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the Liberal

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  1. Chicken Little Harper is brown nosing to Bush by telling Canada we NEO CONS will not decriminalise Marijuana. That is music to Bushes ears. And Bushloyd Harper will go the distance and may become Canadian American brownnoser of the year. Bush must have been laughing his head of looking at Harper with his stupid hunting vest on during the summit. The night of this last election January 23rd Hippocratic Harper stood in front of the camera and said, “Give us a chance to clean Ottawa and provide for you the voter a clear and most transparent Government”. Let me be your voice to change in Ottawa. Now Hippocratic Harper is about to teach us all a lesson on ethics along with the scum bag David Emerson. Who the knight before and during the night of the election pig Emerson is on record screaming “my constituency Vancouver Kingsway will be Harpers worst night mare. Hypocrisy of the worst kind. The pigs in the trough are going to eat , get dirty and have their pathetic asses booted out on the next coming up election.
  2. The Liberals will be back in power and they could even pull a majority landslide on the soon coming up Canadian Federal election. After seeing the dismal attitude by Chicken Little Stephen Harper acting as if he will be in power for ever and there for we don’t have to talk to any one about anything, "DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO" Harper is scary and the Canadian voter is slowly recognising this chilling fact. The draft is in the picture for Harper if he got a majority mandate, the decriminalisation of Marijuana, is not Harpers priority, but to do the crime and do the time is a scary thought if you got cote with a joint you will do the time. Harper is secretly thinking on a model on how to build new Jails. Harper is an unethical loser and the Canadian voter is soon to experience the Gestapo idiot Mulroney boot. Like pigs on the way to the slaughter house, is what idiot Mulroney had the Canadian voter run like. Joe who? I guess the last 70 days has been unkind to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The fact is people who have an average body mass and walk around with their arms stretched out from the sides of their body’s thinking they are bigger than they really are, they are suffering from a condition called (I am bigger than life) and approximately 18 months from now Harper will be faced with a rude awakening. Harper will steal you vote and tell you to keep quiet. Think as a brick? Your next 18 months will unkind to you politicly speaking.
  3. The Liberals will be back in power and they could even pull a majority landslide on the soon coming up Canadian Federal election. After seeing the dismal attitude by Chicken Little Stephen Harper acting as if he will be in power for ever and there for we don’t have to talk to any one about anything, "DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO" Harper is scary and the Canadian voter is slowly recognising this chilling fact. The draft is in the picture for Harper if he got a majority mandate, the decriminalisation of Marijuana, is not Harpers priority, but to do the crime and do the time is a scary thought if you got cote with a joint you will do the time. Harper is secretly thinking on a model on how to build new Jails. Harper is an unethical loser and the Canadian voter is soon to experience the Gestapo idiot Mulroney boot. Like pigs on the way to the slaughter house, is what idiot Mulroney had the Canadian voter run like. Joe who?
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