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Posts posted by Winston

  1. Just now, Aristides said:

    The program is to keep people out of hospitals so our health care system can function for everyone, not just covid patients. The steps are vaccines and restrictions to slow down infection rates so the system can continue function. This has been explained ad nauseam but some people are really poor listeners.

    So the program plans to keep COVID around forever? There is no goal for pre covid life?  

    "The steps are vaccines and restrictions to slow down infection rates so the system can continue function." Well it does not do that. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html

    Cases and hospitalizations rates are the highest they have ever been, the program is failing. 

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    No wrong. Aging is not a choice but refusing vaccine or smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol is.

    Sorry I thought the point was "They have to pay higher tax to cover the extra cost on Health Care." hence why I stated the cost through the age groups. 

    Also new data came out for Ontario, 46-47% of hospitalizations are not due to COVID nor are 17-20% of ICU patients. Would the rules still apply to those that are not in the hospital due to covid?


  3. 47 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    We put extra taxes on other bad life choices, tobacco, booze, junk food. If seven times more people per 100K population in hospital are unvaxxed, I'm not sure there shouldn't be consequences for their choices.


    1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    They have to pay higher tax to cover the extra cost on Health Care

    It would be more logical to apply this to the 50-80 age group as they represent 68.3% of ICU patients and 50 -80+ represent 75.8% of hospitalizations. If the problem is cost on health care, these are the people. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html

    (not in favor)


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  4. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    1.  The Bible has many supernatural events.  We accept it on faith.  Again it gets back to believing in the supernatural which is what the Bible is all about

    How is it verified? Ie what prevents someone from making a supernatural event up? You just accept on faith that it's real?

    God told me that homosexuality is good and that the bible was altered to say it was bad. There is an example of a supernatural event.

    1 hour ago, blackbird said:

      Yet you ask deep questions as if you expect scholars answers.

    I expect answers that are logical and obey the laws of the universe. I also expect non circular reasoning. The reason we are delving into the bible is because you have no scientific evidence of God. 

    1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    I am not sure what you mean in saying Jesus cannot be Immanuel.  Immanuel simply means "God with us".  Since Jesus claimed to be the Son of God (or God, as part of the trinity of God), then Immanuel seems to be an appropriate title.  I am not sure what you are referring to with regard to prophecy changing.  

    It is either Jesus or Immanuel, but the prophecy can not claim both. If the prophecy claimed Immanuel, but the name of the individual is Jesus, the prophecy fails.

    1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    My understanding that a prophecy is simply a statement about something in the future and then later it is fulfilled.

    Maybe this is the fundamental issue. For a prophecy to be given evidential weight, specifics must be known and accurate, not assumed or presumed. Date, time, place, who, what, where and when. Very specific and accurate.  

    For example if I prophesied “ there will be a stock Based in the USA that doubles in value, that it will be a technology stock with a great number of sales but few employees” I will be right, not because I know the future, but because it's too generic and not exact.


    1 hour ago, blackbird said:

      So is is unlikely that anything of any significance was altered in the New Testament either.

    Fundamentally what prevents someone in power from requesting an alteration to the text? It would be quite easy as you mentioned, a supernatural event occurs to the person in power, where they claim superiority over the text right from god. Everyone has faith, thus everyone must believe, thus the text is changed in interpretation.


    1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    This was fulfilled about 700 years later and the accounts are given in the gospels.

    No this is circular, you need something outside the bible to verify such events occurred, I am not going to take biblical references to prove the bible has accurate historical biblical references.

    For example, in this book chapter 1 it states “ I will fly to the moon during a full moon and then I will come back to earth” when you ask who can verify this, I say “ my friend wrote about it here in chapter 6, see that is the proof”, but you have no ability to interview him or figure out if what he wrote was altered or that he even wrote it. By the same logic, you must believe I flew to the moon and came back because both were written in the same book. 


  5. 4 hours ago, blackbird said:

    The virgin birth was a supernatural event just like the creation.  There is no biological explanation.  

    Since no biological explanation is possible, how does one verify a supernatural event occurred? What supernatural evidence is required?

    4 hours ago, blackbird said:

    Here is an article I found that might give some answers.  I haven't had the chance to read it yet as I've been busy today, but will have a look at it.

    We can have a discussion but citing articles is just going to be a discussion by links, not worth anyone's time. If you want to point to a specific part in the article or summarize the article as supporting discussion point that would be appreciated. 

    With regards to the article, a prophesy can not change over time, otherwise it would not be a prophesy. For example Jesus can not be Immanuel because it would be inaccurate and unreliable as a prophesy of Jesus. 

    I do question the legitimacy of text especially when text can be altered with no mention over time by a dominant party. For example only those that win a war write history.

  6. 36 minutes ago, blackbird said:

     These are not made up stories. 

    How are you so sure without external physical references? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-fulfilling_prophecy

    37 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    The fact that a number of the apostles were martyred for what they believed is strong evidence that what they believed was true.  People do not die for a lie.  Some of them were tortured and died brutal deaths.

    Absolutely it is strong evidence that what they believed was true to them, but no evidence that what they believed was actually true, moral or right. For example many Germans in 1940s believed in national socialism, they even were tortured and died brutal deaths for their beliefs. It does not make their beliefs true. Furthermore other religions believe in different Gods, are tortured and died brutal deaths under other religious ideologies, it still does not make them true. 


    49 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    The prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 KJV  "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."  This is recorded as fulfilled in Matthew and Luke.

    There are a few issues with this, explain how a virgin is impregnated biologically? Explain how they verified that this individual (Mary) was a virgin, after this whole event occurred?  Explain who this Immanuel person is, because as soon as you mention its Jesus the prophecy is highly inaccurate just based on the name alone.

    For a prophecy to be given evidential weight specifics must be known and accurate, not assumed or presumed. Date, time, place, who, what, where and when. Very specific. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    " 12  And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. {If ye…: Heb. If it be good in your eyes} 13  And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. " Zechariah 11:12, 13 KJV

    This was written by the prophet Zechariah centuries before Christ.

    "15  And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. 16  And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. "  Matthew 26:15, 16 KJV  

    This fulfillment of this prophecy was written centuries later by the author of the gospel of Matthew.

    Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver.

    You just used the bible to prove the bible, that is circular. 

    Its like if i wrote a book saying, " Mike would buy a goat for 30 silver coins" then someone added to my book 30 years later " Mike did buy a goat for 30 silver coins". If someone read it and the assume it was prophesy they would be incorrect, it is not prophetic because it is from the same source and it is not exact.  

    In order to prove the bible you would need something outside the bible. 

  8. Just now, blackbird said:


    Over 300 direct prophecies in question, like,

    • Is. 7:14 He would be born of a virgin Lk. 1:7 it happened!
    • Micah 5:2 born in Bethlehem Lk. 2:4 that happened!
    • Gen. 49:10 born of tribe of Judah Mt. 3:3 that happened!
    • Psalm 78:2 speak in parables Mt. 13:34 that happened!
    • Zech. 9:9 ride on colt of a donkey Mt. 21 that happened!
    • Is. 61 heal broken-hearted Lk. 4:18 that happened!
    • Is. 53:3 rejected by own Jn. 1:11 that happened!
    • Is. 53:7 stand silent before accusers Mk. 15:5 that happened!’
    • Ps. 22:18 cast lots for His robe Jn. 19:23 that happened!
    • Ps. 22 (hundreds of years before crucifixion ever invented or thought of) prophets said they would pierce His hands and feet, and it happened!
    • Ps. 22:1 “my God, why forsaken me?” Mt. 27:46 that happened!
      v. 5 tongue cleave to jaw Mt. 26:15 that happened!
    • Zech. 11:2 sold by enemies for 30 silver Mt. 26:15 that happened!
    • Is. 53:9 buried w/ rich Mt. 27 that happened!   Unquote

    These are not specific prophecies, also they are biblically referenced. This is circular as I mentioned above, not evidence. 

    Give me an example in the bible that is verified outside of the bible, a specific prophecy. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Many prophecies were predicted many centuries before Christ came into the world and they were written down in the Hebrew Scriptures centuries before they were fulfilled.   The Hebrew Scriptures then became known as the Old Testament in the Bible we have today.  So these prophecies are evidence of the supernatural working of God.  

    Can you give an example? Specific prophecies.

  10. 40 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Here is a site that gives a lot of information about the authenticity of the Bible.  

    The site indicates that Prophetic Accuracy is a reason, but its a prophecy within the bible. Do the academics of the site not understand the circular logic, the bible predicted the bible events. This is not impressive or evidence of authenticity.

    If the bible predicted with specificity an event going to happen in the future, like first working silicon transistor was developed at Bell Labs on January 26, 1954, by Morris Tanenbaum, that would be a prophecy and impressive. 


    38 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    The good news and latest research on booster shot however shows that they appear to be even effective against infection by Omicron (I believe about 70%) up to one month after and at this time they don't know for how long this high efficacy will last.

    From my understanding effectiveness of the original vaccine against Omicron is quite low, do you have the latest research cite?

  12. 3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    I gave you the definition of faith from the Bible in Hebrews ch11.  That is the faith we are talking about.  I accept the Bible and it answered your questions or comments better than I ever could.  I will stick with the King James Bible because it is God's inspired word.  Your argument is really with the Bible and with God.  I can't really add to his description of what faith is.  As I said it necessary to look at the subject through a supernatural viewpoint or eyes, as it says in 1 Corinthians ch2.  There is no other way.

    Great, by definition of faith, I am God. 

    "it answered your questions or comments better than I ever could" - It states that I am God, by my friends faith, thanks. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    According to your definition and liberal definition, whatever government legalizes is moral.  Therefore according to that reasoning, abortion or killing of unborn babies is moral.  

    1 Definition of what exactly? 

    2 No, we as a collective determine the ethical or moral rules we play by. From these agreed upon rules we form a government that implements these ethical rules into laws ect. Although the laws are not about ethics themselves they support actions against those that break those ethical rules.  

    3"Therefore according to that reasoning, abortion or killing of unborn babies is moral."- Overall depending upon the situation it is moral or ethical indeed, both to the baby and the mother. For example teen pregnancy may lead to a more problematic life for the mother, father and the child. Fundamentally if the unborn is directly dependent upon the mother, it is up to the mother (potentially the father) to determine her own risks and choices. However the alternative is forced pregnancy and parenthood, potentially worse for the child. 

    Similarly, we lock people up for life, fundamentally restricting their freedom, basically killing a majority of their life experience for ethical/moral reasons. 


  14. 15 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    God has chosen the vehicle of faith for man to come to him.  You are asking to have proof in scientific terms which is not how God has chosen to operate.

    What is your definition of faith ?

    My friends have faith that I am God, does that mean I am God? And since I am God I choose not to operate by showing any scientific proof that I am God.

    17 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    The Bible says

    If you would like to save time, Bible quotes are unnecessary, they have near 0 value in the conversation.  

  15. 4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    I have explained without God, there is no such thing as true morality.

    Your right there is no such thing as objective, true morality. DNE. 

    Hence why that idea that objective morality exists, ie God, first premise fails, ie not an argument. 

    6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Atheism or humanism

     Atheism does not = humanism, 

    Atheism is "is an absence of belief in the existence of deities."

    Humanism is "a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good",

    they are not interchangeable, please look up definitions. 

    You assume right and wrong must be made by supernatural or theistic ideas, fundamentally this is wrong. Humans can understand subjective morality, ethics, based on desirable outcomes, for the individual or the collective. 

    13 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    It is wrong because there is no ultimate accountability and one can in theory do whatever he can get away with. 

    There is group accountability, biological accountability, sustainable accountability and individual accountability (may be more). Yes one can do whatever they want, does not make it socially moral or ethical.  

  16. 10 hours ago, Colin Norris said:

    Simply because there is no evidence and never has been. What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence. 

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 

    The whole world has been conned for thousands of years through ignorance and low intelligence . 

    It can be dismissed, but claimed as DNE does not exist would be incorrect, the problematic issue of proving a negative. 

    Anyway we are on the same page. 

  17. On 1/8/2022 at 5:35 AM, Michael Hardner said:

    1. 2. One "tonne" (they us SI or Metric) won't do much at all.  It's miniscule at that scale.  It's measured in ppm or parts per million.  Climate Change is mostly measured in temperature change.

    3. I recommend this YouTube channel run by a science journalist.  He always references the science and is very helpful to get amateurs like us to see through the smoke.


    1 After doing some research I realized the question I asked is not precise enough. I am looking for radiative forcing or energy transfer based on CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. An increase of say 100ppm of CO2 causes an increase in radiative forcing by what value? Co2 absorbs energy and reemits the energy isotopically, how much energy is absorbed and emitted? ( These values are quite difficult to find online, hence why I ask)

    2. I do know there is a net feedback effect, dependent upon water vapor. However, I question if the models take into account reflection of energy back into space from the increased water vapor. 

    3 Thanks, he has quite a few videos, I do like the detail he provides. 

    • Like 1
  18. 25 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    The evidence for God is all around in the creation.  There are many good articles and videos on that subject at creation.com website.  God cares about everyone, but he has given everyone the freedom of choice to choose which way they are going and what they will believe.  The evidence is there.  The choice is yours.  He created man and woman, male and female.  Those are the only two sexes he created and told them to go forth and multiply in the earth.  Other man-made inventions of sexuality cannot multiply and were not part of his plan.  They developed out of a corrupt human nature after the fall of man.  But he still cares about everyone and wishes they would turn to him in faith.  Without God there is nothing and no meaning.

    I think you forgot that this conversation already occurred, where you could not provide evidence of a God, 


    "Those are the only two sexes he created and told them to go forth and multiply in the earth.  Other man-made inventions of sexuality cannot multiply and were not part of his plan.  They developed out of a corrupt human nature after the fall of man.  But he still cares about everyone and wishes they would turn to him in faith.  Without God there is nothing and no meaning." - Interesting, but God just told me that he thinks LGBT people should be respected and cared for just like other humans. God also told me that he changed his plan, that "homosexuality is right and so is LGBT, let those who follow God be free"


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