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  1. Ok guys, I'm BPSA and what I have to say is that like in any association, a minority always makes the whole group looks bad. We are all in the same boat with that CBC created "scandal" about something that happened when most of the current leaders were not even born. Let's stick together and forget that BPSA / Scout Canada / ASC feud. BTW, I spoke with a high ranked official in our association 2 weeks ago about another issue related to the reforms hapenning in the the french "Association des Scouts du Canada" and the fact that a lot of leaders in that organisation are not happy with them and are thinking about making the switch. His answer is that we are not willing to take anyone that is leaving because he is "angry" at them without any other reasons. The feeling that I have is that we needs to build something and instead of competing against each other, all scouts in Canada needs to stick together and accepts each other without criticizing people with differents opinions. EDIT: If I have only one hope, it is that the current crisis will help building bridges between associations as I think that we all have something to learn from each others.
  2. the destruction of the data is a sad day, especially since it is consultes thousands of times each days across Canada.
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