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Black Razor

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Everything posted by Black Razor

  1. While the program may be interesting, it is unlikely to reveal any new insights on abortion. It is more about human nature in how humans with opposite views will be able to get along. Yeah your absolutely right! It was aired earlier and this show was good and inspirational to watch.
  2. Yes it is true that your religious view will shape your view of abortion but it is not the only factor. Religious factors aside, abortion is also about conflicting rights. The fetus right to life (or even if it has rights at all) vs the woman's right to control her body. So the issue transcends a religious view, in the same what that you may have a religious view of robbery or murder, but yet expect the state to enforce laws around robbery or murder. What you say is interesting, we should watch this program on the 23th this should be very good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ScUKhmD7c8. What do you think?
  3. Don't your views on abortion depend upon your religious view? But then wouldn't the separation of church and state require that you not try to make others live by your religion?
  4. Suppose the Supreme Court had decided in Roe V. Wade that the Constitution states that abortion must be illegal, that any law which allowed abortion was unconstitutional. What would your reaction have been?
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