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Posts posted by blueblood

  1. 17 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

    Michael Chong is setting the agenda. He didn't even mention carbon tax in his reply to the crime question, but he got the rest speaking about it. WTG Michael. 

    Michael Chong isn't going to do anything but make noise.  The sooner he backs out of the race with his delusions of grandeur the better.  

    Its the b-team debate tonight.  

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  2. 12 minutes ago, betsy said:


    If he isn't on board, and he PUBLICLY opposes the President - who's only doing what got him elected - I suppose, we'd be saying adios amigo to this guy pretty soon. 


    Meh.  If this is true.....now I understand why looney John McCain was so enthusiastically in favor of this guy. McCain's reaction should've been a red flag.



    McCain better hope the midterms go good for the democrats or any power he has is gone.  Make no bones about it, this is likely mccain's last term.  

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    That's already long been evident according to findings, rulings and assessments from legal and medical professionals and experts over the last 8 years.

    All I'm really doing is triggering ignorant and unrepentant liars to paint themselves as the inhumane so and so's they really are at heart.


    That's actually really disturbing.

    Nobody is lying.  There is information that was given to you that he went off his meds.  

    I would rather have Vince li locked in the crazy house for the rest of his life so that his medication can be monitored and that the risk to society is zero.  If that's inhumane then so be it.  The only one triggered is you because a majority of people don't believe a crazy murderer should be loose and you can't handle that.


  4. I don't see why the press and pundits are blowing this out of proportion.  I have my opinions on Trudeau but I didn't think he would be rude enough to go to someone's house and tell them their business.  That's pretty much all trump was wanting.

    i mean if you were constantly criticized for things blown out of proportion you wouldn't be too friendly either...

  5. 2 hours ago, eyeball said:

    What meds, prescribed by who?  You figure schizophrenics just diagnose themselves and purchase anti-psychotics off the shelf like it was cough medicine or something?  



    The Sun is completely full of shit and so is anyone who peddles it. It's as simple as that.

    I have to say the arguments that have been presented so far here today in the case against Will Baker are about as lame and flat out wrong as it gets around here. Maybe everyone's waiting to see if Rona Ambose can come up with something more substantive than than it "doesn't seem right".  OTOH Ambrose is probably casting about for a better argument too and "it just feels wrong" is about the best thing she's hearing bubbling up from the right-wing base she represents,  I guess it would be a little unseemly to cite things like the prescriptions for lead to the head or the lol's and yuks about the eating habits of schizophrenics, whattya think?

    I have to say conservatism is just about the nastiest challenge the mentally ill have to overcome.

    So $100,000 for the bridge then?  I can take payments in monthly increments.

    he went off his meds as per the paper.  What part of skipped his meds don't you understand.


    you keep playing that fiddle apologizing for nutbars who are waking time bombs when they skip their meds.

    i think it's chicken shit that you are an apologist for Vince li when he gets to take a life away and get away with it and gets another shot when mr McLean got senselessly killed.  You don't care that his mother had to bury her son early, you don't care that society has to wonder when Vince li forgets to take his meds.  All you care about is apologizing for crazy people.  Sad.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, hernanday said:

    Constitutional Law professor for 12 years at one of the top law schools in the world and most prestigious US law school, national senator, state senator, ran for congress, author of 2 top selling books, 2 decades in public service, Harvard Law grad with an expertise in Constitutional law, president of the harvard law review (probably the most prestigious role a Harvard student can get),  ivy league undergrad degree in politics, worked in several highly regarded law firms, community organizer and yes great public speaker.


    Trump is the exemplar of white privilege.  His only qualifications was his skin color.  If he was red, yellow, brown, any other skin color, he couldn't be elected.

    Trump = billionaire and management of a large company making payroll and being able to articulate his way into the White House.

    theres no such thing as white privelege only good decision privelege.  

    But please continue being racist to white people.  As you were.

  7. Just now, eyeball said:

    Are you a psychiatric expert?

    Being a a psychiatric expert has nothing to do with it.  Society has an expectation of safety and that trumps some jackass's head issues.


    Just now, eyeball said:


    I guess that depends on what the medical experts who know about ebola prescribe.

    Are you one by any chance?

    Ebola people get quarantined until the disease is gone.  Ebola is cured.  Mental issues not.

    Schizophrenia to the point where buddy chops off a head isn't cureable as he has to be on a cocktail and has to remain on said cocktail.  Even worse is when buddy has been known to not comply with taking said cocktail resulting in someone to die.  Buddy can have a doctor observe him take medication for the rest of his life.

  8. 43 minutes ago, Omni said:

    So it's not a wonder why US health care is so over priced. People with bucks in their pockets just walk into clinics and demand procedures simply because they feel like it andthey got the money. Brilliant!

    As is ours with hypochondriacs plugging the waiting rooms for essentially nonsense.  

    Yet laser eye surgery keeps dropping like a rock even though a lot of people get it...

  9. 25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    You ever had someone you love become ill with schizophrenia Hal?

    Do you punish your kids when they come home with the flu?

    Why not? 


    This guy murdered someone because he fell off the apple cart.  He needs to be in a mental health centre for life so that society doesn't pay the price the next time he comes off his meds.


    so what happens to people with Ebola, do they get to roam around willy billy when they get the disease or are they quarantined?

  10. 3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    Cruz showed the usual English-speaking laziness in referring to conditions in the NHS and Canada as if they are the best alternatives to America's runaway train of healthcare costs. If you are going to bring up the NHS, ponder how little the Brits pay for healthcare compared to the US as well. BTW what's the mad rush for cataract surgery? That's a chronic condition.

    Like knee surgery and hip replacements and mri's?


  11. 39 minutes ago, Bonam said:

    All topics that we've discussed in depth here on MLW many times but a surprisingly deep and civil discussion for this day and age of American politics. I think they both made their respective cases well. 

    They made their cases well based on who they were appealing to.  If you wanted emotional, sanders was your man.  Numbers Cruz was your man.

    the debate was in the same tone as the free to choose series which was fantastic and informative as was this debate.  Cruz definitely redeemed himself to voters and was very well prepared.  IMO sanders went to his talking points.

  12. 1 hour ago, Derek 2.0 said:


    I disagree.......unless someone wins outright (50% +1) in the first round, the follow on rounds are where the wheeling and dealing take place.......

    The writing is on the wall for most of them.  They can't get name recognition or funding, they need to fold their tent and go home so a debate with more substance can take place.  

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  13. Unfortunately the great experiment with cranking up regulations has come to a close.  In essence the investor class said that if the USA government is going to tax and regulate them excessively, the investor class will take their ball and go home.  By piling on regulations and doing so unpredictably it put a lot of fear into investors and instead of investing in factories, jobs, etc, it was far easier to take their money and play the stock market.  

  14. 12 minutes ago, Peter F said:

    I certainly acknowllege that people can make unfair demands. But that does not mean you and I should encourage unfairness.

    The thing with unfairness is that it's subjective. 

    What is interesting is looking through history over the past 2500 years, it's all just basically elites making power grabs at the expense of innocent people, which is basically what is going on here.  Isis wants to be the next Ottoman Empire and I'm sure those fellows in the mosque just wanted to live their lives.

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