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Posts posted by 9-18-1

  1. 8 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

    #1. I'm confused at your point. In the ancient times as they were transitioning from hunting and gathering, they had to meet together and negotiate a means of creating a civilization. Thus the 'tribal' concept of fascism was originally a call to agree that each of the DIFFERENT tribes shared something in common even though they did not necessarily agree on which truth about Nature itself presided. As such, they needed a means to agree not to fight with each other on the bases that "together,...they hold strong; but that divided they fall." That is ALL that the original 'fascist' concept referred to. By putting aside their differences  but focusing on their common link to the LAND, they agreed that at least for those conspiring, they agreed they had a right to lands in times where relative outsiders where taking over. This theme is common to people regardless of having any particular religion or none at all. 

    #2. If you look at HOW they used some common theme by creating or recreating some myth about their roots to the land by some 'favor of the gods', this was their means of adding emotive force to their coalition. This is what those like the National Socialists recognized was powerful. The use of declaring some link to Nature ("God" == "Nature" to them), they wanted to establish a justifiable reason to take back their lands when foreign powers were utilizing the ignorance of the tribes to claim land, just as the North American Natives were treated when Europeans came over. That is, the religion and tribalism used to bring people together is an accident due to the traditional peoples losing power in lands they were from. 

    #3. You need to first recognize the actual problem before you can attack them. "Fascism" isn't a cause but a reflected result of things like poverty of a larger subset of people in a place their ancestors originally came from. As such you need to focus on solutions to the FACTS, not the emotive religious effects that follow because of it.

    #4. This is NOT unique to fascism but to most political groups. When a relative 'native' population becomes isolated and trapped AS OUTSIDERS in their own lands, by virtue of becoming impoverished at the expense of initially welcoming outsiders, the result is for those 'tribes' (as 'floaters' upon the land) rebel with reason. The end result is some movement where some FORCE is used to an unusual extreme to overthrow those in power. Muhammad was a war hero but at the time created a coalition of disparate groups of a similar condition. The 'religion' came AFTER the change and is more often amplified with reverence to the heroes who brought this about long after those heroes die. That is, the 'religion' of Islam was not of Muhammad necessarily but of a latter community reflecting on who brought them 'peace'. 

    #5. Sanctioned violence comes from more than one side. The extremes of the desperate only appear relatively more vile by those presently in power who by default have the bigger guns and so don't NEED to appear this way. But it doesn't mean they aren't as 'evil' in their own behavior. 

    #6. "Fascism" and MORE relevantly, "National Socialism", is specifically about connecting the tribes to a common myth about who they are with respect to the land. They do this by focusing on their genetic roots because only genetics is the more apparent common link of those tribes. Islam is not even a good example of this in its origin. They use a religious means to do this because it says that Nature (via God) dictates that they are somehow MORE justly the rightful owners of the land. As such, this gets used to both get others to join in and to find emotional power to fight....especially when they are by default 'weak' and divided normally.

    #7. ["National Socialism" meant to favor 'socially' those 'Native' to a region and to their common genetic group wherever they expand to with exception. So one who is German by Hitler's concept is also extended to Germans even wherever they can be empowered to conquer. So they were a tad bit more 'racist' than the Italian form of Nationalism. They borrowed this concept from their beliefs of why the Jews themselves were strong and exclusive wherever they existed such as their 'Diaspora'. Our North American Natives are being oddly encouraged to STRENGTHEN this idea of themselves without those encouraging this to recognize what WILL be a problem in some future should they collectively take a stance with sufficient power.]

    #1. I apologize but I am in stark disagreement with your usage of 'fascism' in describing a means to facilitate the prevention of fighting. You are certainly not describing fascism here. Fascism involves the FORCIBLE suppression of differing views and expressions of those views. This characteristic is all channeled through a single dictator archetype (either Muhammad or Hitler are prime examples) and backed by... in the case of both aforementioned people, the primary objective of Islam: eradicate the Jews. Muhammad, like Hitler, and now like Justin Trudeau, are using (drawing) their power backed by a greater power but functioning as a dictator. This gives them the ability to use forcible suppression of differing views and expressions of those views. Muhammad (Islam) is precisely a 'nobody-becomes-rich-becomes-politician-becomes-warlord' which employs FASCISM by default.

    #2. And in the case of Islam, that 'emotive force' is that Muhammad talked to an angel in his head that told him to commit genocide on Jews and fight all 'unbelievers' and that he was an apostle of 'Allah'. In reality, he was an illiterate man who was hand-picked by a powerful group of Jews, married to a rich Christian woman, turned politician turned warlord that began the bloodshed that continues today. When a single man has that much power/wealth, and falls, there will always consequently result in a bloodbath to take that power. This is PRECISELY what happened when Muhammad died - the power of the caliphate bounced through several severed heads. Do you see the connection between fascism and dictatorship leading to genocide (in the case of Islam against Jews) and bloodshed for power? It's very clear to me - and it has stood the test of time ever since Muhammad performed it 1400 years ago. Adolf Hitler is precisely what Muhammad would have been 1400 years ago - failed and disgruntled nobody turned politician turned leader of the socialist movement turned believing he was doing the work of God.

    #3. I'm not sure what you mean by "attack". I'm not attacking anyone or anything - in fact I do feel sorry for the Muslims that don't realize the true foundation of their political (religious) doctrine. The only fact that is important here is that the Muslims believe they are fighting for a cause that is based on a false premise: that the Qur'an is the perfect word of God (it is a forged book comprised of Syriac liturgy) and that Muhammad was... something other than what ended up being a literal warlord complete with a human trafficking (slave) system that funded his expansion.

    #4. The natives become impoverished because they are attacked from within by a fascism regime (such as Islam) which has an entire doctrine related to how to tax non-Muslims such that the legal/social systems and services begin to collapse along with the political stability. This is all programmed into Islam because Muhammad is the archetypal "pattern of conduct" which demonstrate how to do it. This is why Barack H. Obama is a good example of political infiltration: he is a Muslim and his assignment was to weaken/cripple the U.S. from within. Such a thing could at least be avoided if we did not have an entire civilization of people (technically slaves) believing that a forged book is the perfect word of God and that a warlord is the best way to live. That is categorical insanity - indeed even Mark Twain succinctly stated that when he read the Qur'an, he knew that every Muhammadan is insane; but not in all things, only religion. He is 100% correct - technically every Muhammadan is insane to the very extend he/she allows the construct of Islam to mold their being. When you start to factor in the FGM, killing of ceremonial (annual) livestock spilling blood, men were instructed to beat women - and most importantly, women/children 'left over' from any conquest feeds the human trafficking business, and Muhammad and his inner circle had numerous sex slaves.

    #5. Indeed it does - because fundamentally there is only one hand controlling both sides, because that is how Judaism is designed: it controls both side so as to have complete control over 'lesser' beings. Islam has a Jewish substrate and Muhammad was taught by Jews and put into power by them. The Jews made themselves the enemy because... both sides. Islam is technically the 'slave army' and military arm of Judaism: this is what the Muslim does not realize, that their religion is designed around a central idol on purpose to enslave them, just as Christianity is the same. After Muhammad and by the time of Uthman, many different versions of the Qur'an existed as 'test books' until he burned them all and produced the current, which is more or less what we have today. Again: it was put out-of-order on purpose to conceal their methods. We are talking about an empire based on a dark-ages model of idol imitation/worship. This comes full circle with fascism's tie to religion such as Christianity and Islam: they are inter-related and absolutely inseparable.

    #6. I'm sorry but I'm not going to accept that fascism has anything to do with land. If anything, fascism leads to the justification to take/conquer another land, which Islam has been doing for 1400 years. And Christianity before it is no better: they are both the same fundamental structure of idol-based state theocracies.

    #7. Well at least you associated racism with fascism: racism is one of the first out the door as fascism begins to rise. In any event, it divides humanity into 'groups' which is divisive. Islam does precisely this in its own capacity as a global 'state' like in your example of Hitler having power over Germans outside of the country. In the case of Islam, all of humanity is divided between believer and unbeliever and the eventual outcome of the unbeliever is: convert, or be taxed, or be killed. That is the necessary end result of any being living on this planet so long as Islam remains a FASCIST and TOTALITARIAN political ("religious") entity which continues to attack all non-Muslims as instructed by the Qur'an. Islam, by structure and design, is inherently fascist: like a 1400-year-running central dictatorship with several pseudo-dictators rising and falling trying to control the power. All it takes is one powerful  to rise within Islam and start directing the global attack, as almost everything has sleeper cells and is deeply compromised by now. Another genocide was/is being planned by the Muhammadans because that's what Islam will always manufacture: powerful dictator individuals that use their power to suppress the voices of those who oppose their ideology. Say hello to the hundreds of millions (mostly Muslims) already dead and potentially many hundreds of millions more if humanity does not SEE the real root of fascism which deeply seated in both the Christian and Islamic empires.


  2. 23 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

    How you are linking 'human trafficking' to this is weird. This term is another one that has evolved to something unrelated to its original meaning. The term is specifically meaning the TRADE of HUMANS, such as slavery, with a specific reference to those being traded usually for prostitution of people against their will. How is this even generally accepted by any collection of people for any duration anywhere? [Human Trafficking is NOT as prevalent as some even presume! It cannot persist long without being exposed because even in prisons, rapists of the innocent are not perceived with open arms.]

    It is not weird - I have read the history of Muhammad's political/military career. He established human trafficking 'businesses' (Muhammad was a merchant) that funded the expansion and/or jihad.

    Men of military age were beheaded, women and children were absorbed into the empire and 'given' to front-line jihadists to be used as their personal sex slaves. This is why in Islam it is legislated that a woman may not refuse her husband sex unless she is ill or menstruating. This legislation is pro-slavery (as Islam is absolutely pro-slavery) and encourages over-breeding to produce migrants that perform the hijrah (essentially invasion) and start draining resources from within non-Muslims nations.

    The wealthy business owners, lawyers, bankers, politicians etc. pay into these human trafficking rings by 'buying' sex slaves that can be used at their own discretion. Unfortunately, because such things are censored, the mainstream public does not even know about these underground network - but they are not only vast, they are multi-billion dollar establishments.

    Human trafficking is absolutely tied to Islam, because the whole structure of Islam RELIES on taking income from such trafficking.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

    #1. Everyone takes historical figures as 'models' for their philosophy. What usually matters is the content but often degrades into idol/hero worship inappropriate to the initial movements based on reality. I already hold that religion is a secondary reflection of a secular reality based on political/economic reality. Religious devolution from original secular reality is what needs to be challenged against the religious, not a mere accusation against them for being 'evil' by some external standard we might see from outside of them. That is, you can accuse the religious of being intolerant by being 'fascist' or some other derogatory label and it will only be ignored when the meanings of the words are only being heard as "you're evil!"  without proving they have some hypocritical understanding of themselves by their understanding of 'evil'.

    #2. The link to 'fascism' is not relevant because ALL societies evolve through the stages of tribal collectivism and is originally NOT a bad thing by its original meaning. That the word 'fascism' has become a derogatory descriptive word is only due to the history of those actual past governments that have LABELLED themselves as 'fascism' by an original positive interpretation by themselves. If some party labelled themselves as "the Good Party", and they turned out to be bad, the term "Good" only becomes derogatory relative to how that historical party becomes despised later. Similarly, the term, "fascist" was used to describe something originally ideal that many relate to positively by meaning. 

    #3. But this perversion of meaning is no different than the religious who have contorted the original history of something into something 'idolized' without recognizing its original meaning. So you can't accuse them of something by a bad label without expanding on what you understand the meaning is with respect to their reality. 

    #4. How is a religion, like Islam, to you, acting 'fascist'? Are you expanding your meaning to ALL of the class of Muslims even if they ,may promote their religion to non-Arabic people? If so, they are not 'fascist' by meaning. One who is Israeli who may believe that one who is Jewish AND has family ancestral roots that link them to Palestine are more 'fascist' in this meaning if they exclude those without Semitic roots, for instance. So people may agree that 'fascism' is not something they favor but disagree to your link of Islam uniquely to be fascist. 

    #5. The root of fascism is about favoring ones' family (genetic) heritage with respect to some place that ignores whether the families collecting relate to anything more than that relationship. It is bad when it fosters hatred against immigrants with extreme prejudice through behaviors like extermination (genocide) or other less but relatively extreme abuse indirectly (like refusing them passage or a right to eat, for instance). While many Islamic groups may favor this, you need to note that it is not intrinsic specifically about Islam but to ALL cultures/religions. 

    #6. I'm just not getting why you are focusing on Islam when this would be interpreted as intolerant of 'outsiders' in the very way that fascism often treats outsiders uniquely as being bad without pointing out where that kind of behavior is also bad within your own 'inside' groups too?

    #1. Indeed the problem does come to the understanding of evil. In fact, the very first story in the first book of Moses (a figure whom is regarded as a true prophet of the biblical God of Abraham and/or Allah) deals with the problem of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and how it surely leads to death. The problem enters with the religious institutions established on committing this very act: labeling the 'other' as evil. When I use the term fascism as it relates to religions such as Christianity and Islam, it is closely related to the problem of evil. These are the people projecting their own 'evil' outward at others based on the doctrines of their respective authorities. I am not here to call people evil - neither Christian nor Muslim nor secularist - but rather identify that their idolatrous institutions are based on a fascism scheme by default. This gives rise to state-sanctioned anti-blasphemy laws such as one can not criticize Muhammad, Qur'an or Islam which is totalitarianism.

    #2. The understanding of fascism need not go any further than any state-sanctioned and enforced laws relating to the suppression of opposition voices. That is what leads to the collapse of any 'state' into dictatorship that carrier out the totalitarian goal(s) which, with regards to Islam, happens to be the genocide of the Jews, then Christians, then everyone else. Is it really a coincidence that within a generation or so there was a genocide of Jews that took place? Do we see the link between religious ambition and political dictatorship yet? Islam is designed as a political force, not a religious one. Please understand the life of the historical Muhammad to understand how he went from preacher to warlord. It's the path of a dictator - and Muslims imitate his pattern of conduct for a living. Problem? Fascism must be viewed in this light - it is directly related to Muhammad.

    #3. See two responses above for connection.

    #4. See two responses above. I did not claim Islam is uniquely fascist, as Roman Catholicism most certainly was: state-sanctioned belief that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah and must be emulated for a living. These are both fascist institutions that find their roots in the dark ages of man. I therefor do not claim that Islam is uniquely 'the' source of fascism, but rather Islam is rooted in fascism.

    #5. You are bringing genetics into this again. This has absolutely nothing to do with genetics. In fact, Muhammad belonged to the Quraysh tribe that ended up wiping all other tribes out and formed the basis of Islam. So if you are arguing that "root of fascism is about favoring ones' family (genetic) heritage with respect to some place that" then Muhammad and Islam has a purely fascist root, by your own definition. Once again, one must understand the history of the Quraysh tribe and Muhammad's rise to power.

    #6. I don't care how it is "interpreted" by anyone. Truth is not about interpretation; truth is about truth. If people are insecure about the truth, they are the ones who become violent. Systems such as Islam use state-sanctioned (totalitarian) suppression and subjugation of freedom of speech/expression especially as it relates to Islam (the state) itself. Forcible suppression of this nature is inherently fascist.

    The reason I am speaking about this is because presently Islam has 'subdued' almost all Western nations (first through the UN wherein they tried to make it a global law that Islam/Qur'an/Muhammad may not be criticized) and is actively collecting 'jizyah' taxes - essentially draining Western economies and feeding this money toward jihad, the cause of Islam, which is totalitarian control of the entire planet under a Sharia state. That will lead to the successive rise of powerful dictators that will routinely order genocides against anyone that opposes them and their 'cause of Allah' just as Muhammad did. Let us not forget, Muhammad committed genocide against Jews in exactly the same way Hitler did. The entire framework of Islam is to produce a genocide machine for Jews until they are all gone.

    This is the same battle humanity fought against Hitler - a powerful dictator that slaughtered Jews - but this time it is on a much bigger scale yet, and the Liberal/Democratic parties are actually in favor of this (even if they don't realize it). That's why Justin Trudeau is absolutely aiding and abetting a hostile foreign entity by opening the borders and his 'connections' to Ali Khan etc. It's all connected but too many people can not see the 40 000ft. view.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

    "Islam" is a general CLASS word that just means any religion believing in something regarding the historical Muhammad and the Qu'ran. Similarly, "Christianity" is a general CLASS word that references any religion believing in something regarding the historical Jesus and its New Testament. 

    You have to be more specific or have to digress into a discussion of RELIGION itself. I think you are as ignorant as many who think "Christianity" means their own specific brand of Christianity they stupidly presume is universally agreed upon. 

    The problems about ANY political ideology relates to a belief about some GENETIC link to their political IDEOLOGY, not merely about some religious class. All religious classes have their degrees in similar distinctions of such beliefs. You definitely imply some particular favor of your own religion because you cannot argue against some specific class UNIQUELY without recognizing this relates to ALL religions. Religion, like 'culture', is used more often as a form of justification absent of LOGICAL reasons apart from equal consideration of others. That two or more ethnicities may have EQUAL rational justifications lacking 'fair' considerations, make using religion to justify why they act more 'fair' in their own eyes relative to others. So when certain groups associated to some common link believe they are suffering FOR genetic biases, they USE some cultural/religious reason to BIND each other with EMOTION where normal reasoning would not justify their distinct causes of suffering. 

    If you believe there is some problem with Islam, I challenge you to try to determine their underlying NON-religious causes. Only cultural-religious justifications HIDE the underlying problem and act as a means to UNITE others when they can't see why their conditions are harming certain pluralities over others. If everyone believes in the same 'game rules' but disagree with the arbitrary justification for their extreme losses (or extreme gains), they appeal to irrational religious justifications for why others are evil and they are themselves inherently 'angelic'. 

    What is your latent religious affiliation in contrast to your presumption about Islam?

    Now take the root of CLASS word: they are both empires based on a singular model that involves emulating the pattern of conduct and/or example of a man. Regarding Islam and Christianity this is Muhammad and Jesus respectively. This ties it all back into my original position: that these two empires are inherently idolatrous and are the sources of fascism. The fruits of fascism emerge from within the political realm but find their genesis from the religious one: Bolshevism being a product of Judaism is a prime example.

    To your next comment: I understand the origins of Christianity before it was even Christianity. Christianity is a solar myth which attempts to describe the function of the sun on our solar system. The sun travels through twelve posts that we know as the calendar January-December. The Greeks had their names/deities for them, the Romans had their own names/deities for them, and Jesus is depicted surrounded by his twelve apostles. These are all solar myth stories that describe the function of the sun. Similarly, Islam is a lunar religion: the angel Gabriel is the moon and Islam utilizes the moon (NOT the sun as Westerners) to keep track of time. West and East are correlated to the functions of the sun and moon respectively: the Western world has its Solar Christianity, the East has its Lunar Islam. Both 'religions' are forgeries from prior ones and are inherently fascist because they both employ an idolatrous scheme.

    To your next comment: I do not understand your use of GENETICS as if genetics are in any way relevant. I do acknowledge this applies to all religions - I am merely using Christianity and Islam as examples because they are the two biggest 'players' when we are talking about committing genocide. Christianity and Islam both spread by the sword. The difference with Islam is treating Islam as a 'religion' is wholly inappropriate and will likely cause confusion: Islam is NOT a religion. This is what the West needs to understand: the widely-distributed Qur'an is arranged out of order on purpose - it is to conceal the "pattern of conduct" of Muhammad such that the non-Muslims can not comprehend what is actually happening while Islam penetrates the social/political/economic layers of a non-Muslim nation which, by default in Islam, is hostile and in a state of war against Islam. There are two halves of the Qur'an: how to infiltrate, then how do commit genocide from within. It is a wholly political system - the religious component is given to everyone in order to bind them to the pattern of conduct (idol) that is Muhammad.

    To your next comment and challenge: I accept and already provided the explanation above. Understanding Islam as a religion is erroneous - it is a political system through and through.

    I have no religious affiliations: I have spent much time researching the history of Islam, the history of the Qur'an, the history of Muhammad, the origins of Christianity, the Hebrew language and reading Genesis in the proper Hebrew, and such things as astrology/astronomy, masonry, and listen often to lectures from various gnostic sources. I don't believe anything - what I know I know, what I do not know I do not know. I do not know many things about many topics, but one of the topics I'm prepared to defend is thus:

    The problem of fascism leading to genocide is not new - it has existed on this planet for thousands of years. It is the same ongoing war being fought: humanity against itself. Christianity stole much of its esoteric teachings from earlier groups, then called them pagans/infidels/cannibals and slaughtered whoever did not confess Jesus as lord and savior. Islam does precisely the same: divides the world between "us" and "them" via the same believer/unbeliever mindset and use a system called 'Islam' to slowly mix in among the "unbelievers" and turn their own political/social/legal constructions against them until they are subdued and ultimately either they accept Islam or they are taxed/killed off (if a man of military age). The women and children are circulated to the human trafficking rings that Muhammad established in Islam. It has been running on this planet for 1400 years, and the Vatican has their own sexual depravity that is about to go mainstream involving little children.

    And so this is why I emphasize that the problem is on BOTH sides: East and West. There is not a single contention I have against Islam that I couldn't likewise make against Christianity. They are both inherently idolatrous and just as much a problem as the other.

    I would stand to agree with Muslims when they claim that the Bible is obviously adulterated and the Vatican is essentially the headquarters for Western pedophilia. I agree that they have preserved theirs much better. However, their principle claim is that the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word of the creator of the universe is patently false, and this is what the Muslim believes as the center of his/her faith which is all feeding into the political system that is Islam which leads to... fascism and genocide, beginning with Jews and moving on to Christians/Whites.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:


    "Fascism" is an old term referencing collective strength of tribes by the common analogue that a single stick is weak and breakable but a collection of them are strong. Fascism was inclusive of any group, not just "national socialists" who demanded a coalition of disparate subgroups normally unassociated to each other, to recognize a common link regarding their native 'aboriginal' bond to the lands that now seem to be overtaken by outsiders. [Something that our own Multiculturalism is actually fostering within our own Aboriginals in Canada!!]

    The problem is completely unrelated to Islam. You are merely ignorant of associating old terms that have derogatory meaning to some group you don't personally like without careful thought. All religions, whether moderately 'liberal' or extremely conservative and exclusive, are justifications for ACTION that many different political ideologies use to manipulate others. All you can say about Islamic forms of fascism can only relate to those particular EXCLUSIVE groups IN THE MIDDLE EAST who believe they have an aboriginal justified link to their land that they use religion to BIND their people. Fascism does not go beyond borders. So if one is Islamic but in North America, they likely lack any fascist interest unless they specifically exclude non-Arabic members. It then associates ones GENETICS to their RELIGION, not simply about all those of the same religion.

    I stopped reading at this point.

    One of the main (and most destructive) characteristics of fascism is the forcible oppression of any/all opposition. Islam as a political entity employs the systematic degradation and subjugation of those who do not follow the faith. Motion M-103 in Canada is an example of Islam attempting to minimize opposition to it by calling for a 'whole of government approach' to tackling "Islamophobia" which is another fascist term used to label people that criticize Islam.

    Islam is absolutely saturated with fascist ideology - that one cannot question the Qur'an, Muhammad, or Islam is inherently fascist.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    I think your analysis of fascism and its causes is a bit spurious.  Fascist countries may or may not have a religious component.  The Soviet Union was atheist totalitarian, a form of fascism.  Hitler was an atheist, but he liked the Catholic idea of confession as a psychological salve and to use as a virtuous front, especially since some Nazi propaganda portrayed him as a crusader.  Certainly theocracies tend towards fascism.  Iran fits that category.  The Middle East has multiple forms of it, from Saudi Arabia to Syria and as far west as Turkey.  There seems to be a grey area as countries transition into fascism.  The U.S. is arguably in that grey area right now.  The pattern?  Discrediting of journalists; scapegoating of one or more minority groups; supremacist language identifying one group (race, culture, country) as qualitatively better than others;  cult of personality: supreme or inordinate power/authority and/or political credit is ascribed to one individual or party; use of propaganda (fake news); erosion of democratic institutions, including the politicization/influence peddling of the judicial branch and government departments; elimination of opposition parties or the disempowerment of opposition parties through measures such as jerry-mandering or media manipulation (including using government funds/resources to do this).  This isn't an exhaustive list, just some key components.

    Generally, fascism can be described as 'forcible suppression of opposition'. Examining the history of the Catholic Church and the present-day Islamic empire, one finds forcible suppression of opposition. Examine the Sharia anti-blasphemy laws of Islam and motion M-103 in Canada. These are examples of silencing opposition.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    Maybe, but there are all sorts of different ways to interpret those symbols, not just the ones you have provided. To me they are all quite similar in terms of their religious symbols, but they are infused with different cultures. I'm no professor but the cultural influences are Greek, Hebrew or Judaic, and Arabic. So go pick your poison. 

    Why shouldn't that list include Abraham as well, and perhaps Moses, and Solomon?

    To the first point - indeed there are different ways to interpret those symbols. But interpretation is not truth - there can only ever be one truth that is not bound to the influence of time whatsoever, hence the expression "truth is always in plain sight" because that's all can ever be present. This part is not conjecture - there is a cyclic process in nature that involves a coming into being, a sustenance, and a dissolution. This is the same cycle that is depicted by the Hindu pantheon Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva: Creator, Preserver, Destroyer respectively. These three elements are universal in all life - it doesn't matter if it is elemental, mineral, plant, animal, human etc. Therefor every mythological work attempts to describe the 'ultimate' that underlies this process of creation/destruction.

    Technically speaking, this is the same as when the character of Jesus (whom Christianity/Islam say is a legitimate prophet) stated that a man must be "born again" - this after having undergone a first death. This is technically why Moses was shown the promised land but had to die before getting there.

    This leads us into the last part of what you asked. These patriarchs were originally never intended to be understood as physical people that physically lived on the planet. They all represent the archetypes that progressively descend from ... what people in this day and age refer to as 'God' but is technically called the world of Aziluth by Moses according to his own Hebrew language (which is why I learned Hebrew to understand exactly what Moses was saying).

    The books of Moses are written in such a way that Adam evolves his way into Christ 'the messiah' or Yoheshua. So each major patriarch such as Abram, Moses etc. represent the archetypes that fill a human being once they have reached those same initiations. Yoheshua (Christ) therefor states "before Abraham, I am" which is the name of 'God' given to Moses on Sinai: in Hebrew "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" or translated in English as "I am that I am" or "I become that I become".

    So technically speaking, every man/woman born begins as Adam/Eve and the entire "path" involves walking in the shoes of each successive patriarch until one undergoes his/her own Christ which is the "only way" to Kether which is 'Father' on the tree of life.

    However the Hebraic mythology is only one vehicle/device that one can use to understand his/her own being. The Hindu pantheon served the Hindus in the same way, as many of the characters are the same (ex. Brahma is Abrahm).

    The only two idols upon which entire empires are built upon are Jesus (Catholicism and Christianities and there numerous denominations) and Muhammad (Islam and/or the Ottoman empire). Both of these empires are based on idolatrous models erected in the darkest ages of man. There is a cycle that lasts 25920 years called the Great Year wherein human consciousness rises into the 'golden' age and descends into the 'dark' age. Our last golden age was near 12 500 BCE and our last dark age was in 500 AD. Christianity/Islam both did rise within a few hundred years of this cycle that has steered the world toward materialism, empirism, degradation of women etc. and they are still standing today because adherents worship their respective idols.

    Try telling a Muslim or a Christian their empire is built upon a purposefully idolatrous scheme to enslave them to the empire, and they will likely want to kill you - the Muhammadans especially. This is why Islam 'protects' the idol of Muhammad to such an extent as to legislate the death penalty for criticizing or depicting Muhammad - it's not preventing idolatry, it IS idolatry: protecting the idol at all cost.

    This is why hundreds of millions of people are dead - books and idols. I only wish to see humanity outgrow such destructive beliefs as the Bible and/or Qur'an are perfect, inimitable etc. and that the conduct of Jesus and/or Muhammad are perfect and should be imitated/protected. This is all products of dark ages thinking that leads to human suffering and death.

  8. 13 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

    Churchill had no qualms about making a deal with that devil Stalin. Communism was the totalitarian system of the Bolsheviks.
    It is said that under Stalin they killed even more people than the Nazis. No need to quibble over a few million though... but hey!

    This is all true - and yet runs deeper than that.

    We must never ignore the fact that a Bolshevik society has (Talmudic) Jewish origins. These Jews have as their ultimate authority the Torah/Talmud. So back we are again to holy books - in the case of Judaism, we are talking about first the books of Moses (which is Hebraic mythology) and various others including books and even oral traditions.

    Islam is all a product of this - it contains a Judaic substrate that has elements of a Christian heresy, such as Jesus/Isa will return to redeem humanity. That entire concept is a misunderstanding of the Judaic 'messiah' which is not a person, it is something that descends into man directly if he/she has done the necessary work within themselves.

    This 'messiah' archetype got imbued into Jesus - which is a Greek name - and Islam under the name Isa Ibn Miriam. Technically speaking, both are idols (as is Muhammad) under the perspective of Judaism and therefor empires erected under such models of the masses imitating a concept man (Jesus/Muhammad) are false and thus subject to rulership of a higher authority. This grants Jews the power/ownership over them because they both break the laws handed to Moses, as Moses technically controlled both sides as well.

    So Islam can be seen as the 'military arm' of Judaism - this is why it is calculated to label the Jews (themselves) as the enemy, because if they control both sides (ally/enemy) then they are its ruler. This is a Bolshevik system - those operating within it are at the mercy of two or more powers fighting for global dominance.

    So that same communist element in Bolshevik also involves Islam, because Islam is a product of Judaism that also gave rise to it. In any event, the genocides that have occurred and may yet occur if people do not come together. This divide/conquer system is a rinse/repeat process and can be extended ad infinitum unless humanity 'wakes up' and deals with its source.

    This must involve an attempt to reconcile the East / West under one system (which it technically always is as far as the source of creation is concerned) to systematically eliminate human suffering. The problem is when someone starts talking about a 'new world order' people will/have freak out and they start forming an 'enemy' in their minds that must be fought, and only chaos will result. This is actually related to the problem of the tree of knowledge of good/evil as eating from it (or dividing creation in two: good vs. evil) will only cause death - indeed this is true.

    The problem is institutions such as Cathoicism/Christianity and Islam don't know (thus teach) their adherents such mysteries so that they make sense to people. We have people believing Adam and Eve were to physical people that were made by 'God' thousands of years ago. They thus brainwash their adherents with falsities for power/control, and we have two major global empires: Catholicism and Islamic - that are built on the structure of erecting an idol / central figure to emulate/imitate for a living, which causes rivalry and war between other empires utilizing the same (false) teachings.

    I'm sorry to mix politics with religion but topics involving Islam will always do this because Islam is not a religion, it is a comprehensive political system, identical with any major empire. It essentially is a material/political empire that is based on endless conquest until the entire world is subdued.

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  9. Consider the general concept 'state censorship'.

    In this 'state' the central power effectively controls what information is available to its own population. For example, China is considered a communist state as it does not have an open press, but rather all open-broadcast release of information must be state-sanctioned and approved.

    This is an example of 'state censorship'.

    Replace China with Islam. Islam, when Sharia is enforced, effectively is the ability to enforce "laws" that are in accordance with Islam.

    The first of these is anti-blasphemy: controlling what one may and/or may not say. In Islam under a Sharia-enforced 'state', ANY criticism of the Qur'an, Muhammad and/or Islam is the death penalty. Islamic Sharia also enforces apostasy laws likewise calling for execution.

    Look at Iran: you have BEAUTIFUL women dreaming of a day to actually BE a BEAUTIFUL woman without:
    1. Getting raped by sick men
    2. Getting covered up by equally sick men
    3. Getting forced into arranged marriages - sometimes as young girls

    Imagine being born as a beautiful woman in such an atmosphere as one controlled by Sharia: very unpleasant. Imagine being indoctrinated at a young age to practically IDOLIZE Muhammad (Muhammad is one of humanities most destructive "idols" which violates the Ten Commandments - Muhammad himself violated them profusely).

    Also consider that every single Muslim on the planet must perform a ceremony "testimony" of faith. This is important because Moses (Moshe in Hebrew, Musa in Arabic - there was only one Hebrew Moshe) whom, even according to the Muslims from their mouths, was indeed a prophet. Therefor it must necessarily follow that the Ten Commandments (as delivered in their original Hebrew form) are solid in form and hold true the test of all time. That is the nature of truth: it is eternal and is always present/manifest - the "truth in plain sight".

    So Islam has essentially hijacked a completely Hebrew (Jewish) tradition (Abram and Moses were Hebrews) and Arabicized (if I can coin the term) all of the prophets and added their own at the end. What is left - the Jews, are precisely the target of the Muslims - instigated by Muhammad, who led his entire empire/operation based on human trafficking, only to die and have his power pass through several slit throats and rival groups until we end up with Sunni/Shia which is a 1400 year conflict responsible for the death of 170 000 000+ and counting.

    And all of this is based on a totalitarian "religion" which is actually a 'state' dressed in religious clothing, designed to systematically wage war on the unbelievers and exterminate the Jews until every last one of them is dead. This is precisely what they have been doing, and will continue to do so long as they believe that the final authority in matters concerning life/death is belief that the Qur'an is the perfect word of God and to give ones own life to the "cause of Allah".

    Believing something that is not true to be absolutely 100% true is insanity - the transfer of this from Islam into the West is via the "Globalist" Socialist/Democratic parties, because Islam has prepared and wished to unleash another global bid for world dominance after its failed attempt in WW2. This is precisely why Sir Winston Churchill said the following:

    “Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

    And in this Churchill is 100% correct - the goal of Islam is to retro-censor statements like this, but Churchill's knowledge of this cold reality is what advised his victory in WW2 - the refusal to adopt a totalitarian state such as Fascist Nazism.

    Fascist Nazism itself is a product of Islam when traced back through the proxies - genocide of Jews/Disbelievers.

    Humanity barely overcame it the last time when it arose in Germany - I want to have faith in humanity to overcome it entirely this time, but the 40 000ft view reveals to me that the only solution is East and West must allow criticism of one another without censorship - including claims questioning the veracity of such statements as "the Qur'an is the perfect word of the creator of the universe."

    Such beliefs represent the very insanity that characterizes the dark ages: like recurring plagues of Egypt. Humanity needs to rid itself of these old idolatrous empires which are based on false claims and forge a path to lasting peace that involves no bloodshed. The entire point is to stop the bloodshed.

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  10. 30 minutes ago, dialamah said:

    If Muslims who believe X are being killed by Muslims who believe Y, how can all Muslims believe the same thing and be willing to fight/die for that, as you claim? 

    Also, the Koran advises Muslims to obey the law of the land and to not engage in violence.  These are the commands most Muslims follow; those who claim Muslims are or will be become violent as a matter of faith are extremists who have an agenda.  The agenda is either to whip up anti-Western sentiment or to whip up anti-Muslim sentiment.  Either way, it is people like you and DoP and like ISIS who cause violence, not Muslims.

    To your first point, take the Sunni/Shia conflict within Islam as an example of internal conflict. This is precisely what is owing to the fundamental problem of Islam as both a religion and/or political entity:

    The belief that the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word of the creator of the universe is false.

    This renders Muhammad as not a prophet, but rather precisely what his real sunnah depicts him as: a pillaging warlord that established human trafficking 'businesses' in order to fund his jihad/expansion. This is why Islam begins religiously, and ends politically, because it actually is a political system disguised as a religion. The Qur'an is essentially forged from Syriac texts and is an obvious heresy of Christianity as both Christianity and Islam are 'awaiting' the return of Jesus/Isa.

    This unifies both Sunni/Shia as one: they are both in error for the same reason: the book they follow is a man-made book. In fact, this is what is causing the bloodshed in the first place - believf that the Qur'an is the perfect word of the creator of the universe is a major catalyst to supremacist attitudes (Believer/Unbeliever) that label people as lesser "infidel" which is precisely what Islam does. This is where fascism enters because its seed is 'literally' in Islam.

    Now to your second point(s):

    Yes the Muslims are ordered to obey the law of the land. There is a reason for this: when a Muslim actively in jihad emigrates (invades) a non-Muslim country, they are expected to blend in and obey the laws of that land so as to not garner any attention whatsoever from the host nation on both a small scale and large scale. This is precisely necessary to set the foundation of the larger invasion that comes later in the Qur'an. This is not a teaching of virtue, as you are framing it; it is a simple order to avoid every possible 'barrier' for eventual jihad. It is designed that way militarily.

    Muslims that claim that 'extremists' do not represent Islam is a product of the programming/dogma that is instilled in the mind of a Muslim at a very young age - we must remember that all Muslim children typically read the Qur'an privately with an instructor(s) who teach them. The book itself is manufactured in order to condition the Muslim to immediately attach to Muhammad, who was purposefully constructed as an idol by being given traits such as: best pattern of conduct, best example, model man etc. The women are taught one view of Muhammad that appeals to the 'dream man' stereotype. The men are taught a different view that is accordance to jihad and expansion of the empire. This is Islam was constructed from day one and continues to operate: this is also the 'real' reason why Muslim men and women are divided in the mosque.

    Now to the following:

    "The agenda is either to whip up anti-Western sentiment or to whip up anti-Muslim sentiment."

    The agenda is not to whip up anything but open dialogue - my wish is for both West/East and/or Christians/Jews/Muslims to stop killing one another and for there to be lasting peace on the planet - the only way towards that lasting peace is for both Christians and Muslims to understand that both of their empires are idolatrous empires based on forged books.

    In the case of either, whichever side refuses to even address this issue will necessarily be the aggressor, and so far Islam continues to claim that the Qur'an is perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant etc. when in fact it is not. Hundreds of millions of Muslims are programmed to 'defend' the integrity of the Qur'an and Muhammad with their very lives if necessary.

    "Either way, it is people like you and DoP and like ISIS who cause violence, not Muslims."

    I beg your pardon?

    It's people like the Muslims that shot up Charlie Hebdo over protecting the 'honor' of their psychological idol Muhammad that actually spill blood. Meanwhile, I am here trying to point out via dialogue what is the source of suffering and death on this planet. I went so far as to spend several months learning biblical Hebrew to understand what Moses (who is the patriarch of each of Judaism/christianity/Islam) actually taught in his own language, and compared it to Jesus and Muhammad. Muhammad was very obviously illiterate but it is clear to me he was illiterate for a reason - so people can understand what an illiterate person thinking 'Allah' is talking to him on a private channel is capable of doing. And you wish to accuse me of being like them who spill blood? I am trying to put an end to the spilling of blood by pointing out that each empire is based on an idolatrous scheme to subjugate people into idol worship - Christianity and Islam being the prime two.

    Islam as a seed will always generate the fruit of genocide (of Jews then non-Jews) - if not "hypocrite" Muslims being killed by "real" Muslims, then there are plenty of Jews yet to kill - followed by Christians who are presently experiencing (and have been) genocide at the hands of Muslims.

    It is of no question that Islam is designed as a perpetually-operating 'system' that leads non-Muslim nations through socialism (taking over the media, which Islam currently controls here in North America) leading into nationalism combined with an atmosphere of divisive identity politics to create civil war. Imagine the entire planet experiencing multiple civil wars. How do allies help each other when that happens?

    This is all by design - it is constructed in this way for a reason.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    No offence taken, just note that your attempt to conflate all flavours of Islam with terrorism and fundamentalism has been done before and it's generally done as a propaganda play not as a genuine personally held belief.  

    Coming to the forum with Qu'ran quotes all loaded up and ready to go doesn't help - this appears to be an inauthentic opinion, IMO.

    Islam does not have "flavours" [sic] - there is only one Qur'an. You might be confusing "flavours" [sic] with degrees to which certain Muslims actually execute the pattern of conduct of Muhammad as they are instructed to by the Qur'an. The more one does this, the one more resembles Muhammad who, as we both know, committed genocide on Jews. This creates a spectrum - but the spectrum as a whole is one Islam - as it always has been owing to there being only one Qur'an and only one testimony in order to join Islam to become a 'Muslim': that there is no God or deity to worship, there is only Allah, and Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah.

    What Qur'an quotes are you talking about? And what on earth is an "inauthentic" opinion? All opinions are authentic - even if untrue.

    To all others: behold the substance of this users post:
    1. Used a made-up expression "flavours of Islam" (similar to "Islamophobia") which is (are) essentially meaningless
    2. Attempting to sever/conceal obvious relationship between Islam and terrorism by using meaningless terms such as "flavours of Islam"
    3. Associating criticisms of Islam as "propaganda"
    4. Attempts to undermine by using statements such  as "not as a genuine personally held belief" and "inauthentic opinion

    What does this resemble?

    • Like 2
  12. What does the term (word) 'fascism' actually refer to?

    From Wikipedia:

    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,

    Are there any political institutions in existence that contain any of these characteristics?

    There are certainly institutions in existence that contain these characteristics in a broad sense: organized (institutionalized) religion, including (but not limited to) Christianity and Islam.

    When we observe the rise of fascism that led to the 'ultranationalist' stance that Adolf Hitler held: in particular his desire to eradicate all Jews from the face of the planet, we take note that within the last eight centuries, such a regime did rise in Germany.

    Here we have the rise of fascism leading into genocide of ... who? Jews.

    Are there any institutions (religious/political) that have a history of committing genocide on Jews?

    The answer is yes: Muhammad's Islam of the 7th century. It is indeed the case that the prophet of Islam systematically beheaded Jews (Khaybar) in both ceremonial and efficient fashion: the Jew was forced to dig a hole for there severed head to be buried in.

    We see the rise of fascism through-out the West closely related to Islam:
    -Increasing antisemitism (hatred of Jews)
    -Increasing pro-socialist propaganda that has penetrated global politics
    -Divisive politics: labeling "ists" and "isms" whenever a dissenting view is expressed
    -Motion M-103 now funding propaganda that targets "Islamophobes" here in Canada
    -Open borders/immigration

    These are all central components of the early stages of 'fascism'.

    I therefor submit the following:

    1. The entire 'Western' world is presently undergoing a 'grand' jihad perpetrated by Islam, and has been for 1400 years.
    2. Corrupt politicians are being 'bought' to (knowingly or unknowingly) support the ultimate goal of Islam.
    3. Stupid/depraved politicians (Trudeau/Clintons) use money to purchase fame/sexual services offered in the 'dark market' of Islam (sex slavery / human trafficking)
    4. 'Digital jihadists' are paid to silence criticisms (often by fascist means as outlined above) - the most prominent form being the term 'Islamophobe'
    5. Adolf Hitler was a 'puppet' acting in accordance with the ultimate goal of Islam which includes extermination of Jews

    Understanding the connection of Islam to fascism; Hitler to Muhammad leads one to the obvious:

    Islam is the root of fascism on this planet, and so long as Islam exists in its current form, the human civilization will suffer the recurrence of rising fascism that leads to genocide, because Islam is rising fascism that leads to genocide, correctly in accordance to the (real, historical) life of Muhammad, and not the psychological idol Muslims are sold and told
    to 'imitate' for a living. Note that both Hitler and Muhammad blamed their personal downfalls on 'the Jews' because they are 'backstabbers'.

    Muslims believe the Qur'an is the perfect/inimitable/unaltered/inerrant word of the creator of the universe.
    This is a false statement but a 'truth' likely every single Muslim is willing to fight/die for.

    This will result in the bloodshed of hundreds of millions unless 'something happens' and because I can not predict the future (only look in the past) I do not know how this will end, but in my opinion it most certainly involves more genocide and bloodshed.

    Islam has successfully misdirected NA's general view of the most immediate threat: Russia and/or China. This is not true - Islam is the greatest threat to world peace.

    I'm sorry to the people that 'take offense' to any of this - rest assured personal feelings are most certainly not worth more than the fact that, to date, 170 000 000 people are dead at the hands of Muslims (most of them are other Muslims) and, if things continue the way they are, hundreds of millions more are at risk of the same fate.

    And all of this is based on a mistaken belief: that the Qur'an is the perfect word of the creator of the universe. This is what makes the Muhammadans (who imitate what Muhammad did 1400 years ago) very technically 'insane' as this one and sole belief leads them to desire to spill the blood of all beings not a Muslim - starting with Jews as conducted by both Muhammad and Hitler.

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  13. 10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Yes, I Googled and found a grand total of 4 articles since March on M103.


    I mean, it's so obvious that this is "increasingly becoming more and more apparent" {?} that you don't even need to provide a cite.



    I'm not talking about M103, I'm referencing the global jihad taking place.


    -There are Muslim rape gangs raping women after citing Qur'an verses all over Europe
    -The term "Islamophobia" being thrown at anyone who criticizes Islam in accordance to Sharia anti-blasphemy laws
    -Muslims are blocking roadways and public spaces (such as parks) performing prayers in violation with municipal laws
    -Sweden is down/dead, Germany is nearly there, UK is nearly there
    -Facebook/Google/Twitter are shadow-banning people criticizing Islam in accordance with Sharia
    -Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sending tax-payer dollars to HAMAS schools training children to become suicide bombers:


    -Muslims are taunting Jews and warning them of an imminent "real holocaust"
    -False flag / fake "hate crimes" reported by Muslims which were found to be baseless
    -Christians are undergoing genocide in the M/E
    -Hatred/Divisiveness is rising in the Liberal/Democrat parties which is the party Islam penetrates
    -Muslim Brotherhood stole US intelligence data from within under Obama/Clinton/Huma
    -Underground child sex trafficking rings uncovered tied to Saudi Arabia / Islam
    -Female genital mutilations reported all over the place
    -Migrant caravans being sent to Western nations with express intent to over-stress law enforcement and social services
    -Imams appealing to jihadist fighters by reminding them it is lawful to take non-Muslim women as sex slaves and collection of war booty
    -Women are being forced into sex slavery for jihadist fighters

    But of course, given your history of vehemently protecting/shielding Islam like a good little (paid?) Islamic forum shill, there could be ceremonial beheadings across the globe as people shout "Allahu Akbar!" and you would still deny that it has anything to do with Islam but perhaps is just a new form of "pluralism".

    But to end on a good note: people seem to be rapidly waking up to this, and as they do, people like you not only appear completely out-of-touch, but quickly become irrelevant. My original post was precisely accurate and it describes perfectly well how Western nations have been compromised.

  14. Here is how I see the Uranium One scandal:

    The Uranium One scandal was 'known' by the IC (patriots) the entire time. It was a massive bribery scheme which involved several beneficiaries spanning across multiple agencies which essentially facilitated the sale of uranium to Russia. Of course at the time of the scandal, Dems and their donors were "confident" that HRC would win the POTUS elections, which didn't happen. The collusion was so widespread and high-level, those involved thought they would walk unscathed.

    Even as small details of the scandal leaked into the public eye in 2015, the scandal was protected. The patriots in the IC whose hands were tied basically sat Trump down and told him what had happened. Trump and the IC needed a way to entrap the Dems/HRC.

    Trump's campaign focused a lot on establishing "friendly" relations with Putin and Russia. This provoked the Dems, HRC, Obama and the rest of these psychopaths to attack Trump on these grounds, with Trump knowing full well they are the ones who colluded. This would mean that the very people who colluded with Russia are the ones accusing Trump of colluding with Russia. What a perfect entrapment.

    HRC, Obama, Holder, Lynch etc. ate it all up because (at this point) they had no idea Trump (and the patriot IC) knew every single detail about the Uranium One scandal. Now when the truth comes out, all of these people, including the beneficiaries, will have effectively indicted themselves. When Trump won the election, he and Sessions began playing these people like a fiddle. They always knew all of the details: who got how much, from who, how much U was being shipped to Moscow, who transported it etc. They are only pretending to gradually uncover pieces of the puzzle - they knew the big picture all along.

    The Trump collusion investigation is one giant misdirection. Trump asked Comey to back off, then fires him. Comey then starts leaking all sorts of goodies to the NYT and demands the appointment of a special counsel. Throw in the business with the Russian ambassador phone calls with advisors, Jared Kushner running the campaign behind the scenes, Kelly Anne Conway shifting PR/media, and Manafort being brought in as more reason to investigate Trump. The need to "investigate Russian collusion" was obvious.

    Jess Sessions recuses himself (he already knows everything, and always did know everything), Rosenstein appoints Mueller, who both know that Trump and Sessions both know the entire scandal in full detail, and we have ourselves one big ticking time bomb for Obama/HRC/Dems and beneficiaries of this scandal. The main players already know the whole story, but the Dems supporting HRC never knew how much (if anything) Trump/Sessions knew about the scandal. This is beautiful strategy: the more the Dems try to deface Trump with deception, the more they out themselves. The general public may assume that Mueller and Rosenstein are dirty and trying to hide something.

    Trump has been suffering a barrage of attacks from these selfsame sick people, with our latest being that ridiculous 'Fire and Fury' book written by a psychopath. This, again, is playing right into Trump - the more they attack, the more they out themselves (just like how the OP of this thread attacks people when they call him disinfo scum). The main public are on the edge of their seats waiting for an indictment on Trump as Trump *appears* vulnerable, but the opposite is true.

    In reality, Mueller is digging deeper into Uranium One, FusionGPS and the Trump dossier. He has already found massive collusion. He found this collusion to be between HRC who compromised US national security. He found HRC illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian government sources to smear other candidates and tried to hide it, which is illegal.

    The indictments are already made/sealed. In total since Trump took office, there are almost 10 000 sealed indictments aimed at very sick people doing very sick things. Many people are going to be jailed. DNC media completely fell for the cover story thus actually allowed the investigation to take place, despite it being against their interest rather than for.

    How to tell if this narrative is true? Just wait and see.


  15. Dedicated to the "Islamophobes" being called as such by the social-jihad-waging "truthophobes".

    The entire premise of Islam is predicated on the belief that the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered word of God. As such, when discussing the validity of Islam, one need not look any further than the book upon which it is founded. It is claimed that Muhammad received revelations directly from Allah via the angel Gabriel. A simple logic can be constructed:

    If the Qur'an is divinely inspired,
    Follows: No Change.

    If the Qur'an is NOT divinely inspired,
    Follows: Muhammad was a liar, or insane, or both,
    Follows: Islam is man-made.

    How can one determine whether or not the Qur'an has worldly origins? We can investigate any number of avenues - needing only one to suffice:
    -philological approach: how sound is the language itself?
    -historical: did Muhammad even exist?
    -theological approach: does it adhere to prior revelation as per the God of Abraham?
    -integral approach: is it perfectly preserved?


    It is well known that some segments of the Qur'an are not well understood, even by Islamic scholars. In very recent German-led scholarship, a number of individuals have tackled the philological basis of the Qur'an and discovered that the allegedly "Arabic" Qur'an, is not actually Arabic, but was once originally Syriac. In Christoph Luxenberg's The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran: A Contribution to the Decoding of the Language of the Koran, the author demonstrates that by applying a Syriac-based approach, what was once clouded in obscurity becomes resolute. This is the very research that revealed the 72 virgins promised by Allah are actually white grapes. A full PDF is available online here:
    http://www.aramaic-dem.org/English/History/Christoph Luxenberg.pdf

    Other scholars who have recently pursued this philological approach: Alphonso Mingana, Gunther Luling, John Wansbrough, Yehuda Nevo, John Burton, Patricia Crone, Michael A. Cook, Daniel King, Gabriel Said Reynolds, Gabriel Sawma, Arthur Jeffrey and others.

    Conclusion: The Qur'an is a concoction of pre-existing Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts which borrow heavily from Christianity and Judaism. Despite the Qur'an's claim that it is an "Arabic" Qur'an, it was only "translated" into what is now known as Arabic from Syriac.


    One can hardly use the Qur'an itself as a reliable means to authenticate the existence of Muhammad as historical, as his name is mentioned only four times - in contrast to Moses which appears 136 times, Abraham 79 times, and even the Pharaoh 74 times. The earlier full biography of Muhammad did not arrive until d. 773 by Ibn Ishaq:
    https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/muhammad/Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf
    ...well over 120 years after the prophet is alleged to have lived. Recall: every single Muslims testifies that not only did this man exist, and that every single traditionalist account of his sayings and actions are not only true, but divinely sanctioned (save the Satanic verses Muhammad claims to have received from Satan which he later rebuked). The earlier reference to Muhammad in antiquity comes from a document known as the Doctrina Jacobi (sometime between 634-640):

    "When the candidatus [i.e., Sergios, commander of the Byzantine army in Palestine] was killed by the Saracens, I was at Caesarea and I set off by boat to Sykamina. People were saying "the candidatus has been killed," and we Jews were overjoyed. And they were saying that the prophet had appeared, coming with the Saracens, and that he was proclaiming the advent of the anointed one, the Christ who was to come. I, having arrived at Sykamina, stopped by a certain old man well-versed in scriptures, and I said to him: "What can you tell me about the prophet who has appeared with the Saracens?" He replied, groaning deeply: "He is false, for the prophets do not come armed with a sword. Truly they are works of anarchy being committed today and I fear that the first Christ to come, whom the Christians worship, was the one sent by God and we instead are preparing to receive the Antichrist. Indeed, Isaiah said that the Jews would retain a perverted and hardened heart until all the earth should be devastated. But you go, master Abraham, and find out about the prophet who has appeared." So I, Abraham, inquired and heard from those who had met him that there was no truth to be found in the so-called prophet, only the shedding of men's blood. He says also that he has the keys of paradise, which is incredible."

    Conclusion: Muslims bear witness based on practically no solid foundation whatsoever.


    In order to join Islam, one must perform a ritual ceremony known as the "Shahada". It is a testimony that there is no God or deity worthy of worship, there is only Allah, and Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah. This testimony stands in stark challenge to one of the fundamental laws of the God of Abraham - thou shalt not bear false testimony against thy neighbor. If it should so be the case that Muhammad either did not exist as traditional accounts hold; or if he did, he was not receiving divine revelation, this creates an absolutely cataclysmic problem.

    There is not a single Muslim who has ever lived who has not taken the Shahada. If it should stand that the Qur'an is not the perfect word of God, every single Muslim therefor by necessity is being mislead. Any action, behavior, thought, choice (etc) undertaken based on the premise of the Shahada (thus the "example" of Muhammad and/or the Qur'an) including such things as dividing humanity into "believers" and "unbelievers" or "kuffar", jihad, mistreatment of women etc. are all undertaken on a false premise. The Ten Commandments were established "in stone" so as to suggest that these commandments were as solid as stone, and to break them is to forfeit the promised land "free from all forms of oppression".

    When the Israelites started breaking the commandments and performed such things as bowing down to physical objects, Moses "broke" the commandments as a sign that such people are distant from God. To this very day, Muslims bow down to the Ka'aba believing it was built by Abraham - when upon a deep enough study, the Bible is an astrological book and the characters are fictional.

    Ever since the death of Muhammad, Muslims have been killing not only each other over disagreements between Shia (descendant) and Sunni (followers of Sunnah), but they have essentially waged war against the rest of the planet. Muslim women (all four of them - Muhammad had nine) must avail themselves to their husbands if they request sex unless they are ill or menstruating. Women's testimonies are worth only half that of a man under Sharia, and Muhammad blamed women for being ungrateful and claimed hell is full of mostly women.

    Finally, the entire premise of Islam is based on the psychological "image" of Muhammad himself. Muslims are essentially given a mold of a man: greatest pattern of conduct, greatest example for all of humanity, never told a lie, most humble, sexual strength of thirty men etc. in the form of a "sunnah" and told to imitate him, with the greatest end to be of dying in jihad. This is idolatry; imitation is the basis of idolatry because it requires one to conjure a conceptual image and live up to it. This is how all monotheistic empires control their adherents: erect a central figure to imitate. The same is true for Christianity. As such, Muslims might appropriately be referred to as "Muhammadans" because that's who they imitate to great detail.

    Conclusion: Islam violates several (in some cases all) revelation which preceded the Qur'an.


    Muhammad employed scribes to write down the revelations he claimed to have received, one of them being Abdullah ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh. From Al-Sira by al-'Iraqi:

    The scribes of Muhammad were 42 in number. `Abdallah Ibn Sarh al-`Amiri was one of them, and he was the first Quraishite among those who wrote in Mecca before he turned away from Islam. He started saying, "I used to direct Muhammad wherever I willed. He would dictate to me 'Most High, All-Wise', and I would write down 'All-Wise' only. Then he would say, 'Yes it is all the same'. On a certain occasion he said, 'Write such and such', but I wrote 'Write' only, and he said, 'Write whatever you like.'" So when this scribe exposed Muhammad, he wrote in the Qur'an, "And who does greater evil than he who forges against God a lie, or says, 'To me it has been revealed', when naught has been revealed to him." So on the day Muhammad conquered Mecca, he commanded his scribe to be killed. But the scribe fled to `Uthman Ibn `Affan, because `Uthman was his foster brother (his mother suckled `Uthman). `Uthman, therefore, kept him away from Muhammad. After the people calmed down, `Uthman brought the scribe to Muhammad and sought protection for him. Muhammad kept silent for a long time, after which he said yes. When `Uthman had left, Muhammad said "I only kept silent so that you (the people) should kill him."

    And from Ibn Ishaq's Sira Rasul Allah (linked above):

    The apostle had instructed his commanders when they entered Mecca only to fight those who resisted them except a small number who were to be killed even if they were found beneath the curtains of the Ka`ba. Among them was `Abdullah b. Sa`d, brother of the B. `Amir b. Lu'ayy. The reason he ordered him to be killed was that he had been a Muslim and used to write down revelation; then he apostatized and returned to Qurahysh [Mecca] and fled to `Uthman b. `Affan whose foster brother he was. [`Uthman was one of Muhammad's closest friends, and later became the Caliph of Islam]. The latter hid him until he brought him to the apostle after the situation in Mecca was tranquil, and asked that he might be granted immunity. They allege that the apostle remained silent for a long time till finally he said yes, [granting `Abdullah immunity from the execution order]. When `Uthman had left he [Muhammad] said to his companions who were sitting around him, "I kept silent so that one of you might get up and strike off his head!" One of the Ansar [Muhammad's helpers from Medina] said, then why didn't you give me a sign, O apostle of God?" He [Muhammad] answered that a prophet does not kill by pointing.

    Conclusion: The Qur'an either contains, or is exclusively, the invention of man.


    The Qur'an is NOT divinely inspired,
    Follows: Muhammad was a liar, or insane, or both,
    Follows: Islam is man-made.

    This is why hundreds of millions of people are dead, billions deluded, and Islam will continue to be a religion of "perpetual conflict" rather than a religion of "peace".

    Further Reading:
    Attached: Qur'an Misinterpreted, Mistranslated and Misread (portion)

     “When I, a thoughtful and unblessed Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane, not in all things, but in religious matters. I cannot prove to him that he is insane, because you never can prove anything to a lunatic — for that is a part of his insanity and the evidence of it.” – Mark Twain


  16. http://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-sessions-orders-doj-interview-fbi-agents-uranium-one-clinton-2017-12

    • The Justice Department is interviewing the FBI about former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's role in a controversial uranium deal with Russia.
    • Republicans have been calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the 2010 deal, which they say enriched the Clintons.
    • The controversy has been a sticking point for Republicans who allege the deal was evidence of pay-for-play.

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered the Justice Department to interview FBI agents with knowledge of an investigation into Hillary Clinton's role in a uranium deal with Russia, reviving interest in what President Donald Trump has called a "modern-age" Watergate, NBC News reported on Thursday.

    When the transaction became politicized during the 2016 campaign, some experts cast doubt over the legitimacy of the Clinton connection, as well as the national security threat posed by the deal.

    The move comes a month after Republicans in Congress urged Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, the Uranium One deal, and the FBI's handling of its investigation into her private emails at secretary of state.

    Calls to appoint a second special counsel came as early as July, when House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte wrote a letter urging Sessions to consider it. Goodlatte wrote another letter to Sessions in September for the Justice Department to investigate "matters which may be outside the scope" of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2017 election, and the Trump campaign's role.

    In 2010, Clinton and eight other top officials across the US government approved the sale of part of a company called Uranium One to the Russian government. It's unclear whether Clinton personally reviewed the deal, however.


    Some Republicans argue this move simultaneously endangered national security and enriched the Clintons. Trump and his allies have seized on Uranium One as Mueller's investigation into the president's possible coordination with Russia to swing the 2016 election in his favor heats up.

    "Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow!" Trump tweeted in October.

    The scandal first emerged as a point of contention following Breitbart News editor Peter Schewizer's 2015 book "Clinton Cash," which alleged that the uranium deal was evidence of a quid pro quo with Russian and Canadian businessmen who had made large donations to the Clinton Foundation around the time of the deal.

    But The Washington Post and Politifact have debunked many of those claims, including Trump's frequent comments about the deal while on the campaign trail in 2016.

    The FBI interviews will be used to determine whether Sessions needs to appoint a second special counsel to investigate Clinton, according to NBC.

  17. 02f28679e72f1f172fb4c2737faaf2cd9b064cfe

    The Clinton Foundation’s Accounting Firm’s Founder David Reznick, Found Dead


    The death of Jewish businessman and founder/chairman of CohnReznick accounting Firm David Reznick, appears to be the Clinton’s attempt at avoiding the same fate as Jewish spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. However, Bill and Hillary’s torrent of alleged connections to the Russian ‘Uranium One‘ scandal, industrial scale pedophile organizations, political assassinations, and hundreds of additional improprieties, will no doubt give way to their own Rosenberg moment. This begs the question. Could the untimely death of David Reznick be a sign that we will soon be witnessing the elimination of another wealthy Jewish businessman with a similar last name and connections to the Clintons?


    Stewart Resnick and his wife Lynda are the owners of Fiji Water. Stewart is also on the board of Jewish media mogul David Geffen’s School of medicine (UCLA).





    OP is either disinfo or retarded. Clinton is absolutely tied to U1 scandal, along with a plethora of other disgusting crimes and her time is almost up.

  18. 11 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


    The standard defence to all this is now that Trudeau just likes to drop into mosques and lie to the Muslims about his support for Islam. 

    Everybody does it.

    Michael Hardner isn't fooling anyone on these forums anymore; I played him on purpose so he would out himself as capitulating to pro-Sharia sentiments, which means he is actually covertly hostile to Canada. He absolutely supports Sharia and employs the exact same tactics the pro-Sharia left use to try to silence criticism of Islam.

    He accused me of "copying and pasting" things that already existed on the internet (which were all mine), despite this forum post pre-dating his links. That's how desperate he was. Can't really argue with that, so let him dwell on here and take all the fools along with him.

  19. Prelude to more social jihad / Sharia:


    The National Council of Canadian Muslims wants Trudeau to endorse Jan. 29 as a national day of remembrance and action on Islamophobia.

    NOTE: NCCM is a Muslim Brotherhood front
    NOTE: "action on Islamophobia" means action against freedom of speech / Sharia (can not criticize Islam)

    "We must not allow voices of hate, even ones that initially appear to be on the margins, to permeate our public discourse and damage our social fabric."

    NOTE: Bolded text suggests all criticisms of Islam, no matter how "delicately" they are crafted.

    This is actually a huge deal and the Muslim Brotherhood are looking for ways to prompt/coerce Justin Trudeau to act/pass Sharia legislation on the basis of motion M-103. If Justin Trudeau capitulates, Canada will be on the path to Islamization via Sharia, and people will start getting arrested for speaking out against Islam.

    Complete BS article like all Globalist-owned Yahoo articles. Globalists trying to control the narrative to keep their prince JT popular for re-election to continue the Islamic onslaught here in Canada.

    Oh Canada, true north, strong and free.
    Oh Canada, deceived north, weak and subdued.
    Canada is dying a slow death.

  20. 9 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Yes; I copied and pasted my own post into a few Youtube videos which get mirrored on alternate hosts which host the same video/comments feeds. How genius of you. Do you understand how the web works? There are only two sources in your post: this website, and the various Youtube affiliates which utilize the same content feeds on different hosts.

    How desperate of you to try that one; way to make yourself look stupid, once again.

    9 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    I am shaking my head more than laughing.  Our latest propagandist poster is also pushing the 'secret Muslim' line.   It's too bad that we are infested with propaganda on here now.

    Your claim that I am "paid" is exponentially more ridiculous than claiming someone who took the shahada is not a Muslim.

    9 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    I will go on record to state that it's ridiculous to state he's a secret Muslim.   

    I will go on record to state that it's ridiculous you call yourself a "pluralist"; nothing could be further from the truth.

    *Clicks name
    *Selects "Ignore User"
    *Reason: Truthophobe; can't stand the truth so he (tries to) attack instead; deflects, antagonizes, stupid accusations, mindless rhetoric etc. like a proper pro-Sharia jihadist leftist moron. Thank you for playing into it so well with me to expose the rot of your mind - it is clear enough now.

  21. 1 minute ago, dre said:

    Its probably a third option... that he did that to pander, and doesn't believe any of it at all.  But I understand... that's the boring option that doesn't leave room for silly conspiracy theories and identity politics.

    ...you do realize that he supports genital mutilation and honor killings, right? You do realize that he claimed Islam was more peaceful than Christianity, right? You do realize that he is on record as identifying with the religion of Islam, right?

    He is not pandering. He may very well be ignorant of the true nature of Islam (which is why they recruited him) but that doesn't mean he is not sincere about identifying with the religion.

    Face it, he is a Muslim. If you take the shahada, you can't not be one. Even if he doesn't think he is one, he's aiding and abetting pro-Sharia and pro-Islam agendas, willingly or unwillingly. To the Muslim Brotherhood, it doesn't matter how it gets done.

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