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Everything posted by scarboroughdave

  1. Fighting Khadr's repatriation to Canada is what should make people ashamed. He is the last remaining foreign national at Guantanamo Bay, every other nation on Earth had demanded the repatriation of their citizens from that illegal gulag in Cuba except the Canadian government. The youngest child soldier ever held in custody (illegally under international law) only 14 when he was captured and has spent his entire youth in isolation, torture, and subject to a non democratic unaccountable military tribunal. The same clause in the charter of rights quoted in the Supreme Court ruling that prevents Canadians from being executed in foreign jurisdictions is being violated by the refusal to allow Khadr's return to Canada. All those groups and organizations who are turning a blind eye to this child soldier who has been a victim of the blatant violations of international law by the US over the past decade should be ashamed to call themselves Canadian. To speak out against his return is to undermine the fundamental rights and freedoms ALL Canadians share. If Khadr is denied his constitutional rights because of the rantings of racists, Muslim haters and others who oppose his repatriation because of their own ignorance, it will be a dark day in Canadian history, setting a new precedent. When some of these mouthy apologists for fascism get arrested stateside, and have their consular rights violated and end up in prison or death row, should we turn a blind eye to them as well and let the US seal their fate ? Wake up Canada, whether you like it or nor Khadr's rights are YOUR RIGHTS. Don't give up YOUR rights !
  2. I'm not sure what I'm expected to respond to besides a bunch of right wing apologists for the fascist conservative party of Ontario under Hudak. I'm sure you're proud of Nicholls, Ontario's own Rick Santorum, a rabid evangelical who is against same-sex marriage, LGBT rights, abortion, and a myriad of other social conservative issues that have no place in Canadian society in the 21st century. I could care less what your opinion of me is, as obviously you are supporters of taking Canada back to the 1950's, and are happy that they have a provincial representative that reflects the backwards xenophobic and homophobic evangelical fundamentalist attitudes of local Chatham residents. Chatham-Kent-Essex deserves no less than Santorum Perry Nicholls.
  3. While the art of mashing up politicians is usually reserved for presidents and prime ministers, an until now relatively unknown backbench Ontario MPP made some unexpected waves recently. The "Squeeze Baby" music video features the performance of Chatham-Kent-Essex PC MPP Rick Nicholls... The video features Chatham-Kent-Essex PC MPP Rick Nicholls recent "Squeeze" gaffe in the Ontario Legislature humorously remixed with his various other gaffes, soundbites and music. Below are the related news articles about Nicholls and his "Squeeze" comment. Ontario Conservative MPP for Chatham-Kent-Essex Rick Nicholls and his "Drive-by smear" in the Ontario Legislature against Lisa Kirbie, the director of government and regulatory affairs for ORNGE. Nicholls referred to Kirbie as Warren Kinsella's "squeeze" pissing off the columnist and political pundit for Sun Media and Sun TV and drawing a rebuke from the Minister of Community and Social Services and Government House Leader John Milloy Liberal MPP for Kitchener Centre. Nicholls was trying to distract attention from the fact that prominent Tory organizer Kelly Mitchell who served on Tim Hudak's election campaign and was campaign chair for Treasury Board President Tony Clement in 2008 was under fire in the ORNGE scandal for $400,000 in billings over seven years via ORNGE to his company Pathway. The next day Mitchell was scheduled to appear to face questions about his role in the ORNGE scandal, and why he hired a water-ski-instructor named Kelly Long, the girlfriend of ORNGE founder Chris Mazza. Mazza has been issued a warrant through his lawyer in Hamilton to appear before the all-party legislative hearing May 16 in a rare move by the speaker of the Ontario Legislature. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1171701--orgne-former-board-member-says-chris-mazza-referred-his-girlfriend-for-position-at-air-ambulance-service Kinsella called Nicholls a "coward" on his blog and dared him to make the same comment outside the legislature where he's not protected from being sued. http://warrenkinsella.com/2012/05/i-also-told-the-reporter-that-ontario-pc-mp... Nicholls response was even more embarrassing stating he thought the term "Squeeze" was a common 'Term of Endearment" used to talk about women. http://www.ckreview.ca/2012/05/rick-nicholls-apologizes-liberals-keep-coming. A local poll by the Chatham Daily News showed a majority of the public also agree Nicholls comments were offensive and inappropriate for an MPP. http://www.chathamdailynews.ca/polls/106003 DAILY NEWS: ONT. PC MPP RICK NICHOLLS MISOGYNISTIC, INSULTING, CHEAP, INAPPROPRIATE: http://warrenkinsella.com/2012/05/daily-news-ont-pc-mpp-rick-nicholls-misogynistic-insulting-cheap-inappropriate/ Rick Nicholls sexist attitude is also apparent during the election campaign. He refers to the NDP candidates campaign manager Tracy Lamourie, who is making a video as "Baby". From NDP Candidate Aleksandra Navarro's 2010 election campaign: "Squeeze" The full length unedited clean version:
  4. McGuilty and Co. bought her out, now Hudak is in deep trouble and can expect to lose the seat. With his backbench MPP's making stupid comments both inside and outside the Ontario Legislature, it's just a matter of time before the Ontario Conservatives are reduced to third party status now the Liberals are expected to return to majority territory. His wing nut far right tea party evangelical back benchers will be the death of the PC's in Ontario. "Squeeze Baby" music video featuring the performance of Chatham-Kent-Essex PC MPP Rick Nicholls...
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