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Posts posted by Remiel

  1. There was a useful message going around one Twitter, which basically said that all (or at least most of us) have had the experience of sitting in history class and wondering what we would have done. The answer is that you would have done exactly what you are doing now. So congratulations, all of you that whined and complained about appeasement by the "Left" - congratulations, you have become the evil that you warned us against. You are the Quislings and the Vichy sentimentalists. I would call you the Chamberlains, but in his defence at least he did not have himself to refer back to. This forum is dominated by the collaborator class. I advise everyone of conscience to devote their time to more meaningful pursuits and company. 

  2. You should all see the disgusting way the Conservatives are trying to get people to personally contact Harper and Poilievre on Twitter to tell them they got their cheques. As if they gave a fuck if you got your cheque except insofar as they can use psychological tricks to sucker people into voting for them.

  3. Ah Remiel, do you have anything of substance to say? Or are you just going to criticize a couple of minor errors made in haste very late at night? Nope...thought not, goodbye. If in fact you do spend the time to do some research, perhaps read the alleged offensive tweats themselves then come back and attempt to add something of substance to the discussion. perhaps you might want to comment on the fact that this case has now evolved to include an investigation of the key players in the prosecutions side of things.

    Loon may have been minor, but Radical Femenist is not. Capitalizing like that, and especially misspelling to throw in a reference to FEMEN, is just a way to scream "BOOGEYMAN!" Feminism Derangement Syndrome, anyone?

  4. CBC spends a few man hours on an opinion piece and it causes right wingers to gnash their teeth in outrage. Conservatives virtually steal 3B from the Government of Canada and cast at is their own personal largesse and it causes nary a complaint. Maybe you guys should take a look at the shirt Pierre Poilievre was wearing when he was ostensibly acting in his capacity as a minister.

  5. A member of the professional shit disturber class. There have been a number of that kind on here I think: people who are paid to troll and post disinformation, often for the benefit of foreign nations. Russia is known to have entire outfits dedicated to this sort of thing, and it does not seem far fetched to suggest China could do it too. Not really that different from how they have watered down the Tibetan majority in Tibet. Just a different medium.

  6. I don't see any problem with it. If you're out in public, you have no expectation of privacy in this regard. It's tantamount to somebody standing on the street corner watching you in public.

    That is not just what is at play though. You may say you have no expectation of privacy in a public place (what is a public washroom, by the way?), but that does not mean you do not have any expectation of not being continuously and actively surveilled in a public place; better known as stalking. Is there an essential difference between pervasive surveillance and stalking? If there is, it is a pretty damn thin distinction.

  7. I took french classes for 12 years in grade school and myself nor anyone else who took them with me became fluent in french because of it. Epic waste of time and resources.

    To be fair you could probably say that for a lot of things we learned in grade school. Maybe even most of them.

    In any case, the current record holder for most official languages is Zimbabwe with 16. Real winner of a country they picked there.

  8. The gambling is the biggest issue with Las Vegas, and how you feel about the potential for that screwing up the NHL. A hockey team in the desert is a stupid idea. But a hockey team in a desert with no other professional sports teams might be the lucky kind of stupid.

  9. If FPTP is so simple, why is it vast swaths of the voting population seem to operate under the completely false presumption that we elect Governments and Prime Ministers? The fear-mongering about coalitions in 2008 was nothing if not the exploitation of ignorance of how this "simple" system works. To my mind proportional representation would also be superior insofar as it makes it much harder to foster ignorance of how the system works. If coalitions are almost a given under the system, then their legitimacy will be obvious to most everyone.

  10. No representation at all? The opposition represents your views. The media represents your views. The government knows about your views, and if sufficient people hold them you can be sure they take them into account. I'm interested in capable government, not in you being satisfied that somewhere in parliament is somebody who shares your views. You don't think the anti-abortionst folks have the same complaint?

    MPs that are not members of the Government are first are foremost responsible to their own constituents. The Government is responsible to all Canadians. So if neither my MP nor the Government can be influenced by me, there is no one else with a primary duty to me.

    As for capable governments, what makes a government capable is exactly what representing views is about!

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