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Saudi Monitor

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Everything posted by Saudi Monitor

  1. I'm curious, what do you think of Anglo-American/Canadian converts to Islam? Do you see them as a "problem" as well, in terms of the Islamic values, ethics and morals they've adopted? Where will you deport them to
  2. Every other country upholds that speech must be limited in some manner to uphold public order.
  3. Fascism emerged in Europe, and fascist thinkers past and present quote Western enlightenment thinkers. Not that you care, but this verses is referring to a explicit battle event. God almighty gave the instruction to Muslims to fight to defend their lives and faith. The antagonist came to them with the intent to slaughter the Muslims. It was a war forced upon Muslims who had suffered severe persecutions and torture for many years by the pagans. And when you fight, you strive to kill the enemy during the fight. However, even in the times of war, Islam has the highest moral law of war. You don't kill children, women or anyone who is not fighting with you and neither do you fight, if your enemy wants peace etc Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.(60:8)
  4. I bet he and his ilks are dreaming of a new holocaust to solve their "muslim problem"
  5. If you guys feel like you are being demographically overrun by immigrants. Pick a partner and produce plentiful offspring, which you raise according to traditional values. No immigrant is stopping you from procreating
  6. I seem to have stepped on a few nerves. I'm sorry that I had to go down to your levels
  7. The justification lies firmly outside Islam and stems from decades of toxic interference, indiscriminate violence, post-colonial and Western influence which manifest itself in the phenomenon of Modernism. In short, these terrorist are merely adopting your Western Secular Liberal beliefs and ethics in terms of warfare to justify their retaliatory measures. Go and read Osama Bin Laden's own words and judge for yourself. (P.S Pointing to the causes of terrorism, does not mean justifying it) http://web.archive.org/web/19990508145341/http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/who/interview.html https://web.archive.org/web/20081116092323/http://english.aljazeera.net/archive/2004/11/200849163336457223.html
  8. So says many Islamophobes, despite being the contrary.
  9. Islam grants fundamental equality and liberates women from the exploitative unjust system of secular liberalism and capitalism. “I do not waste the deed of any doer among you, be they male or female. The one of you is as the other” (Quran 3:195) “And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable” (2:228) A man asked the Prophet (saw): What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: “Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not insult them.”
  10. You don't understand the mindset of these terrorist. When a Western country goes to endless global war's and invades countless of countries, resulting in the deaths of millions of people, men, women and children in the name of Democracy, no one is held to account or to apologise. Then, these terrorists would horrendously, un-islamicly and wrongly lash out on civilians collectively, because they actually believe that Democracies are ruled by their people, and thus they hold civilians responsible for having been guilty of ordering wars in other lands, when democracy doesn’t actually represent the will of its people. Unfortunately, when these terror's attack occurs, Western media, pundits and public opinion, hold Muslims under a collective responsibility and no one is innocent until they apologise.
  11. A MUST READ! New Zealand Suspect’s Actions Are Logical Conclusion of Calling Immigrants “Invaders” Tarrant’s words are both lucid and chillingly familiar. His references to immigrants as invaders find echoes in the language used by the president of the United States and far-right leaders across Europe. And that is why it would be a mistake to dismiss them as the incoherent ravings of a madman. The document is based on a key underlying premise known as the “Great Replacement” theory: that nonwhite people living in Western countries are aliens on a mission to plunder and replace the populations of Europe and North America. In the faces of immigrants trying to raise families and build peaceful homes, Tarrant sees unarmed invaders bent on conquering his racially pristine homeland. For those wondering where Tarrant was radicalized, the answer is right out in the open. It is in our media and politics, where minorities, Muslims or otherwise, are vilified as a matter of course. Such rhetoric animates the policies of Donald Trump, who has revived a medieval response to “invaders,” promising to contain them behind a giant wall. It comes from the president’s political supporters who openly espouse the same “Great Replacement” theory that motivated Tarrant’s massacre. This rhetoric about foreign pollution also emanates from the mouths and pens of supposedly liberal public figures. In 2006, the “New Atheist” writer Sam Harris wrote an article claiming that within 25 years, France was on course to have a majority-Muslim population, even if immigration were to stop tomorrow. This demographic shift would mean nothing less than an end to democracy itself, he argued. In short, Tarrant’s writings reflect a worldview that is not just confined to the dark corners of the internet, but is openly expressed in media and politics https://theintercept.com/2019/03/18/new-zealand-mosque-shooter-manifesto/
  12. Migrate en masse to land, de-populate the entire native Polynesians population who have been living in NZ for at least 700 years. Then start to complain about foreign legal migrants making up a tiny percentage of the population
  13. @DogOnPorch and many other far-right who's obsessed with Islam, are actually sympathetic to Islam. No wonder many of them are converting Islam. ANTI-ISLAM PARTY POLITICIAN RESIGNS, CONVERTS TO ISLAM https://www.newsweek.com/anti-islam-party-politician-resigns-converts-islam-789238 France’s National Front sacks Muslim convert councillor https://www.france24.com/en/20141209-france-national-front-sacks-councillor-maxence-buttey-who-converted-islam Former lawmaker from far-right Dutch party PVV becomes Muslim after writing anti-Islam book https://www.dailysabah.com/europe/2019/02/04/former-lawmaker-from-far-right-dutch-party-pvv-becomes-muslim-after-writing-anti-islam-book Far-rights. neo-Nazis, and white nationalist are not having a good time these days it seems. Without a doubt many white nationalists acknowledge Islam to be the truth. So much of the right wing comprise of people who had enough of the leftist cultural project that pushes feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, crossdressing, sexual promiscuity, bestiality, collapse of marriages and family institution etc. And anyone who is opposed to this cultural project on society and does not embrace that filth with smiles and rainbow pins as a fascist. People are tired of this garbage. They know Islam is the antidote for this cancer, but these white nationalists and far-rights don’t want to admit the truth, so instead of accepting Islam, they have to come up with a silly ironic meme, for this reason, “White Sharia.” It is time for far-rights and white supremacists to face these simple facts, and hopefully more of you will open your eyes to the truth.
  14. Reading the comments here, it truly shows why liberalism has failed. It is inherently intolerant despite claiming to be a tolerant. It is inherently violent and indeed intolerant of any non-liberal ideology, rivaling modern ideologies like racism and communism. Older traditions like Islam are neither welcome, unless of course transformed to no longer pose a “threat.” In a nutshell, Liberalism’s tolerance is mostly a facade covering it's homogenizing desires. Producing the likes of Trump who is overtly bigoted, after Obama who drone-bombed his way to destabilizing the Muslim world. A system that created Brexit, and intolerance against migrants in disenfranchised communities on one hand - while obsessed in problematizing Muslims for not adopting secular liberal social norms. It has done nothing but produce conditions of automatisation of people void of traditions, family and spirituality, spreading paranoia and bigotry, waging endless global wars, produce a bunch of frustrated reactionaries from far-right to far-left whose in disarray, powerlessness, fragmentation, mistrust, economical decay and resentment among its populace.
  15. Husband of slain woman forgives New Zealand mosque gunman http://www.arabnews.com/node/1467871/world
  16. Just joking mate I understand what you are trying to convey and agree with you. People are dissatisfied with their lives. People are suffering. And they blame the establishment and the policies pushed by the governments for decades. I blame on the stupid social re-engineering experiments such as feminism, lqbt etc over the last couple of decades which have destroyed the traditional family in the west, Family is an essential component of society and is the building block of civilization. Secondly, one of the reason for the rise of the far-right and their xenophobia, are their disillusionment with modernity and the loss of sacredness, the bridge that connects the far-right anti-immigrant and racist stance with their care for tradition is actually the loss of identity, values, traditionalism and spirituality. The problem has never been Islam, it is the foreign policies that caused a endless destabilization of the Muslim world, and the subsequent violent fall out across the world. These foreign adventures does neither serve the average John's or Julie's interests, In fact, it produces more hardship for them. It's both the domestic and foreign policies produced by system that isn't fit for purpose that are the cause. And with this in mind, Islam has a different vision of society. "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" (49:13) Those ordinary people who are horrified by the massacres in NZ, uncomfortable about the atmosphere of hate, who oppose more intervention in Muslim countries, and want to improve their society, might actually take a look at the alternative. The secular liberal world has failed to produce over the period it has dominated, the solution is to embrace the truth, Islam.
  17. I have to say i am really impressed with the genuine empathy shown by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who looks as if she lost her own family members in the attack. Contrast this with the robotic out-of-touch behaviour of Trump. May god bless and guide her, great leader indeed.
  18. Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.
  19. Says the one who supports mass genocide of Palestinians.
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