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  1. TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- CNN censored part of the live broadcast of the Iranian president's speech during a rally in Tehran on Saturday, which put the phenomenon of the Holocaust under question. The Cable News Network (CNN) censored part of Iranian president Ahmadinejad's speech in Tehran on Saturday who was addressing millions of rallying people on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Ahmadinejad was censored when he started talking about the Holocaust and when he put the issue under a question mark and said, "if you are not lying about the Holocaust, then why don't you let our scientists come to your countries to conduct a research on the issue. You do not even let your own scientists and thinkers to run a research on the issue and as soon as they raise doubts or put the issue under question, you suffocate them." CNN was relaying the live broadcast of Ahmadinejad's speech by the Islamic Republic News Network and it did not cut the program even when the Iranian president was stating his country's strong opposition to the west and its hegemony and trespass of the other nations' rights. But as soon as Ahmadinejad started talking about the Holocaust, the reputable American channel cut his words on the pretext of intermission. Once the Iranian president was through with that part of his speech about the Israeli Regime, the falsehood of the raison deters of Zionism and Israel and the current status quo in the Palestinian occupied lands, CNN started the broadcast again. The measure seems to be globally coordinated since BBC also embarked on censoring the same part of the Iranian president's speech, which referred to the Holocaust again on the pretext of intermission. If you are interested to know the highlights of president Ahmadinejad's speech, or if you would like to be informed about the details of the said censored part, please check it out on our first news of the day. http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8411220301 http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8411220305
  2. People reverting to Islam in Texas http://video.google.com/videopopup?q=http%...o+-+Full+Screen
  3. TEHRAN, Jan. 14--President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday Iran would not back down over the nuclear program even if ordered to do so by the UN Security Council. Addressing domestic and foreign reporters at a press conference, the president said, “Even if the Security Council becomes involved, it will not help resolve the issue. We are not interested in going down this path, but if some people insist on depriving the Iranian people of their rights, they should know that such a thing will not happen.“ Ahmadinejad further said the atomic bomb presents a violent image of countries producing them, ISNA reported. “If we were to manage the world, we would even dismantle the missile system. We believe in dialogue and not nuclear weapons. When Israel’s foundations are shaken by a question, then we do not need the atomic bomb. Today rationality and wisdom prevail in the world,“ he said. Explaining his recent comment on the holocaust of Jews during World War II being a myth and the illegitimacy of the state of Israel, he said, “I raised two questions, to which I have not yet received specific answers. The first question was: Where did the people committing crimes in Palestine come from? É The second question was whether the West believes the holocaust actually took place É If they (the westerners) are responsible for this situation, then they should compensate for it. Why should others pay the price for their deeds?“ In relation to the latest developments regarding Iran’s nuclear issue, he said, “Those who believe they have more rights than other nations when they have more chemical warfare are badly mistaken. Based on the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), all member-states have the right to gain access to peaceful nuclear technology and no pretexts can prevent them from doing so. Those who themselves have nuclear weapons claim to confront nuclear weapons.“ The chief executive stressed that although they have carried out unprecedented inspections of Iranian nuclear sites and found no traces of nuclear weapons in Iran, they want to monopolize nuclear energy and then sell it to other countries at high costs. “Now they are telling us that suspension of uranium enrichment operations should be permanent and that we should build trust with them. But our stance is that for two and a half years we tried to build up trust and it is now the turn of the West to build trust. We do not trust their integrity. They do not have the right to oppose our nuclear research. Isn’t this attitude reminiscent of the medieval ages?“ he asked. Ahmadinejad maintained that the country should move towards advancement and being an exemplary Islamic society. http://www.iran-daily.com/1384/2476/html/
  4. this picture shows ABOGHORAIB prison in IRAQ when be occupied by US army http://www.aviny.com/News/83/03/09/Abu_Ghraib_05.jpg this is shameful for america
  5. No one cares what the ignorant, religious psychotic you call a president has to say about human rights anywhere else so long as he is so brutal and murderous in his own country. All he is doing is attempting to shift attention onto the relatively minor transgressions in other countries to deflect criticism of his murderous, despotic regime. If you cared about human rights you'd be trying to convince your president to stop making you all look like a bunch of primitives from the dark ages. It is better worry about human right in your country that be violated by bush .he protect Ariel Sharon who murdered in Sabra and Shatila(in palestine) about 3000 people.he (bush) murdered non-militaries people in Iraq and Afghanistan .America murdered many iranian people also(an example : to murder passengers of Airbus airoplane in 1988 (in persian Golf)).and... and now which one violated human rights , Iran or America? we are proud of Mr Ahmadinejad.
  6. please read the lower link http://www.iran-daily.com/1384/2466/html/
  7. this is a scholarly and scientific debate and talk .this represents an example of human right in west. you can't participate in this talk and debate because you know you have not anything for say except insult and offense.
  8. hello,all of peaple in world.i am from Iran.Islamic Repulic of. we usually to be accused of violation of human rights from west(America and Europa) unfairly.(believe that it isn't thus) there is a suggestion from iranian peresident (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) to all countries: { I suggest a series of scholarly sessions in high level, between islamic thinkers and western thinkers about "foundations of HUMAN RIGHTS".Iran goverment will bring about its conditions, provided that these scholarly debates don't be censored in western medium(TV, Radio,Press,...) and the results of these arguments should be presented in international level to give all thinkers opinion about that.said M Ahmadinejad. I suggest to make a list of all of violations of human rights and to judge about all countries.It means that we send our representatives(inspectors) to report about freedom of thought,freedom of expression,conditions of prisons and women and children in western countries ,they do that in Iran also, and after that, be deduced and the results be judged publicly by general thinks.and these results shouldn't be censored and shouldn't be published unilaterally.therefore if talks and debates about human rights be schoiarly(scientific) and equitable(fairly) we are agreeable(talk and debate with any country) said M Ahmadinejad. } and now, there is a question:"why western countries is silent about this suggestion?"is this suggestion a bad one for them? or they ...?
  9. what do you about holocaust(in WW2)? is it real or fiction? if holocaust is real and not a fiction why palestinians should indemnify for it? don't should those who brought it to existence indemnify for it? is this fairly that germanies or any country in west (who brought holocaust into existence) give israel a part of their land ?don't should israel exit from palestine? which one is just?
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