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McHale running as an Independent in election

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Banned for what? Exposing you for the cheezy-loving violence agitating media whore you really are? Or should we just ignore your platform of free speech and ignore your own two tier justice advantages?

Indians have the same rights as anyone else in this country, and some privileges that the rest of us don't have. If they can't get their lives on track despite this, then the rest of us are not to blame.

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This oughta win McHale a slew more votes:


Another "warrior" of "no fixed address" gets arrested with a whole host of charges and somehow the police are at fault and again the poor Six Nations are victims of their aggression. :rolleyes:

Edited by kengs333
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This oughta win McHale a slew more votes:


Another "warrior" of "no fixed address" gets arrested with a whole host of charges and somehow the police are at fault and again the poor Six Nations are victims of their aggression. :rolleyes:

It must bug you that McHale can't go into Caledonia to be part of the anti-native protesting that is going on. I mean even if YOU were running as an independent like him, you couldn't use the position as candidate to stir the pot so to speak. Although I know you think that you, like McHale are a reincarnated Martin Luther King Junior, neither one of you could promote your racist agendas on the streets of Caledonia without the police intervening. After all that is not what elections or political forums are all about.

And like McHale on the streets of Caledonia you are as transparent here as he is in Caledonia. Although you don't represent yourself here as the same kind of joke he presents himself as on the streets of Caledonia, Brantford or Deseronto. You certainly have that going for you.....but you still don't fool me or anyone else with your agenda......

I wonder.....do you consider yourself as a Loyalist too?

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It must bug you that McHale can't go into Caledonia to be part of the anti-native protesting that is going on. I mean even if YOU were running as an independent like him, you couldn't use the position as candidate to stir the pot so to speak. Although I know you think that you, like McHale are a reincarnated Martin Luther King Junior, neither one of you could promote your racist agendas on the streets of Caledonia without the police intervening. After all that is not what elections or political forums are all about.

And like McHale on the streets of Caledonia you are as transparent here as he is in Caledonia. Although you don't represent yourself here as the same kind of joke he presents himself as on the streets of Caledonia, Brantford or Deseronto. You certainly have that going for you.....but you still don't fool me or anyone else with your agenda......

I wonder.....do you consider yourself as a Loyalist too?

Being a Canadian isn't a race. Six Nations, on the other hand, strongly identifies itself with a common racial heritage. It's not surprising that they view others in terms of race as well, and are so willing to play the "race card" as a result. Six Nations is a group that wants to have a distinct identity, and they collectively undertake initiatives based on the fact that they are a "nation". So if Six Nations does something that causes trouble for other people, those people who complain about Six Nation's actions are responding to the actions and not the fact that Six Nations is comprised of a certain race. Using the "race card" is just a ploy to push your agenda, because you know that most Canadians don't want to be perceived as racist. But of course you can always play the card too often and push things too far (already has happened) and then the 8 million people of Ontario versus the 20,000 of Six Nations will grow tired of this nonsense and seek alternative solutions to rid this province of a major nuisance (and hotbed of organized crime).

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Being a Canadian isn't a race. Six Nations, on the other hand, strongly identifies itself with a common racial heritage. It's not surprising that they view others in terms of race as well, and are so willing to play the "race card" as a result. Six Nations is a group that wants to have a distinct identity, and they collectively undertake initiatives based on the fact that they are a "nation". So if Six Nations does something that causes trouble for other people, those people who complain about Six Nation's actions are responding to the actions and not the fact that Six Nations is comprised of a certain race. Using the "race card" is just a ploy to push your agenda, because you know that most Canadians don't want to be perceived as racist. But of course you can always play the card too often and push things too far (already has happened) and then the 8 million people of Ontario versus the 20,000 of Six Nations will grow tired of this nonsense and seek alternative solutions to rid this province of a major nuisance (and hotbed of organized crime).

There is a difference between responding and commenting on the issue and denigrating the people doing it. This is where you are so like McHale in that you are both quick to condemn "natives" as a race of people for the actions of one or two while at the same time ignoring that the IDiots in Caledonia, including the import McHale are have a get out of jail card because they are non-native. That is what makes you, like McHale racists, while those others making comments about action around Caledonia are only concerned citizens.

Now what I would like to know is why would a guy from Richmond Hill, who rips off the bank for the money owed on his house, and who is arrested for trying to incite a riot be your hero while natives legally standing up to protect their land from development encroachment be your enemy? Sounds an awful lot like a double standard to me......

Edited by charter.rights
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Being a Canadian isn't a race. Six Nations, on the other hand, strongly identifies itself with a common racial heritage. It's not surprising that they view others in terms of race as well, and are so willing to play the "race card" as a result. Six Nations is a group that wants to have a distinct identity, and they collectively undertake initiatives based on the fact that they are a "nation". So if Six Nations does something that causes trouble for other people, those people who complain about Six Nation's actions are responding to the actions and not the fact that Six Nations is comprised of a certain race. Using the "race card" is just a ploy to push your agenda, because you know that most Canadians don't want to be perceived as racist. But of course you can always play the card too often and push things too far (already has happened) and then the 8 million people of Ontario versus the 20,000 of Six Nations will grow tired of this nonsense and seek alternative solutions to rid this province of a major nuisance (and hotbed of organized crime).


Hmm ... are you Batman? Gonna swoop in and clean up the criminals in Caledonia?

But then who's left to vote for McHale? :P

Edited by tango
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Hmm ... are you Batman? Gonna swoop in and clean up the criminals in Caledonia?

But then who's left to vote for McHale? :P

What is really funny is that McHale can't even vote for himself since he doesn't live in the riding......Seems no one in the Haldimand-Norfolk riding wanted to rent a house to him and so he lives in Binbrook, which is in the riding of Niagara West-Glanbrook.

His law and order platform is a joke since he himself breaks the law and then attempts to explain that it is justified to incite riots to protest natives protesting the occupation of their own land. He even had to apply to a judge to get his bail conditions relaxed since he was banned from Caledonia and Hagersville. His bail restrictions allow him to campaign there now, but he cannot participate in any large group gathers......no rallys for the rioter.

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There is a difference between responding and commenting on the issue and denigrating the people doing it. This is where you are so like McHale in that you are both quick to condemn "natives" as a race of people for the actions of one or two while at the same time ignoring that the IDiots in Caledonia, including the import McHale are have a get out of jail card because they are non-native. That is what makes you, like McHale racists, while those others making comments about action around Caledonia are only concerned citizens.

The only people who are really viewing this issue in terms of race are members of Six Nations, and as you have just demonstrated again, are more than willing to hurl accusations of racism in order push their agenda and quelle opposition. Six Nations is made up of a group of individuals who define themselves by race, while Caledonia consists of people of many backgrounds who have for one reason or another decided to reside in that community; anyone who wants to can reside in Caledonia. When they people of Caledonia complain that their lives are being interfered with by Six Nations "protesters," they do so not based on race, but on the actual fact that members of Six Nations have engaged in deliberate criminal acts in order to obstruct their lives. Six Nations defines itself by race, bases its existence on a common racial heritage that dates back centuries; this is something that the people of Caledonia do not do. So it would seem to me that the people who have the real racial issues would be Six Nations, not Caledonians.

Edited by kengs333
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What is really funny is that McHale can't even vote for himself since he doesn't live in the riding......Seems no one in the Haldimand-Norfolk riding wanted to rent a house to him and so he lives in Binbrook, which is in the riding of Niagara West-Glanbrook.

Even more funny is how irrelevant this is.

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The only people who are really viewing this issue in terms of race are members of Six Nations, and as you have just demonstrated again, are more than willing to hurl accusations of racism in order push their agenda and quelle opposition. Six Nations is made up of a group of individuals who define themselves by race, while Caledonia consists of people of many backgrounds who have for one reason or another decided to reside in that community; anyone who wants to can reside in Caledonia. When they people of Caledonia complain that their lives are being interfered with by Six Nations "protesters," they do so not based on race, but on the actual fact that members of Six Nations have engaged in deliberate criminal acts in order to obstruct their lives. Six Nations defines itslef by race, basis its existence on a common racial heritage that dates back centuries; this is something that the people of Caledonia do not do. So it would seem to me that the people who have the real racial issues would be Six Nations, not Caledonians.


The people of Calendonia claim ownership by occupation where by some magic wand the British became the owners and dictators over the land. The real racists are people like you and McHale who turned this into a native versus non-native competition instead of the historical legal issue that it is. McHale always tries to point out two tier justice using "natives" being treated differently. Yet we all know and the press has been quick to point out that Six Nations people have been arrested, as have people from Caledonia and even McHale where they have violated the law. Yet the government has over the years and continues during the present to engage in criminal acts against Six Nations, by not consulting and accommodating their concerns BEFORE development is commenced. The government through its police continue to infringe upon guaranteed Charter Rights against Six Nations peoples' rights by using injurious force against people standing up against infringments on their land. I don't see you or McHale raising these injustices in the media, do you? Yet they are more important in the scheme of things than defending a mischief charge which McHale received after trying to incite people to riot and ignore police orders. If McHale was really an advocate of injustices he would have plead guilty. But he is not interested in injustice or two tier justice. He and you are only interested in trying to build an force against the Six Nations people in order to justify continued power over native people.

Six Nations people make a legal claim to the land they occupy. They are not "protesters" as you and McHale like to point out. They are occupants of their own land. This has nothing to do with race. It is about national jurisdiction over land and the question to be answered is "who has the right to the lands in questions". Only people like you continue to believe that it is about race. And that is why the majority of people in Haldimand, Caledonia and Brantford see McHale for who he really is - a racist. Add to that the even the racist skin heads have gathered at rallies organized by McHale and they too see McHale as one of them.

So if it talks like a duck, walks like a duck and acts like duck it must be a duck. McHale is a racist IMO and there is no doubt in my mind that you are a close follower.

I would guess that you must have really been hurt as a child by native kids to hold so much anger and hate towards native people. Like McHale that makes you a very sick individual. Get some help and take him with you.

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This is what gets me. You really like to mouth off and use offensive language, but if I don't agree with you then I'm a "racist". I used to be sympathetic towards First Nations, but the situation in Caledonia is so ridiculous; the people, such as yourself, who represent the Six Nations side conduct themselves in such an uncouth and crude manner, that I just can't sympathize anymore. The problem that you have is perception: you only see things in terms of red and white, you fail to recognize that people don't think or function based on such absolute terms, as evoked by your duck analogy. Well, as a bird watcher, it reminds me of the other day while I was out walking and two women who were passing by me and one was pointing out a heron nearby--the problem was, that "heron" was in fact a cormorant. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, so should you be going around acting as though you do.

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Even more funny is how irrelevant this is.

It is perfectly relevant. Only McHale could be so wrapped up in his own stench not to see it.

How can a guy who is ostracized by the people of the riding he wants to represent in an election really be a spokesperson for their issues? By not being able to live in their communities and by not even being allowed in their towns and villages without restriction, McHale is just making more of an ass of himself than he was during his riotous rallies. He isn't a candidate for an election in any sense of the word and is nothing but a self-appointed self-bloated big mouth trying to make a cause where there isn't any. He is nothing more than a self-indulged one issue pony trick that keeps falling off his horse and getting back claiming victory over the dirt ground into his head. If he had any ethics, honesty or sense of justice he would have run in his own community, facing two tier justice there and raising community issues with community people. Rather, where it stands now all he does is get a few of his joker friends to do his dirty work for him. He's not willing to get into any debate the real issues of West Niagara- Glanbrook riding or even the Haldimand-Norfolk riding. Not only did any of the parties want him, or the people of his own home riding, or the people of his stolen riding, but he can't even get the media to pay much attention to him anymore.

Everyone sees McHale as the fraud he really is. Hell, I would bet that if we had a face to face with God on this forum even He would reject him as Satan's spawn. He has this insane and stupid idea that he represents God - and has even claimed he is acting like Martin Luther King Jr. - yet he was booted out of seminary school, kicked out of a number of Churches and now rejected by the supporters he once conned in Caledonia. Neither the courts, the police or most other people have the patience for a guy like him.

I'm not sure how close you are to McHale, but I bet that if he needed an enema, it would be your hand on the wand. At least you are so full of his crap that it makes you and him seem almost inseparable.

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You're one to talk. You should try re-reading some of the stuff you write, it's positively enbarrassing.

Whether or not he's "ostracized," has a chance of winning, or would make a bad MP, the fact of the matter is that as a Canadian citizen he has the right to seek election. That is a democratic right. If anyone from Six Nations feels that they want representation in Parlaiment, they can do so as well. There's even a party for "First Peoples".

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You're one to talk. You should try re-reading some of the stuff you write, it's positively enbarrassing.

Whether or not he's "ostracized," has a chance of winning, or would make a bad MP, the fact of the matter is that as a Canadian citizen he has the right to seek election. That is a democratic right. If anyone from Six Nations feels that they want representation in Parlaiment, they can do so as well. There's even a party for "First Peoples".

Ah but you mistake what you say! Six Nations people are not Canadian. And nowhere in their constitution - The Great Law of Peace - does it allow them to enter into dual citizenship! And no where in our history of the history of the British have they ever become Canadian or British subjects! So participating in Canadian election would be as useless as McHale running in a riding where no one wants him.

And you missed the point, again! The purpose of running in an election is to represent the people. It is not to seek election to represent one's self interests. It is not to go where one is not needed or wanted. Being an outsider does not give McHale the right to speak for, or on behalf of the people of Haldimand-Norfolk. That isn't what democracy is about. It is about seeking the will of the people and working for the people. Imposing oneself on the people is not democracy it is fascism and is unequivocal evidence that McHale does not believe in democracy. Given the evidence of that rag site he runs and the fascist racists he chums around with it is clear that his intent and purpose is for nefarious reasons, and not for truth, honesty or integrity.

Embarrasing? Ha! You are an embarrassment to this forum and to politics in general. You can't represent yourself here anymore than McHale can represent anyone except his own self-serving mbatory needs in any election.

Edited by charter.rights
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McHale is right, on one point anyway. There is a two tier system of justice and law in Canada. What you can do and get away with as a Native, like occupy land and fish/hunt without a license, you cannot do as any other race in Canada. It does not matter if you are Asian or South American or African. The simple fact of the matter is that Natives have rights that other Canadians don't. As for the illegal occupation of land, are you telling me that if a group of any other race or a mixture of every other race were to the pull the same stunt the Natives are pulling in Caledonia they wouldn't be tear gassed and hauled away? Because we all know that is exactly what would happen.

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McHale is right, on one point anyway. There is a two tier system of justice and law in Canada. What you can do and get away with as a Native, like occupy land and fish/hunt without a license, you cannot do as any other race in Canada. It does not matter if you are Asian or South American or African. The simple fact of the matter is that Natives have rights that other Canadians don't. As for the illegal occupation of land, are you telling me that if a group of any other race or a mixture of every other race were to the pull the same stunt the Natives are pulling in Caledonia they wouldn't be tear gassed and hauled away? Because we all know that is exactly what would happen.

No that is true justice. We made deals with the natives centuries ago and staying out of their way while they hunt and fish IS the law - the supreme law of Canada - today. There is nothing two tier about it.

And no natives do not have rights that we do not. We can hunt and fish too. Only becuase we are not subjects of historic agreements with our governments we have more restrictions place on us.

There is no parallel in native people occupying their own land, standing up to development and illegal occupations. And since you seem to have been out of the loop of Canadian current events there are two recent cases where non-natives pulled the "same stunts" and did not get arrested. Try Googling the Cayuga Dump and the Ardoch Uranium mining - both of which were organized by non-natives and no one was arrested, tear gassed or hauled away. So your belief that two-tier justice exists is just a make-belief.

McHale, Kengs333 and you are all wrong. But that's ok I understand that your mothers think you were all a mistake too!

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This is beyond mere childishness. Do you honestly believe that you are doing SN any good by mouthing off like this?

I'm not here to represent SN or any other First Nations. I am here to discuss the application to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms with respect to all people - you know the application of the Supreme Law of Canada, that which McHale abhors.

Do you think you are doing any good here exposing your and McHales prejudices and ignorance towards native people? Why aren't you out on the campaign trail with your buddy? Oh ya I forgot. He's not allowed in the place to raise riots under the cloak of campaigning. And who in their right mind would want to elect a guy who has not only broken the law and is under bail conditions awaiting trial, but one who is abusing our social safety net by taking disability money destined not for those too laze to work, but those who cannot work? Maybe a magician is what you need right now to make it all go away. I think we might be able to conjure up a guy named Merlin to help you out in that department. I mean he is already financially supporting McHale. What is one more?

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I think Candidate McHale, were he here, would not see this thread as 'helpful' to his cause. It seems to me that the tone here is more 'playground taunts' than grown up politics.

Those who defend him don't seem to be introducing a more adult tone ... don't seem to comprehend that this isn't a playground squabble or a protest/anti-protest rally, but real national politics.

Several candidates have already bitten the dust for inappropriate comments, signifying the difference between discussion board controversy and real politics.

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Those who defend him don't seem to be introducing a more adult tone ... don't seem to comprehend that this isn't a playground squabble or a protest/anti-protest rally, but real national politics.

I should think it obvious that the immature tone is strongest from those attacking McHale! For you to imply otherwise is frankly mindboggling!

Whatever, as is usual in this particular thread, things have become pointless. By now it has also become obvious that for some that's the goal.

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The only people who are really viewing this issue in terms of race are members of Six Nations, and as you have just demonstrated again, are more than willing to hurl accusations of racism in order push their agenda and quelle opposition. Six Nations is made up of a group of individuals who define themselves by race, while Caledonia consists of people of many backgrounds who have for one reason or another decided to reside in that community; anyone who wants to can reside in Caledonia. When they people of Caledonia complain that their lives are being interfered with by Six Nations "protesters," they do so not based on race, but on the actual fact that members of Six Nations have engaged in deliberate criminal acts in order to obstruct their lives. Six Nations defines itself by race, bases its existence on a common racial heritage that dates back centuries; this is something that the people of Caledonia do not do. So it would seem to me that the people who have the real racial issues would be Six Nations, not Caledonians.


I rest my case.

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