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Posts posted by tml12

  1. Greg have you seen any of the costs in our hospitals now, over $250,000 American for a bone marrow transplant and these are becoming more common. Anywhere from $10,000 up for a hip replacement. Who has that kinc of money????

    There are no costs in our hospitals now. This is Canada...we are all equal and no one has any access to faster or better quality health care anywhere in our free and 100% equal land.

  2. There is no such thing as a "safe" injection. I remember New York 20 years ago and I don't think they cleaned up that city with this leftist concept of "safe injection cites." I just think they threw these people in jail and kept them there and increased the police presence.

    I don't think my tax dollars should go toward somebody else's addiction. Using drugs is simply wrong.

    New York City 20 years ago was quite a bit better than 10-13 years before that, and is quite safe now. Drug giveaways have not been part of the formula.

    Yes, I realize that. That was my point.

  3. By accident or not, Canada made the right move in staying out of Iraq...but let's not be so smug. It's easy to bash bush through a revisionist view of Iraq. I would have liked the US to give the UN another 2 or 3 months to make Hussein comply with detailed inspections but in fact Iraq had many, many chances. While there were some inspectors who were still sceptical that Iraq had WMD, all the major countries were positive that he did have them - and they stated that fact time and time again. Coupled with the intelligence was the reasoning that if he didn't have them, why not let the UN have an unrestricted look at everything? It made no sense and enforced the intelligence community's view that he had them - now proven to be wrong. So let's not get caught up in saying "Lies, lies, all lies". It was intel shortcomings and Hussein being a cutthroat buffoon. All very unfortunate. I don't think there would be as many naysayers if Bush had made better decisions and Iraqis were in full control of their own free country. But it didn't work out that way. The UK, Australia, US and Canada have been allies through World Wars and other conflicts. September 11th - lest we forget - took over 30 Canadian lives - murdered. Our first instinct should always be to stand by our allies - that's where Stephen Harper was coming from. It's pretty easy to look back and say he's changed positions - but things have chnaged - information that was not available then is common knowledge now. Isn't it interesting that Paul Wells drags this story out now?

    I think that's a pretty fair argument.

  4. who was the last Liberal leader not to become Prime Minister?
    Canada has been culturalized without the consent of Canadians, who have allowed the passage of the flawed, discriminatory Charter of Rights and Freedoms that has overshadowed and impeded the normal running of this countries business.
    Yeah! git rid of all dem furriners! And who needs rights and freedoms anyway? Why not just let the strong prey on the weak.

    Your post represents a complete lack of understanding of the point Leafless was trying to make.

    I love how Conservatives like to make themselves out to be smarter than everyone else whenever someone says something they don't agree with. No, I understood what was said completely I just chose to respond in the mocking way the original thought deserved.

    To be fair, I know more Liberals who try to do that than Conservatives. In fact, that's how the Liberals govern..."you need us...natural governing party...Harper=*scary* *scary* *scary*!

  5. One year into their mandate, and they have managed to accomplish some things. ..

    Canada needs to create its own identity at the direction of its citizens.

    I notice you did not mention what they have accomplished.

    Canada has its own identity the Harper gang would have us change ourselves to blend with the USA.

    A *true* Liberal quote...comparing Canada right away with the U.S.

    I think a Harper government may not be the best thing for the U.S., especially with his wish to defend sovereignty in the Arctic (I should add probably not the best thing for Denmark either), to build our armed forces into first-world status, and to stand up for Canada in the world.

    I love how the Libs promise to stand up for Canada with their Trudeau-era rhetoric but then bend over for their Toronto business base.

  6. who was the last Liberal leader not to become Prime Minister?
    Canada has been culturalized without the consent of Canadians, who have allowed the passage of the flawed, discriminatory Charter of Rights and Freedoms that has overshadowed and impeded the normal running of this countries business.
    Yeah! git rid of all dem furriners! And who needs rights and freedoms anyway? Why not just let the strong prey on the weak.

    Your post represents a complete lack of understanding of the point Leafless was trying to make.

  7. Put *scary* *scary* *scary* to bed.

    Heh, not a chance in Hell. You think we in the center right/center/center left/left are stupid enough to believe that just because Harper hasn't tried anything he'd really like to try yet doesn't mean he wouldn't in a second if he got a majority?

    Talk about :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That's like me telling you this criminal over here hasn't tried to shoot anyone since I gave him a water gun so lets go ahead and give him a real gun and turn him loose. The Conservatives know they can't reshape Canada in their perverted image without a majority, but they also know they can't show their real hand before they get it or else they never will. Now I understand they've already fooled you and that's fine, but don't come at me with weak crap like that argument.

    Dude, Ricki's right. You really need to put *scary* *scary* *scary* to bed. Harper has performed admirably as PM and I am SO VERY HAPPY the Liberals are out of office and we actually have democracy in this country. I get giddy just thinking of a strong Harper majority for five or more years. We might have a transparent government and a stronger military and a greater voice on the world stage.

  8. Ricki my oldest and dearest friend, who was the last Liberal leader not to become Prime Minister?

    Lord how I can't wait to see Dion debate Harper, I might actually feel sorry for Harper when it's over. Well, maybe not.

    Say the Conservatives do pull of a majority next Spring.
    Speaking of being baked...

    I agree, I'd like to see Harper debate Dion and the Libs on the environment.

  9. Oh come on Harper has an agenda, he has made that plain over the years and anyone simple enough not to see it needs to open their ears. He is a control freak for one thing, he wants to be a contolling prime minister in the worst way. He will do anything and say anything right now that he sees as a venue to get those votes. Like othere people I know the means justifys the end and Ambrose is just an example of what will happen to anyone even McKay who happens to get in his way.

    It all hinges on how stupid the Canadian electorate is.

    In voting Liberal, the Canadian electorate will in fact show how stupid they are.

  10. Morton as Premier would have been an outright, wholesale political disaster for Alberta.

    His deep social conservatism would have been an embarassing and inaccurate confirmation that Alberta is the preserve of Bible thumping evolutionists. Fortunately, the mainstream rose up and smote him, so to speak.

    If Harper... or whoever comes next... attacks oil resources in Alberta for Quebec votes, which is very likely... we'll all be begging for Morton.

    He is currently a cabinet minister and no socon legislation has been tabled.

    I think Morton is more a Reagan Republican than anything else.

  11. Clearly, the left would have us emulate France

    If it's clear surely you could provide proof that the lefties have said they want to emulate France? Otherwise you're just making things up.

    I've seen a couple people here say they would like to see us pull out of the mission we are now on. They could be considered left but it's not a "left" thing. I know a few Conservatives that want to pull out since they don't believe the mission is worth the amount of money we are spending there. Are they left? And why reply with that to a post of mine since I've never advocated pulling out, or are you just trying to steer the conversation away from O'Connor being a little dictator?

    It's clear that if we pulled out, we would be emulating France, the only other counrt that's pulled out.

    O'Connor is supported by our military so any anti-O'Connor talk clearly, it seems to me, is an attack on our military.

    We've comitted to helping the people of Afghanistan. Pulling out now would only prove of the ridiculous state of our military after decades of Liberal neglect.

  12. Nobody here has any proof Rick Mercer has been allowed in any areas that the MPs weren't.

    I think it's clear this is all part of the Liberal plan to undermine our mission. It is clear from the military people who post on this page that they support O'Connor. Clearly, the left would have us emulate France (a country militarily no one in the developed world should seriously emulate) in disgracefully pulling out from Afghanistan.

    "Liberal plan"?

    "the left"?

    Do you think there are no Liberal, Green or NDP supporters who support the war on terror, and the mission in Afghanistan?

    To be honest, I'm beginning to wonder.

  13. If something happened to one of those MPs it would look really bad for the government and the military. While in theory you might be correct, I've got to go with O'Connor on that one.

    It's a good excuse anyways. Some people seem to buy into it; but then mostly those people will buy into anything the Steve government says.

    O'Connor seems to treat Afghanistan as his own little surfdom. If Rick Mercer can get around so should these MPs be able to. Besides, I'd miss Mercer a hell of a lot more should something happen to him than I would any of the MPs.

    Nobody here has any proof Rick Mercer has been allowed in any areas that the MPs weren't.

    I think it's clear this is all part of the Liberal plan to undermine our mission. It is clear from the military people who post on this page that they support O'Connor. Clearly, the left would have us emulate France (a country militarily no one in the developed world should seriously emulate) in disgracefully pulling out from Afghanistan.

  14. Ricki Bobbi,

    The Star and the CBC and the Toronto Liberal elite have been undermining Harper since he was elected PM. Their grip on power has been stymied with the CPC election victory. The problem for us is, they have a lot of power and control the media.

    I have a feeling it will be a tough campaign next time around and I hope Harper squeaks out a majority victory.

    I understand that, but this column crosses every line.

    Power to The Star. A private organization is more than free to print crap like this. Just sorta sad they try and portray themselves as somehow respectable...

    If Hébert is correct and the Conservatives can neutralize the issue then they will be clear favourites going into the next election.

    Wikipedia describes The Star as "proudly Liberal."

    They don't even give such an honour to the NY Times.

  15. Hi - I've been reading with great interest and am appropriately dismayed. I'm an anglophone from ON, married to a Québecois, and we moved to his rural hometown in the Beauce region of Quebec - one of Canada's Cultural Capitals no less, in 2003.

    I am curious, what does your wife say about your situation. What do your inlaws say. Where do you work, or do you. Does she work.

    It seems that Quebec does not like immigration, even though you are technically not an immigrant. They seem to have found a simple way around discrimination prohabitions. Just do it.

    I was talking with a northerner who lived in North Carolina for eight years. He said that the southerners would prefer not doing business with northerners, but there were so many northerners living in North Carolina, that it really did not matter. That is probably what will have to happen to Quebec. The anglophones will have to move there enmass, and bring the jobs with them for the anglophones.

    Anglophones are leaving Quebec every year.

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