate far right views with his correlation between being a black QB and being hyped up by the media to look successful.

    I guess Elway, Montana, Young, etc over their long NFL careers all sucked too and it was only their defense that made them look good.......oh wait, those QB's are white.

    This is about as ignorant of a statement and shows his credibility and views for his conservative party.........NICE GOING RUSH, I knew we could count on ya!!

    He should have been fired but, they let him resign...........he had it coming to him.........HOW PATHETIC IS HE NOW!!!

    Didn't he try to blame it on the left as if they made him make those remarks??

    To take a conservative who made a statement that was unintentially racist and draw the conclusion that ALL conservatives are racist is discriminatory. Although racism isn't a factor, discrimination is your crime, just like Rush's. Rush wasn't exactly smart in what he said, but accusing every conservative of racism is just as bad.

    How old are you? That sounds like an argument a kid would present? (btw, if you ARE under 18, keep your age private for your own safety, the internet is a big scary place)

  7. Hey Nova, yeah the US has one of the largeest WMD arsenals. Key point is, the only time in history we ever used them was to end one of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind.(Using the A-bombs on Japan actually killed less Americans AND Japanese than an invasion would have)

    Also, the deterrent of weapons we have kept this country safe for the last 60 years because there was a time, probably before you were born, that the Russians didn't like us and had weapons aimed at us. So now the weapons sit there to ensure peace. Saddam, he fired at his own people. This would be like if California doens't vote for Bush in the reelection, he uses nukes in North Dakota to vaporize LA and San Fran.

    And you say that we should know history better....what a hypocrit.

  8. A infant, although capable of being separated from it's mother, can not live without it's mother, or something to supplement it. Breast milk or as a last resort formula is all but required for an infant. Also, it needs to be taken care of. Again, it's a different stage of development.

    Anyone who supports abortion is supporting murder for the sake of convenience. The Nazis viewed the Jews as subhuman and murdered them for conveninece. This isn't exactly genocide, but it's murder either way. You end a life.

    If you get a new computer and run your car over it, it's dead. You killed your computer. Just because it isn't turned on yet means nothing.

    Go ahead and continue to support murder. I figured liberals would support the rights of an unborn child.

  9. Any argument you raise against this specious idea is shouted down with no facts, history, or evidence just with "Cela n'a rien a voir."

    I doubt the left wing illiterates can translate that either. But they will support it because it is French !


    Well put!

  10. Hi Nuclear, I have a question. Supposing abortion was universally outlawed and in it's place a new, legal option was made. This option would give the mother the right after birth, to take the child (up to an age of one year old) to a clinic where if she chose she could have the child put to sleep. Now on a quiet street, every now and then a woman walks into a clinic holding a baby and an hour later comes out holding nothing. What would you do? Would you write on the forum how you did not like this, would you protest in front of government buildings. Or, like me would you take an active role and physiclly stop this from happening? It would not be hard, simply run up and snatch the baby from the woman's arms. To me there would be no way that I could walk by one of those clinics knowing a baby was being killed without taking physical action. How about you?

    Are you supporting those who would kill abortionists? If there are peaceful means to prevent it form happening, by all means do it. Snatch the baby to safety, but going in and murdering people, even if they commit abortion, is just as wrong as what they are doing.

    I must say, I have no symphathy for that girl who took RU 486...she tried to kill her baby and got what she deserved....

  11. I have a cousin who suffers from Downs Symdrome. His mental capabilities are not that of mine. Does that make him less human that me? I think not.

    I have a very good friend who was a 'junior prom' baby and everyone told her mother to have her aborted. Today, her being 21 years old, would be no different than murdering her....it's like deciding to murder someone before it becomes illegal....I say there should be a grandfather clause.

    If I had my lawn mower run over your tomato plant(before tomatos were on it), I guess I'd say 'sorry, but at least there were no tomatos on it to destroy...no loss' You still lost potential tomatos. I'm not saying if someone kills me, they should be tried for my future possible children and their children and their children, etc. etc. but I'm saying this. Once intercourse has taken place, and an egg is fertilized, nature is set on a course that will eventually be a human being like you and me. Once that happens, it's a life.

    Nova, some animals are believed to not feel life. A tree doesn't feel, yet it has a life. We're not talking about trees here, we're talking about HUMAN BEINGS.

    Here was a question, Nova, could you do calculus when you were three days old? I think not. Does that make you any less human than you are now? No. You, and your brain, have developed to where you are now.

    It's a life. Even though it's primitive, it's where we ALL started. It WILL, under normal circumstances, grow into a person like you and I, how is this not a life they destroy? I don't condone radicals who would go and murder abortion doctors, as they commit the crime of their victims....but abortion should NOT be legal.

  12. The UN has the IAEA...big surprise: they don't do a very good job.

    If I were a rogue leader, I'd be scared. Iraq was one of the strongest middle east countries and we took them out in three weeks. Yeah, Pakistan has nukes, but all they have to do is open the hanger of one of their silos and we, sitting back on the other side of the planet and in the oceans with our SSBNs, will return ten fold whatever they could entertain throwing at us. They have a range of a few hundred miles. We can hit anywhere on the planet....

    No match.

    North Korea could hit us, but even if they hit us with one, there would no longer be any North Korea.....

    The only nation on earth that had a chance against the US was the CCCP(USSR) and they no longer exist....Russia or China would stand the best chance, but we're on decent terms with them....

  13. As for an assassination attempt, had it been on MY father, I'd have nuked the guy for that ALONE. Anyhow, an ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON A UNITED STATES PRESIDENT. That alone is a good enough reason to go into Iraq and dethrone Saddam.

    The UN wasn't doing squat to get back in Iraq. When Bush said to do something or we're going to do it for you, then they starting to get their act together but still were blind to the obvious.

    As far as the economy, we've said it before. Clinton started it. Bush inherited a declining economy. The terror attacks hurt the economy more. Outsourcing is also an issue(one of few things we can do to help the economy, STOP OUTSOURCING), The Dow was in the 7900 range for awhile, but is now about 9500.......the economy is better, it's just gonna take time for the average joe to feel it. There are jobs out there. Some people who can't find a 40 horus job that pays 50,000 a year would rather sit on their rear and collect a gov't check as opposed to work 80 hours a week to survive on 35,000 a year until they can get a better job. You do what you have to. Most people who are in the gutter let themselves fall in.

    As far as foreign policy, who really cares? In 1941 we wanted nothing to do with the rest of the world. Let them do their thing, we'll do ours, trade is cool but that's it. Now since WW2 and the Cold War, we've been forced in. If they don't like us, too bad. We originally came in to save their rears from the Nazis and the Japanese Empire so quit complaining!

  14. I have read through this article and obtained different stories from other sources, such as CBS and ABC. I believe these protestors have a strong case. If the supporters were also not allowed near, then the case would be pointless. But I think this is a valid case that may become a landmark debate.

    Can u give some links for those sites?

    They may have a case, but those who are calling the President names present more of a threat than those supporting him.....but it does prove a case.

  15. Patience is a virtue. The UN couldn't find their own rear with both hands in five months, now the US is in there and doesn't have to deal with WMD moving around everywhere, they just gotta deal with terrorism.(which the Un said wasn't in Iraq, but now somehow is; I thought Mecca was where the pilgrimed to)

    Just wait....all those who attack Bush on this are gonna be kissing some major rear end when this is over....

  16. Iraq was funding terror, had active terror groups and paid homicide bombers long before 2003. To ignore that is to defy reality. Terror is sponsored by nation states, a key point that most Lie-berals forget as they try to support their favorite homicidal despot. Allende, Hussein, Mao, and so on.

    do you hear about a saudi arabia invasion?

    nope, america will look the other way for oil, or when their own government funds terrorists, but when the economys slow and you need some propaganda, then its INTO IRAQ.

    americans are so brainwashed they dont have a clue. there were no more terrorists in iraq then there are in brazil, or egypt or mexcio.

    70% of them believe the bush propaganda that saddam wa likely involved in 9/11, how disgusting

    there was obviously no imminent threat that couldnt wait a few more weeks for UN support.

    there were obviously no WMDs that could be fired in 45minutes as the kay report will state.

    all lies


    SirRiff, you're not an American so you know little about us, but let me fill you in on a few things.

    I'm a Proud American, born and raised here.

    When the US helped Saddam and Bin Laden, that was when they were fighting against(or at least the interests of) the Soviet Union, which you may not realize but until recently the US of A had 6000 nukes aimed at them and they had the same aimed at us. If one person had a bad day and fired, everyone would be gone. Luckily, that day never came. We were fighting what was called the Cold War. (Word of the day!) The Cold War was fought in every way we could. At the time, Saddam and Bin Laden were, although scumbags, were fighting against worse scumbags. Now that the worse scumbags are now peaceful and either dead or our friends, we now turn to the next round of dirtballs.

    Anyhow, a President can't base his decisions on what Presidents in the past had done. Bush can't say, 'well that Reagan guy, he really screwed us there. At the time it was the right call but man, this whole 9-11 thing, we were once helping these guys....darn it. History is ironic and the guy to blame HAS A HARD TIME REMEMBERING HIS OWN CHILDREN' so give him a break. At the time it was a good call, in hindsight, it's not as good as we thought.

    Iraq is taken care of. Saddam and Bin Laden are probably cavemates right now, but their time will come.

  17. The most recent Abortion thread was closed, so I wanted to state my opinion here.

    Once an egg is fertilized, if nature is allowed to take it's course, it will develop into a human just like me and you. So that means a fertilized egg is a human being. Just because it's not fully developed doesn't mean it is less human that you or I. Is a child before puberty any more or less human that you or me? They are less developed, but they are still human. It's not some embryo is magically given life at 5 months or whatever stage of development it is. They are life at the beginning.

    If we found single cell organisms on Mars, they would be Martians.

    So when a human begins as one cell(I did, you did, everyone did) they are going to develop into something more. They are alive and those who kill them for the sake of birth control is a murderer.

    If you don't want to have a child, killing them once they are concieved is not the answer:

    Men: Keep you pants zipped.

    Woman: Keep your legs closed.

    Sorry to be so rash with my words, but it's the truth.

    You do the gig, you may get pregnant.

    How is an abortion different from taking a newborn baby and killing them with a knife through the head like they do in China(they can only keep one child there)? The child doesn't resemble me, it's legs are half as long as mine, it's head is wicked big, and it's skull isn't fully grown. It can't speak, it can't walk, it isn't capable of logical thought(in the first few moments anyhow) and it can't reproduce. It's not developed. But it is still a life.

    You're either pro-life or pro-death.

  18. This is a big issue. A very interesting debate.

    Islam is a religion and citizens of the United States have the right to practice their own religion.(Actually it's to worship God as they see fit, but that's another debate.)

    Under the Constitution, they have the right to practice this religion.

    On the other hand this religion, at least thousnads of participants in it, have started more or less a crusade against the US. We need to defend ourselves.

    I don't believe Islam is a religion of peace. It was basically created by a warlord.(again, another debate)

    This creates a sticky situation. Me, being a Christian that sees Islam as a religion that would love to exterminate me and all that share my faith, would not argue against them banning Islam. Then one could say, if they can ban one, what stops them from banning them all? or more than one? Nothing would.

    I see it like this, and this isn't a fair view but it's mine. I like in the strongest nation in the world. There are a bunch of third world zealots who got a fig stuck up their rear and want to see my country and religion in flames. They've killed a lot of my countrymen and are constantly working on trying to kill more.

    I say, us being the stronger nation, not wait till the sides could be more even(when they get nuclear capabilities or our governmental stability comes into question), I say we do whatever it takes to preserve this nation. Whatever extremes there may be.

    As for a rational response to this issue, there is no easy answer. There should be mandatory pledging to this country if you want to be in their country. Nothing that would offend anyone, but basic loyalties of caring for the country and wanting to see it prosper. Basically a way to route out those who would wish it harm. Ya follow? Those who refuse could be questioned....

    This is quite an issue as there is no successful rational sollution, is there. I believe that protecting the lives of this country's people is more important than violating a few human rights.

    Oh no, those people can't opening practice their religion...God forbid, but it's ok for them to murder 3,000 people at a wack. Just so long as we're not violating anyone's rights....

    It's a tough debate. I'm intested to see if anyone in this forum can come up with a good answer that appeases both sides...I know mine will make a few people whine. ;-)

  19. What would you call those guys hired by Nixon to take out Ellsberg during one of those anti-Vietnam protests?  They were hire to do bodily harm.

    Yea those guys are still on the Secret Service. Bush isnt nixon. That was 30 years ago. What does that have to do with the protestestors we are talking about.

    Don't ya know that's how the libs argue? They bring up things that happened long ago as their fallback-we-are-defeated-but-won't-give-up plan.

  20. Um, you do know that Iraq has become the greatest terror magnet on the face of the planet right?

    Notice it doesn't say they were there before the invasion.....

    If some special opps found them long before the invasion, before plans of the invasion, you might have some credible evidence...but seriously, this is after the US created the largest magnet for terroristsic in the world.

    Forgot you know everything, sorry.

    We don't know if they were there or not. We had a hard time finding terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan, so even if it turns out that Saddam hid the WMD where we can never find them and the UN throughs a hissy fit, at least we now have a spot where terrorists are coming to find us. It's better they come find us in Iraq and meet our military than in the streets of Manhattan against our civillians.

    As for the US funding tyrants, such as Mao, that was done thanks to many advisors in the admins of Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower. Why would they do this? Because the Verona cables that were declassifed in 1995 proves that there were DOZENS, yes DOZENS of Soviet spies working in our government. Alger Hiss, who was with Roosevelt at Yalta and helped create the useless body know as the UN was a spy. The advisors regarding China and whom we supported were also spies.....During WW2, China was great because it kept the Japanese off the Soviets, after the war, the US, advised by soviet spies(cause the democratic admin was either too stupid to know or WANT communists in the gov't) to go against the Chinese leader and allow Mao in.

    It's because the democrats were not willing to look for soviets in their own ranks....

  21. I'm all for Peaceful Assembly and protesting, but if the Secret Service says do not cross this line, you better not. They put that line there for a reason and it's to protect this country's leader. Like him or not, his life is important. Those people crossed the line. And many of them were all but peaceful protests. I always found it ironic how there would be fights at a lot of the 'anti-war' protests.....kinda ironic....

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