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Posts posted by djpark121

  1. Bush is doing such a wonderful job with the economy and his Foreign Policy that there is no need to worry about a 4 Star General, top of his class at West Point grad., Rhodes Scholar, Nato Supreme Commander who taught economics democratic candidate......

    Not to mention having a complete lack of experience, a pacifist, having no knowledge in domestic affairs, and a Republican who decided to wear the facade of a Dumbocrud because that, of all options, is his best one. I don't think anybody's worrying about Bush losing, who has raised more than three times as much as Howard Dean (the leading Dumbocrud, above Clark).

  2. nova, I'd certainly like your 8-page research paper on why the US death penalty is flawed.

    Ronda, forgive me. I in my ignorance had no idea that at 6 weeks the baby had such visible distinctions. In that case, yes, abortion is wrong because the fetus has a pumping heart and distinct human features.

  3. I agree with Derek. The death penalty isn't murder; it's a contribution to the goodwill of society. Murderers have to be rid of. Most do not have a sudden conversion and decide one day to stop murdering. Once a murderer, always a murderer and unless you can lock them up for life which costs a lot of money.

    Abortion however, isn't murder if done at the right time. It's extremely clear that an embryo isn't a human and to get rid of it isn't considered murder.

  4. Differences between a fetus and an egg:

    The fetus has organs such as a pumping heart, while the egg does not.

    The fetus has arms, legs, and a head, while the egg does not.

    The fetus looks human, while, the egg looks like an egg.

    The fetus consumes food; the egg doesn't.

    These are just some of the obvious differences between those two. ^_^ This is why abortion in the embryo stage wouldn't be killing a human. Like Derek poitned out, a fetus is human, but the egg is not.

    As for the computer analogy, I can only shake my head.

  5. Did you 2 clowns read anything on the post ? If not get lost.

    9-11 did CHANGE the World. In case you did not know there is a struggle going on in the world at large.

    What the post states is that 9-11 could very well have been prevented.

    This is why it is relevant and your assinine drivel irrelevant.

    Mr Read, if you actually read my post instead spending all your time looking for "irrefutable" facts and statistics, you'll see that I wasn't talking about 9-11 and its effects on the world. I was talking about blaming the event on Clinton, which is utterly absurd. I realize that 9-11 had a lot to do in changing the world. I don't realize that according to the title of this thread, Clinton had anything to do with it. I realize that there is a struggle throughout the world. Again, I don't realize that Clinton caused any of it. Hey, I'm not a Clinton fan, but I know not to cross the line of stupidity.

  6. I'd just like to know why the hell you people are arguing about someone who's been out of office for 4 years, and not focusing on issues in the present. Wake up. The Clinton era is over. Blaming Clinton for 9-11 is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and I don't care how much anyone tries to prove it, it won't change the mind of anyone who has a brain. Right now, I think it would be the sensible thing to do to concentrate on who's in office right now, and what he's doing to this nation, instead of criticizing someone who's been out for a while. So what if Clinton had a personal life nobody should care about? What are you going to do, impeach him? I'm a conservative and a Republican, but this is disgusting.

  7. Arnold is a fake, period. You can already tell his liberal views when you look at his political strategists. Just what did Arnold contribute at the debate? Silly jokes and whatnot. If Arnold becomes the governor of California, his womanizing and scripted remarks won't save him when he plunges the state into more economic crises. There is an issue of principles here. Does the GOP go with principle or with probability? I say stick with principles, and not deign to the hypocrisy of liberals. And like people on this forum have mentioned, Arnold cannot be trusted. His wife is a strong democrat (puzzling how she's supporting him) and his chief political strategist is a Democrat. How can anyone trust him? As a conservative, and a firm conservative, I think the GOP party down in California should stick with their principles and not place their hopes in a muscle man with no brains.

    If they unite around McClintock, I think there is certainly a chance that McClintock can win. What the GOP needs to show is unity. Voters need to be impressed with someone who actually has serious plans to change the economy: Tom McClintock

  8. Another good reason to end the reign of the DumboCruds in Mexi-fornia.

    Yet another reason, or should I say reasons are listed as follows:

    -California government increased spending in the last 4½ years by nearly 40 percent, well above the 21 percent combined increase in state population growth and inflation.

    -Gov. Gray Davis, who entered office in 1998 with a $10 billion surplus, just signed a budget designed to reduce a nearly $40 billion deficit, a deficit larger than the combined deficits of the other 49 states.

    -As a quid pro quo for campaign contributions from state employees, California employees such as fire fighters and police officers can now retire as early as age 50, with 90 percent of their salary.

    -The governor signed a bill to require employers to grant paid family and medical leave.

    -Most California businesses saw their workers' compensation premiums double and even triple, while increasing payouts, despite the fact that the number of claims filed actually decreased.

    -The state imposes up to 9.3 percent state income tax, among the country's highest.

    -California's sales tax is 7.25 percent — the nation's highest — with some counties adding on even more.

    -Despite the governor's declared freeze in hiring, he added 44,000 people to the state payroll.

    -For the first time since 1940, California lost residents to other states. Over the last several years, many businesses left California for business-friendly states like Utah and Nevada, resulting in a loss, since 2001, of nearly 300,000 jobs in manufacturing alone.

    -11 percent of California taxpayers — those earning more than $100,000 per year — pay 80 percent of the state's income tax, while the top 5 percent pay nearly 70 percent of income taxes, and just 330,000 high-income taxpayers — the top 2 percent — shoulder about 50 percent of the state's income taxes.

  9. My deep personal view is that ALL religion should be abolished. Religion is a virus, separating the human species, causing problems rather than solving them. You can have your religion if you want to, but I pay taxes to a government, not a church.

    Keep religion and government separate, that includes SCHOOLS!

    Nobody's attacking your beliefs, regardless of how offensive they may be. You say you pay taxes to a government, not a church? What does that have to do with anything. As far as your last statement, I believe religion and government are separate. What in schools intrudes on that principle?

  10. Separation of schools for homosexual heterosexual students is an absurd idea. First, it would cost the federal and local governments billions of dollars if it became a peice of legislation. 2nd, this would definitely allow the creation of gay civil unions as they now have a right to protest the segregation of homosexuals, which must not happen. Homosexuals and heterosexuals can live with each other, and have always been living with each other, and will continue to live with each other. Separation of schools for different sexual preferences is utterly ridiculous.

  11. Mr. Chater, the purpose of this forum isn't to provide you with research and I doubt it is the purpose of its members either. Please work on your grammar and spelling as that may have been one of the factors for dnsfurlan to assume you were an adolescent. I think the rule on this forum is, if you don't have anything to contribute, watch and learn, or don't say anything at all.

  12. Well said, Nuke. The soldiers of the United States are indeed heroes to the cause of freedom. That they give up their lives to fight for the safety of their countrymen is beyond emotional comprehension. That they follow their leader, whether wrong or right, and obey for the sake of our nation is admirable. It is extremely enraging that ignorant people constantly complain of the faults and fallacies of our leader, and refuse to look the soldiers out there, getting shot, captured, and tortured for our safety. Yet because these soldiers are concerned only with the safety of the nation, they still fight on, proud to be American. This is why I also would fight to the death for the safety of this great nation.

  13. Bush MUST win. The economy would crumble if it were otherwise. The 2004 Dumbocrud candidates seem to know nothing about economics. The fool Gephardt's health care plan will cost the government 2.5 trillion dollars over 10 years and Dean's absurd plan would cost 932 billion. And the liberals accuse Bush of a tax deficit, in their callow ignorance. Bunch of stubborn and ignorant hypocrites. Sure, let's give 31 million Americans a great health plan and see how much more we can plunge the nation into a debt! Take that for a deficit.

  14. Though the United States has absolute right to leave South Korea, it would present dangerous repercussions to do so. If Krazy Kim takes over the South, he not only has more military power, but also economic. He would use the South's economic resources to build even more nukes. A communist led Korean peninsula? Definitely krazy. Who can truly know his intentions? It would lead to a crisis in Southeast Asia that is just more trouble for the U.S. We already have enough to deal with in rebuilding Iraq. Point is, the United States should forget the uneducated and callow youth of the South, and just focus on eliminating North Korea, for its own benefit. Bring the UN into this. If the UN whines again, North Korea better prepare to be invaded by US action alone.

  15. We are not in the Nation building business

    because the US waged war in afganistan then left the nation to be raped for 20 years.

    Are you blind?? Read what you quoted. WE ARE NOT IN THE NATION BUILDING BUSINESS. Why should we even bother to repair a nation after we war with it. Nowhere does any type of international law state that a nation must repair the nation it defeats. Afghanistan chose to defy America. Afghanistan chose to pay. America alone has the exclusive right of deciding whether to repair a nation or not. I think that's pretty clear. As for your statement regarding America's safety. Let anyone challenge America. Face-to-face. Meaning no cowardly acts of terrorism.

  16. Liberia was just a 30 second PR stunt to make up for the historical immoral actions in AFganistan, Iraq, and Iran, and now for the big lie abour iraq being a WMD threat. put some marines off the coast and it makes up for buying oil from dictators, supporting terrorists in training, and leaving entires nations to be raped after your attention is lost.

    And what is your justification for that assertion?

  17. There is little we can do to prevent elevation of this crisis - that card is held by Krazy Kim.

    I agree with you. However, I don't feel it is in the U.S. best interests to leave the situation totally alone. First of all, the United States cannot and should not trust other nations to completely handle this crisis adequately. Not to mention that no other nation in world history has done what the U.S. has accomplished so far. I'm not saying the U.S. should take total control over this situation. It should take all possible and necessary measures to promote peace. Why wait for the nukes to come when it can be precluded in the first place?

  18. It is good that the Bush administration is urging the Southeast Asian nations to carry more of the burden. Problem is, the lunatics in Pyongyang keep demanding one-on-one talks with the United States. The Bush administration should NOT give in to those talks as it would be giving in to blackmail. You keep feeding the baby, it's going to cry for more. Nobody knows what North Korea will ask for next. They've already broken the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. What the Bush administration needs to do is to keep up what it's doing: avoid talks but at the same time, make sure the crisis doesn't elevate.

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