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Posts posted by Claudius

  1. Did you know that Albertans are more likely to have Genital Chlymadia than Ontarians?

    By a factor of 1.65!

    0.00172 infection rate in Ontario (1.72 per thousand Ontarians)

    0.00286 infection rate in Alberta (2.86 per thousand Albertans)

    Andthis has relevance because...oh right: no relevance at all. Just cherry picking stats to make Alberta look bad. No bigotry or regional rivalry there. I could do the same thing, sit here all day cherry picking stats that make Ontario look bad but that's not my point.

    ...obviously it is the point for you, which proves everything I've said.

  2. Oh okay. I'm wrong. It was 10% and not 25%. At least I can admit it when my details are off.

    Ontario population increase of 580,000 in a province of 12,891,000 million is only 1/22nd growth, or less than 5%, so one wonders why you think that's a point. Not surprisingly neither you nor MiddleClassCentralist will address my main point:

    If your province experienced a 10% surge in population in 4 years it would have the same infrastructure problems.

  3. Oh and I taught you this already, going to have to teach you this again I guess: When your population jumps 25% in 4 years it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep the infrastructure up to date. Please let me know what it is about that you can't seem to understand.

    Did you know that your extremely socialist provincial government spends more per person than Ontario AND has more public servants?

    Wake me when you explain how your reply here has anything to do with anything. Oh and "per person"? That's happens pretty easy when you're comparing 2.4 million with 20 million. Try building 10000 km worth of road and highway overnight smart guy and see what happens.

    If Ontario had a population surge of 25% in 4 years they'd be facing the same infrastructure problems. That's the obvious point your bigotry forces you to ignore.

  4. Go on...

    Your ranting is amusing.

    Yes keep pretending to save face.

    1. Bigoted attitudes towards the West find their origins in the reaction by English Ontario towards the early immigration of Europeans to the Western provinces. This is obvious for anyone who reads.

    2. That you deny any of this exists is hilarious considering we're in this thread designed to take shots at Alberta (even starting just with the title). This is also obvious no matter how many times yuo stamp your feet and insist it was only created for level-headed discourse.

    3. That Stifton was born in Western Ontario and moved to Manitoba doesn't change a thing.

    4. MiddleClassCentrist ignores the answer to his main complaint, that it is silly to move out West because of the lackluster infrastructure ignores the reality that any province, even the mighty can't0-ever-do-anything-wrong province of Ontario will find it difficult if not impossible to keep infrastructure up to date if the population grows 25% in 4 years. You don't have a witty answer for that do you MiddleClassCentrist? No, just more bull remarks you think are witty in hopes of saving face.

    Grow up.

  5. Pointing out that men go where women are, not the opposite.

    And that it is silly to put positive spin on families arriving in Alberta without proper infrastructure to support them.

    Yep. Definately personal.

    Yep once again you try to cover this part:

    I read this morning that young families are moving west (with positive spin of course). Yet the article talked about how the infrastructure hasn't been updated (likely won't be under their supposedly conservative government) to support them. Yes, "Go West" young families so that you can suffer through infrastructure that hasn't been updated to support you.


    As an aside, I do know a girl who moved west. She had an STD with no cure, only treatment. GO GET 'ER Western Men! lol.

    Oh fer sure MCC, nothing but rational discourse there...no anti-Alberta rhetoric there at all LOL!!

    Oh and I taught you this already, going to have to teach you this again I guess: When your population jumps 25% in 4 years it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep the infrastructure up to date. Please let me know what it is about that you can't seem to understand.

  6. Wrong. Oh so obviously worng and if you look at practically any country in the world you can see you're wrong. These attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. We learn to hate each other by the osmosis of living with our peers.

    Yes that's right MiddleClassCentrist, my aren't you intelligent. Policies and events from anything longer than 30 years ago couldn't possibly come into play now, that's why the American South still gets along so well with the rest of the country. Sure. That's why Ireland is a country where everyone gets along so well, you know, because things that happen longer than 30 years ago suddenly become irrelevant.

    Watching you grasping at straws is hilarious.

    You could make the connection that I said that it is retarded. Not that it doesn't happen.

    Um what? Oh right. You edited out this part:

    You could use fewer personal attacks to show that you were actually intelligent.

    I was just going to ask you to identify the personal attack in the quote you made. Obviously you decided there wasn't any.

  7. Sigh...Manitoba is in the west, where as a boy he was raised.

    you can dance all you want, but the embarassment is yours to own, sausagefest is not a slag, but slang (note the 'n' )

    Yep fer sure Guyser. And that just invalidates everything (rolls eyes). Keep in the shallow end of the pool where you're safe.

  8. Naw sonnie....not in the context we'rethat I change my mind and talking about

    More obvious contrived childish bull. It is obvious from the VERY BEGINNING that we're talking about the WEST as in MANITOBA and west of, no matter how many times you post back here with your childish pretending that we weren't. We were. Period.

    We were talking about the West, not the West of Ontario. No backpedalling there, just you refusing to admit you know this or alternatively too stupid to read properly. You're just trolling.

  9. It exists to counter the positive spin that was put on the articles I read that day.

    Nope. It exists because you're a bigot, born and raised. That's why you put in this last little bit:

    As an aside, I do know a girl who moved west. She had an STD with no cure, only treatment. GO GET 'ER Western Men! lol.

    Oh yeah. Just sensible anti-propaganda there. Of course I already pointed this out, and you pretend to "reply" to it by completely ignoring it and just stamping your feet and repeating yourself.

    Your hate for the West is obvious.

  10. I posit that it is simply retarded to hold on to hate for things that happened before we existed, even something that caused a divide 30 years ago is no longer relevant because the people in charge are no longer in charge.

    Wrong. Oh so obviously worng and if you look at practically any country in the world you can see you're wrong. These attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. We learn to hate each other by the osmosis of living with our peers.

    Yes that's right MiddleClassCentrist, my aren't you intelligent. Policies and events from anything longer than 30 years ago couldn't possibly come into play now, that's why the American South still gets along so well with the rest of the country. Sure. That's why Ireland is a country where everyone gets along so well, you know, because things that happen longer than 30 years ago suddenly become irrelevant.

    Watching you grasping at straws is hilarious.

  11. *Intervention*

    Claudio is about to burst.

    Let's all just let him get back to his man party of a life, live and let live. :lol:

    ^Yep. This is what the defeated sound like. You can't deny that you started this thread because of yoru own hate of the West. You sit there babbling about how "I love the entire country" in a thread you simply cannot deny only exists to bash Alberta.

  12. Cueing my inner shady here...complete non-sense.

    Look, I know its embarassing but is there any need to print complete untruths?

    You said Sifton was a western raised boy. He wasn't, not in the context we're talking about. He was raised in Western ONTARIO. I linked you to that. That is the truth now or 1000 of your meaningless posts from now.

  13. Okay so now all the children are rallying together with nonsense replies that don't touch what I said or the proof I've given it.

    One more time, this is what you guys have been unable to deny from the beginning.

    Ontario vs the West regional bigotry and rivalry starts at the turn of the century when the influx of European farmers to the West inflamed the English's natural aptitude for bigotry against anyone but them. It starts there and has evolved ever sicne.

    I've proved this, and all stream of childish denials that can't even stay on topic don't enter into it.

  14. But but but you said.....

    Nice dance.

    More dance dance dance....Much music woud be proud....er wait a sec, that too is Eastern.

    He was moved as a boy to Manitoba...you know that place in the West? (its a bit east of you and houses all those Ukes and Icelandic folks you are fawning over

    I suppose as a boy living in sodom and gomorrah he could have formed all those Eastern biases you shrill about , but somehow as a young boy I would doubt it.

    Dance? You didn't say anything with this reply, much like your other replies.

  15. huh! Say what... fellow sausage?

    When the number of males in an environment overwhelmingly exceeds the amount of females present

    Hilarious. Now Waldo is going to argue that "Alberta is a sausagefest" is somehow a term of endearment and not at all indicative of a slag.

    No discussing anythign or debating anything with a child who refuses to be honest.

  16. Maybe the purpose was to counter the plethora of pro Alberta propaganda in the news?


    Another post of "even when I'm wrong somehow I'm still right". You made the post to slag Alberta because you're in Ontario and that's what people do there.

    As an aside, I do know a girl who moved west. She had an STD with no cure, only treatment. GO GET 'ER Western Men! lol.

    Yep. Nothing but "anit-propaganda" there. No emotion or slagging involved at all.

    All I can say is at least I'm an honest person who can admit some of the less savory aspects of the West....You guys however, your protests are hilarious. "Oh my! Whatever can you mean? English people in Ontario at the turn of the century having bigoted notions towards slaves and Europeans taking root in the West? Never! Impossible!"

    Hilarious. Almost as funny as calling someone who was raised in Western ONTARIO as a "western-raised boy" in some kind of feeble attempt to make it sound like a Westerner (i.e. WEST OF ONTARIO) came up with the policy....that you all deny existed.

  17. buddy... would you like a replay on just how many times you derogatorily played an education angle?

    in any case, the reality you speak of is only the one playing out in your ultra-sensitive head.

    HAHAHAHHAHA....he said in a thread designed only to take pot shots at Alberta.

    You're a joke Waldo. I will only repeat:

    Whatever Waldo. It's obvious you have no intention of considering this honestly. You're right: English Ontario is perfect. They never ever ever had anything against all the Europeans coming to Canada, and even if they did that kind of immigration history could never ever ever affect attitudes today, just like they do in other countries.

  18. Ah yes, assumptions on ones person.

    I used to think that Canadians were united.

    Until I detected the general trend of hate flowing from West to East. I kept hearing the disdain westerners had for easterners. Even for simple things like how Ontario gets more lottery winners... They couldn't figure out that Ontario would get a good number of winners because that is where the the largest number of Canadians live.

    I read them in commentaries, editorials, forums.


    Listen to this crap from the guy from Ontario who starts a "Alberta is Canada's Sausagefest" thread with absolutely no other purpose than to slag Alberta. I don't see a "How come Ontario gets more lottery winners" thread anywhere.

    Your hypocrisy is plain and on the record.

  19. Nope. Again, grew up with nothing but love for the whole country.

    Yes that's right. Drive across Ontario and you hear nothing but compliments towards Alberta and the West. LOL!!!

    Whatever. There is no debating with someone who hasn't the guts to be honest. Simple fact is Ontario can't speak of the West without interjecting the standard redneck crap.

    Until I heard the vitriol coming out of the West.

    Oh good. Then you do understand that hate begets more hate. Thanks. To bad you think it's impossible any of it may have started before you were born.

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