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New World Disorder

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Posts posted by New World Disorder

  1. 4 hours ago, Charles Anthony said:

    You were not notified because the backlinks did not update immediately.  

    How long does that take? And you can understand the confusion and frustration on our end when this happens without explanation.

    4 hours ago, Charles Anthony said:

    No.  When the backlinks update, the answers to your questions are open and obvious.  

    So obvious I needed to ask these questions.   I don't fee comfortable posting anymore if my posts that are on topic get moved to another topic. I don't want to have that happen again.

    Thanks for your time.


  2. On 6/22/2020 at 12:24 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


    ...and how Canadian of you to worry about it.    Trump was doing very well on jobs growth before COVID-19, but you will never admit that.

    China or Canada...doesn't matter to me if it means bringing jobs back to the U.S.

    Coronavirus accelerates the opportunity to bring more jobs home.

    Why do you even post here then? Can someone explain this to me?

  3. 2 hours ago, Charles Anthony said:

    To keep discussions focussed and to avoid clutter.  


    I encourage you to review the forum guidelines and rules.  Here is an excerpt:  


    What discussing Trump in a Trump thread is clutter? 

    There was no cross posting

    And it also adheres to your second point about being on point and focused.


    Talking about Trump in the Trump thread is a violation of rules?  This is really what you are trying to say.

  4. Can someone explain why my post about Trump's speech in the Trump thread was removed? I have not received any warnings at all.

    I can see it in my history, but not in the thread anymore.  Was sitting after Shady's Posted Friday at 01:46 PM  and before DogonPorch. Posted Sunday at 12:39 PM

    What's the deal here? If I violated a rule or something that would be good to know so I won't repeat it.

    Any help here would be appreciated!



  5. 23 hours ago, PIK said:

    A private call from trudeau to XI informing him,that if the 2 micheals are not on Canadian soil in 1 week, Meng goes straight to a detention centre, leg irons and all. And right now I would take her ankle bracelet away and she can stay in her mansion till the paddy wagon comes to take her away.

    Hand her over to the USA.

  6. On 6/10/2020 at 8:43 AM, Rue said:

    Cracking down on interference by China on the Canadian Chinese immigrant community..did you mean all Chinese Canadians or just  Chinese immigrants?  

    I think myself you meant all Chinese Canadians and believe the two concepts are interchangeable. 

    That said I think your assumption you can crack down on Chinese interference is interesting. Do you want political police? Do you want internet surveilled? Do you want Chinese people followed?

    Do you give any thought any more to what you write? 


    Since the CCP is following these people, we should too.  Help and protection should be offered.

  7. 8 hours ago, eyeball said:

    This risk is overblown and appeals to an unnecessary sentiment.  Monuments are not history in and of themselves and nothing is being forgotten. Tearing down statues commemorating individuals who wound up being on the wrong side of history do not erase history and individuals in the present have the opportunity to learn from those who didn't have the wisdom to choose the right side in the past.

    I propose that Mount Rushmore gets blown up then.

  8. On 6/6/2020 at 5:38 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Still doesn't change Trudeau's self inflicted wounds for blackface.    "Back in Black" is probably Trudeau's favourite AC/DC song.

    In 1986, a nuclear power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine exploded, but I won't hold that against anybody here.

    We can completely ignore the plethora of allegations of sexual assaults by Orange Man.

  9. I am completely opposed to defacing and destroying any of these monuments. I feel that if they need to be removed, then sure, do it in a proper manner.  A museum should be built and all of those monuments can then be placed in it.  It's a scenario of, if history is not learned, then there is the risk of repeating it.  These monuments, like it or not, are part of US history, right or wrong.

    The idiots tearing these down these things need to step back and really think about what the implications of those actions.  The mob mentality kicked in and I understand a Ghandi statue was defaced. Really? A Ghandi statue? 

    There is a reason for the holocaust museum. So no one forgets the horrors of the past.  The same should be done here.


  10. 3 hours ago, Argus said:

    I've always felt police needed better training and discipline. But the answer isn't fewer cops, certainly not in Canada, given how few we already have, but to demand better training and oversight.

    Training seems to be key.  Maybe a comparison with other nations to see how handle police training would be a good idea.

    I'd also compare that with other essential services and see how much training they get.

  11. 13 hours ago, Argus said:

    So? This is simply an example of a lack of discipline on that force. He should have been fired and probably charged. Every profession has bad apples, and when you don't work to weed them out it gives the profession a bad name - like lawyers.

    Seems like you agree with me in the end.  But as we have seen with the police,  the good apples protect the bad ones. That's the thin blue line right there for you.

  12. 18 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

    Fascinating.....PM Stephen Harper got Canada more votes, and deeper into the voting rounds while spending far less money begging for a UN seat.

    I suppose Trudeau's blackface photos didn't help.

    But still lost. Either you get there or not. The amount of votes they each got means nothing.

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