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  1. It seems pretty well all Canadians have reason to be interested in a nearby Indigenous land claim and these days. I'm starting this with information about Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Six Nations Confederacy. No doubt there's a reserve or claim near you (or on you in the case of Toronto:)) that has a website. I will post some here and perhaps other people can too. This is my favourite, the grandfather treaty... now part of our Constitution... Two Row Wampum http://www.kahnawake.com/ckr/two_row.htm ...and this is information about Haudenosaunee participatory democracy and religion (they are not separate) ...and also UN Haudenosaunee Address to the western world, 1977 http://www.ratical.org/many_worlds/6Nations/ ... a quick summary of spiritual matters http://www.peacemagazine.org/archive/v04n6p06.htm
  2. Well I have been banned again. What is it about good information supported by evidence that the moderator here doesn't like? I do not swear. I do not insult people like some of the stuff I have seen here. I have certainly found people interested in the information I have. I was never warned about anything ... just banned. I asked for an explanation and got none. What is the problem, Greg? If you won't answer my emails, answer it here. I think people deserve to know the parameters of the board. Are you not allowed to post any opinions or evidence that refute the government's position?? What is the rule that got me banned?? I have no idea. But it stinks.
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