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  1. hey man, you can sit around and pick your ass not bothering or caring for the sake of political correctness. You can encourage the spread of religious influence in government, in fact I encourage you too. People like me who want to draw a hard line between public and private aren't the bad guys. It's when people like you who do nothing and say nothing allow fanatics on both sides of the fence to propagate. Europe is a gorgeous example of oh simpleton apologists like you have allowed and foster the propagate hate because you don't want to "offend". Moonbats like you think that you're being clever trying to "open dialogue" but in reality you're just being mocked. Men like Tarek Fatah know the importance of drawing that line. As for my wife and you not "buying it". Doesn't matter if you do or don't. I couldn't actually care. My point is clear, you live in some fairytale of the possible. That's nice and all, but it doesn't really solve the on going issues of cultural disparity. BTW Islamification is a real issue and a real problem going on around the world. But, you think having an open dialogue with help stem the issue or something. ok...
  2. interesting. You must be one of those contrarian types. Do you actually have an opinion or you just randomly like to contradict things for the sake of contradiction? Clearly you've never worked in a corporation. these "memos" always boil down to politics and will be enforced in one capacity or another. it may not be an official mandate, but the directive is clear. In my wife's work, they had a similar memo and have been "spoken too" once violating these "recommendations." It has affected me personally by seeing how outraged she is. You really should stop sitting on a fence and blindly defending actions that have always opened doors for further real discrimination. Don't think it will happen? I can link you to thousands of such articles and events in human history that start off so innocuous and innocent like this. Don't forget the roots of Nazism and the party that formed came from bad sci fi, underground orgies and a general dislike of one or two groups of people. It doesn't take much to organize groups and religion has done a great job at that. Assuming "everyone should love each other" and not acting when clearly a violation of both the Charter of Rights and basic principles of Democracy happen, is blind. as for dismissing what I wrote by claiming it will solve all our worldly ills by stopping prayer, i never said that. i think its clear it's the direction we need to take. people can pray all they want at work, just dont mandate it. dont create apartheid situations and don't create a divisive environment. You're step back and see approach is exactly how special interests and lobbyist get power, simply by people like you.
  3. No not Bob you silly apologist. Simply because I fell that the church MUST remain separate from the State and that religion has no place within the operations of business both private and public, doesn't make me into some bigot or discriminator. how many centuries or tens of millennia has religion oppressed and brutalized humanity? We have an opportunity to turn the tides of the fuel that empowers ideals like nationalism, racism, bigotry etc etc and people like you, shrug your shoulders and try to be... with it and cool, by supporting this. The problem with your argument that somehow we are oppressing these people is a joke. They would gladly force fed you religious doctrine in a second. I guess the whole accommodation and forced separation (equal by separate) is lost on you eh? Again you miss the point of keeping a hardline between public and private. If we are TOLD NOT TO EAT OR DRINK in front of them to accommodate this "equal but separate" idea, this does not bother you? The world rarely works on an ideal of the supreme individual. People form collectives to push agenda. Their agenda is clear and you supporting it, support the Islamization of western society, why? to be cool. thumbs up
  4. I see a lot of apologists on here who know little or nothing about Ramadan, Islam or religion at all. There is a reason why we have a separation of church and state. AKA Freedom from Religion. This simple idea protects the individual from arbitrary moral or ethical decision making by an authoritative body not for the people or by the people but one that answers to a higher, possibly make-believe power. Telling employees to acocmodate for religious reasons is both an insult and a moral killer in the office. Giving excuse for poor work ethic and bad behaviour simply because of a certain time of year is ridiculous. It also forces the distinction between "Muslim" and the rest of us. Many of you probably know little about the history of how religion spreads and the actual doctrines of proselytizing found within the Quran or even the Bible. It is the imperative of all Muslims to convert or destroy the infidel. You might think the Moderate Muslim is somehow exempt from this, but he reads the same book as the fanatics. The doctrines of faith are incompatible in a secular society and that line MUST remain solid in application. If we allow government control over churches for instance, would constitute a violation of this principle. If we allow lobbying and accommodation simply because of their religion, then we open up a flood gate of terrible consequences. Being all "nice" and "Politically Correct" is super great double plus good fun, but these religions and cultures care little for you or your "approval". They want to position themselves in a point of power to push their agenda. Religion should be kept in homes and private facilities that accommodate their brands of discrimination and exclusion. they DO NOT belong in a public facility. Period. And those of you who try and be the "cool cucumber" and shrug their shoulders, look back at history and how these kind of events perpetrate and look how individuals with your attitudes of indifference and passiveness have allowed more problems to perpetuate.
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