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  1. WHEN YOU ARE UNABLE TO REFUTE, JUST SILENCE THE INFIDELS. 10 YRS JAIL FOR A FB POST https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/03/1...11139.html A Malaysian has been sentenced to more than 10 years in jail and three others have been charged over insults against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad on social media. The sentence of 10 years and 10 months is believed to be the harshest such penalty on record in the Muslim-majority country.Inspector General of Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun said in a statement on Saturday that the person, identified only as Facebook user "Ayea Yea", had pleaded guilty to 10 charges of anti-religious activity and misusing communication networks.READ MORE Malaysia's social media rebelsThe statement did not specify the number of charges for each offence but said they would be served consecutively.Under Malaysian law, those found guilty of anti-religious activity can be punished with a jail term of two to five years. The misuse of communication networks carries a maximum one year in jail or a fine of up to 50,000 ringgit ($12,200), or both.According to Andrew Khoo, a Malaysian lawyer focusing on human rights, this is an "unprecedented" situation."For someone to face five separate charges, and for the sentences to be served consecutively - this is excessive," Khoo told Al Jazeera."And according to press reports, the accused was unrepresented. That in itself is a travesty of justice," he added.'Not to abuse social media' Another social media user had also pleaded guilty and a sentencing hearing will be held on Monday. Two others had pleaded not guilty and were being held without bail.All four were charged under laws against causing racial disharmony, incitement, and misusing communications networks."The police advise the public not to abuse social media or communication networks by uploading or sharing any form of provocation that can affect religious or racial sensitivities, causing racial tensions within this country's diverse community," Mohamad said.Mujahid Yusof Rawa, the minister in charge of religious affairs, said on Thursday that the Islamic Affairs Department had set up a unit to monitor writings and communications insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad.He said the ministry would not compromise on any acts insulting the religion and called for punishment against those found guilty.
  2. Six-year-old boy who was dragged from a taxi and beheaded 'with a shard of glass' in front of his screaming mother in Medina (outside the Prophet's mosque) Zakaria Al-Jaber was reportedly killed by a taxi driver in Medina, Saudi Arabia Shia Rights Watch have claimed the beheading was an act of sectarian violence Group have said mother was asked if she was Shia moments before attack https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6687765/Pictured-Six-year-old-boy-beheaded-Saudi-Arabia.html
  3. Outrage, probe over Turkish actress' "anti-Islam" tweet. The Anadolu Chief Prosecutor’s Office in Istanbul launched a criminal inquiry on a Turkish actress who opposed the death penalty by tweeting “If the death penalty was a solution, then the lands of Medina would not break records in the number of rape incidents,” Turkish actress under investigation over 'rapes in Medina' tweet - Turkey Purge
  4. IS claims responsibility for massacring Sikhs, Hindus in Afghanistan In a statement issued on Monday, the IS claimed that it had targeted a group of “polytheists,” in a clear reference to Sikh and Hindu communities.
  5. Woman yelling 'Allahu akbar' slashes two with blade in France "Several witnesses have quoted her as saying it was Allah who told her to do it, that they were all miscreants and that she wanted the police to kill her," the prosecutor said.
  6. Malaysia police arrest 15 terror suspects, including housewife & a 17 years old student, for planning attacks during election. The woman was planning to launch attacks using a car, targeting non-Muslim voters during the general election and non-Muslim places of worship. “She exhorted her fellow ideological supporters … to reject the democratic system (in Malaysia) and to choose a Caliphate system instead,” said the source Malaysia police arrest 15 terror suspects, including housewife, for planning attacks during election
  7. ["Police sources quoted in local media said the man was heard shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest" in Arabic)."] Many times “Allahu akbar" is translated as "God is greatest" This is not accurate. Allah is the name of THE God of Quran. It is not a general term for God. Akbar means bigger/or greater. Please check dictionary or google translate. So Allah is bigger/greater than whom/what? Who is He comparing with? You can get a hint in Chapter 37 verse 125. "Will ye call upon Baal and forsake the Best of Creators," (37:125) So, there are other Creators but Allah is the best one. (Baal is the other moon god the Quraysh tribe worshipped)
  8. One of Sherif Gaber's video (with translation) ;-
  9. Egypt's Ex- Muslim Atheist Has Gone Missing. Is the Gov Using his Twitter Account? Sherif Gaber is an Egyptian blogger and activist who is well known for his views on atheism. After previous arrests and problems with the Egyptian authorities in 2013 and 2015, his whereabouts are now unknown. On May the 7th, Gaber tweeted that he is “4 days in hell. I'm free. Okay. In Egypt.” The way this tweet is written suggests that it may have been the Egyptian government taking over his twitter account.
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