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  1. In his privy dialog with journalists US Deputy Special Assistant to the President has taken large freedoms with Uzbekistan's President, using words that are unique to public from some uptown rathskeller. He has given Karimov the name of "Eastern Blockhead" and "Devil Incarnate" during discussion the results of Russian-Uzbek recent agreements, signed in Moscow. But where does he come in? The matter is that he is an official of the White House. And although he is so-so desk clerk he tries to show everyone he has the right to give official estimation of relations between two sovereign states, pulling no punches in charactering such top-officials as one of their Presidents. The first cause of his courage is quite clear. Karimov has dared to turn such "Great Power as USA" out of doors and, moreover, he has made out a bill for US using Uzbek territory and for damaging the local environment. US ill-will has increased manifold after Andijan's events. It was the first time when US democratized men were isolated during settlement of such important questions inside this country. It is obvious Washington fears that it can produce analogous actions on the part of other countries of this region where US reputation is hurt, putting it mildly. But the main point of it that US Deputy Special Assistant to the President has not only laid special emphasis on impermissibility of such actions on the part of Uzbek President, but also notified journalists about possibility of new repetition of Andijan's events at most diverse levels.
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