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Posts posted by LemonPureLeaf

  1. Canada will soon be a fully socialist country. Soon Zionism will be illegal. Criticizing Islam will be illegal. Removing your wealth will be illegal.

    The country is finished. I urge you to get out while you can. More and more slum people are coming to Canada making it a third world toilet bowl. Your taxes are paying for them to live here. They're like leeches or parasites living of the host body.

    Remove your wealth from Canada now. Don't give the government any more of your money.

  2. So, you take the position that a post-op transwoman is not a man?

    What about Eunuchs? Are they not men? Even if they had to get genitals removed due to cancer? Where do intersex people fit into this?

    Do they have penis and testicles? If yes, they are a male. If they have vagina they are female. Quite simple. Thats it. Thats all.

    How the person views themselves doesn't change what's between their legs. A cross dressing weirdo isn't a women because they say they are.

    Get real.

  3. Can you explain your view on how you work "hard" because there are many meanings for that. How do you work hard??

    I studied a lot in high school to get very high marks so I could get into the school I wanted. The proper extracurriculars etc.

    I worked very hard in Uni. Studying constantly so I could graduate with very high marks.

    During summer breaks I worked landscaping which again was hard, long hours outside in the heat.

    Upon graduation I worked in excess of 80 hour weeks for years. All in an effort to position myself properly.

    This is a brief overview of what I'm talking about.

  4. Better hope the people of whatever third world country you are going to take your ball to have more enlightened attitudes towards immigrants than you. :lol:

    Many places welcome foreign born people. I'm a non white person so my skin tone will fit in down there. Even if I was white I'd be fine. I'll be the immigrant.

    However the average wage in many places is only about $600 per month so it's quite affordable and easy to live very comfortably. Also quite popular among Canadian ex pats.

    I just don't see the NDP helping people like me who save for their own future. They want to take my money and give it to people who chose not to plan for retirement.

  5. Don't let the door hit you...


    Ha. I won't. I'll leave this slum to the immigrants and welfare people. See how you guys pay for everything without people like me paying for it.

    See you think you're somehow offending me with your juvenile reply but you're not.

    Canada has filled it's purpose for me. With its lax taxes and easy shelters, ive done well here but that is ending with the constant socialist governments who will close our tax loop holes.

    Im going to retire within 5 years while I'm under 50, move to Central America and retire.

    I'll still post here. Even just post pictures to prove that I've actually left Canada.

    Life is better when you have the money to enjoy itm

  6. So I guess you would prefer to tax those who dont make big money to provide tax relief to those who do. You have got a serious problem there when you consider where the majority of the population sits.

    I prefer everyone do their share. Pay an equal share. Instead, the more sucessful a person is...the more tax they pay. It's crazy. We shouldn't be penalized for choosing to go to Uni and work hard in our chosen career becoming sucessful. It angers me that I am forced to pay for those who are too lazy and sit around all day smoking pot and plain video games. Disgusting. Those people then have the gall to complain and call people like me a dinosaur...they should be saying thank you....showing some gratitude.
  7. The left wing bolshiviks of Canada (liberals and ndp) want to tax those of us who chose to work hard so we now earn a very good amount of money. They want to raise taxes to give more of our money to the poor. The poor who are too lazy to better themselves.

  8. The NDP WILL raise taxes to give money to the poor. My money to the poor who do nothing to help themselves. Disgusting.

    I started with nothing. Worked hard in university to get a good education. Worked even harder out of school. Now I make quite good money and the government wants more of my money to give to the poor who do nothing to help themselves. The poor deserve nothing if they don't try to better themselves.

    Disgusting. It's the main reason I'm taking my wealth out of Canada. Even if it means I need to sneak it out because the NDP makes it illegal to move money around.

  9. The NDP calls the oil sands. The tar sands. I wonder when they'll shut them down? After all they think they're dirty and abhorred. So if they don't shut them down they're hypocrites.

    The NDP has a dictatorship in AB. Soon Mulcair will sweep into power in Canada. As most of Alberta is now NDP orange.

    I wonder when the NDP will make it illegal to move our wealth. When will they increase taxes? By how much?

    The socialists have won Canada. It's over. Get out while you can. Canada will soon be like Cuba, China, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam and Venezuela. Canada is now a socialist state. It's over. I hope the socialists will let us leave Canada with our wealth in a few years.

    I am very scared of this. The NDP will increase Muslim immigration ten fold.

  10. Unfortunately, the NDP have formed government in an economy that has been run into the ground by the PCs...

    A decade+ of huge oil revenues and a deficit to show for it.

    not to worry. The NDP will increase the sales tax along with the debt. People get the government they deserve. NDP was no good in Ontario or BC. Will they be any better in AB? Time will tell.

    In good news the party I do support the WRP did very well and is now Official Opposition. Not that it matters as the NDP has a dictatorship.

  11. I guess you'll be keeping the car then?

    I'm not a socialist. Therefore I don't give to the poor. Let the poor help themselves. I provide to charity. Maybe you can ask them for a car.

    At any rate. I won't retire to Canada. We may keep a condo here but will settle somewhere hot.

    My wife thinks AB was due for a change. She doesn't believe AB is socialist just sending a message to the conservative parties.

  12. I'm glad none of my assets are in Alberta. I'm going to retire sooner than I thought and leave Canada. Liquidate my assets and leave. The bolshiviks have taken Canada. It's over. The socialists have won. In the fall Mulcair will be PM and further destroy the country. I'm glad I'm well off and can leave this hole.

    Maybe Peru or Belize. Not sure yet. We liked both places in our travels.

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