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Stanley Manley

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  1. Finally someone who is in favor of capitalism and i thank you for that analogy which i could' not agree more. The educational system is definitely corrupting our youth and all the while the nanny state is dictating a curriculum of deceit to the point youth are losing their identity as a people and as a country with no Canadian cultural values left. We have such rooted corruption to the highest levels that it is going to take a purge to bring this society back on its feet. This is not only happening here in this country but around the world. Kids today are discouraged and do not have the confidence to step up and make a difference instead they prefer to be mothered by government who will enslave them in the end and it is sad. I think we need to stop these immigration policies of granting exceptional rights and privileges. This will be the only way to encourage real contributing citizens into the country instead of a socialistic population of liberal voters, and deliberate liberal ploy to buy votes and keep wages down. I dont see the government creating jobs for these new comers instead they are driving companies away. The prime mover of millions of Canadians into the socialist column has been the near complete dysfunctionality of contemporary Canadian capitalism. Where once the regulated, unionized and semi-socialized capitalism of the mid-20th century produced a vibrant middle class majority, the deregulated, deunionized and financialized capitalism of the past 35 years has produced record levels of inequality, a shrinking middle class, and scant economic opportunities along with record economic burdens for the young. Socialism is a alluring when you give up your freedoms for security but in the end you lose both. Dont be fooled
  2. ok i like how people like to twist words to stear a debate I think we all need to look back at history when the nazi's created the utlimate socialist party. And if you dont think thats where we are heading read more and lets have a constructive conversation. I am not here to waste anyones time and dont apreciate the bashing thats not very democratic. All i am saying is that political parties lose their incentives to rule in the interest of citizens and the liberals have had their chance we need a change. If you are so concerned about your kids then we better teach them that socialism will kill us all. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/.../08/...socialism...poll/988558002/ Democrats have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism, poll finds. ... According to a Gallup poll published Monday, a majority of Democrats no longer hold a positive view of capitalism, while nearly 60 percent of them feel good about socialism
  3. I think the whole educational system is falling apart. People want their kids in private schools i wonder why we have an inbalanced immigration policy that is breaking down our society plain and simple. I think all this chatter is misdirected if we demand a more balanced imigration policy that does'nt cater to the flood of liberal supporters who promise these new comers everything under the sun which then places the burden on municipalities who can't house them or properly school them. Most of which have little education or can contribute to our society and a culture who has 3x the child bearing rate over average. Don t get me wrong i am not against this statistic but this is creating a crisis. I feel sorry for all you liberal voters this has been in the works for a long time and a Liberal strategy to bring hundred of thousands more to buy loyal supporters. Take a look at what George Soro's is doing around the world including USA to secure a socialist government under EU law read deeper. Trudeau is a puppet to the establishment if you want real change start at the top we cant afford to take care of our own yet our tax dollars are feeding an immigration policy that is unsustainable. I think Trump has the right idea I am not against immigration my Parents immigrated into Canada with nothing but hard work and dedication and paid for everything without government assistance. I think we need to choose our government wisely this coming election cause every vote will count to see any real change. Look at Faith Goldy's views
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