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Brownie etsy

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  1. So many come here and abuse our system. They have multiple litters of kids and get paid bug time in child tax credits. Up to $6000 per head. They get paid for breeding and they did it before without the incentive. Many many many of them operate back yard dog breeding puppy mills and are catching on to swindling their fair share of taxes. The mom stays at home and cooks and cleans and pops out kid after kid and dad drives a transport truck. Sounds stereotypical but hey they aren't as self sufficient and backward as the general population thinks. I've been surrounded by them for decades and it's getting on my nerves. The TAXMAN needs to take a good look at them. They drive high end Silverado and Toyota mini vans and all newer models than many original hardworking native born Canadians. I'm not the only one who sees it. Just wondering why our country wants people like this here to suck the tits dry.
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