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  1. Bill 13 also encourages homosexuals to go so far out of their way to deceive heterosexuals for our sexual orientation that some HOMOSEXUALS are even getting their genitalia mutilated which leads to homosexuals deceiving heterosexuals thus is a clear example of homosexuals discriminating what it means to be heterosexual and the Ontario Parliament is encouraging this through the very Bill 13. Then they have the nerve to call heterosexuals homophobes or now even such jibber as Transaphobes for being offended for having our sexual orientation discriminated against with such sick disgusting lowly homosexual deceptions. Ontario Bill 13 not only discriminates heterosexuality in every way shape and form, it encourages homosexuals to deceive heterosexuals while trying to tell heterosexuals that it is OK for us to be discriminated against by the sexually insane and if you have a problem with that then you are a homophobe or a transaphobe. I remind all of you that a phobia describes an irrational fear and if getting angry for being discriminated against in anyone’s book (even our delusional Parliamentarians) is an irrational fear then why are homosexual false claims of discrimination encouraging our government to force such sick deceptions upon innocent little children in our public schools in the first place? This is completely insane and unacceptable! Bill 13 tells our children that it is OK for homosexuals to discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation and if you have a problem with that then you are a homophobe! Bill 13 is garbage for it obviously encourages bullying and discrimination against heterosexuals! Again there are two types of homosexuals, the homosexuals who seek to have sex with other homosexuals and then there are the homosexuals who are out to deceive heterosexuals for our sexual orientation so much so that some of them even go so far out of their way to discriminate heterosexuality that they for now are even getting away with having their genital mutilated to accomplish this. Why is the Ontario government forcing discrimination against heterosexuality through bill 13 while claiming heterosexuals as homophobes for getting angry at having our sexual orientation discriminated against by these sexually messed up sickly insane homosexuals who obviously can't even accept themselves for what they are in the first place and more so seek to blame everyone else for it? Children everywhere deserve better than the deceptive garbage that compiles bill 13, no if's and's or but's! This is homosexuals deceiving heterosexuals for our sexual orientation and our government encouraging it as well. This is clearly discrimination against heterosexuality. Shame on the Liberals and NDP for landsliding these sick deceptions upon not only society but especially innocent little children through Ontario legislation upon our public schools! Yet another fine example of the circus we have for parliament here in Ontario Canada that bases it's reasoning for conjuring legislation upon such by encouraging and enforcing sick deceptions and discrimination upon heterosexuals. Genital mutilation will become illegal because it clearly supports homosexuals discriminating heterosexuals for our sexual orientation. Keeping legal genital mutilation tells society that it is OK for homosexuals to discriminate heterosexuality as well encourages through Bill 13 that it is not OK for heterosexuals to get angry for being discriminated against by these sick homosexual deceptions, and that it tells society that an irrational fear is getting angry for being discriminated against. Meanwhile they cater to lowly homosexual activist whining false claims of discrimination for not allowing them to use heterosexuals as guinea pigs for homosexuals deceptions. Homosexuals want to have sex with homosexuals fine, homosexuals want to deceive heterosexuals well that is quite clearly discrimination against heterosexuality and I will not stand for it! I will stand strong for all of the innocent little children the Ontario Parliament seeks to deceive with the insanity within Bill 13! School is starting and if the garbage known as Bill 13 still stands then excrement is really going to hit the fan as Ontarian's begin to see how low and filthy Liberals and NDP stooped without even using their brains to first take the time to genuinely think this thing through! Homosexual activists whine false claims of discrimination and politicians hide in fear of such filthy garbage thus cater to their every deception and false claim! Pathetic and there is no excuse good enough for this poor example of forming legislation! If Bill 13 still stands then mark my words, I am going to walk over the whole lot of you with pleasure because again you are otherwise encouraging these sick deceptions upon innocent little children right in our public schools and that is quite obviously unacceptable in every way shape and form! Do you really think that Ontarian's want to have the majority of our children discriminated against and labelled with a phobia for getting angry for being discriminated against or being suspended or expelled so a few sexually confused can continue to deceive heterosexuals?! I love my work and take a great deal of pride in sharing this with all of you because even though I may not like you all I still love and care about everyone which is why I am willing able and ready to help clean this mess up by first clearing all of your heads up! oh and to clear things up a little better: Need I remind you all that there are two kinds of homosexuals. There are homosexuals who seek to have sex with other homosexuals then there are homosexuals who seek to deceive thus discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation aka homosexuals who claim to try and hide their deceptions behind the phrases "gender identity or even as mentioned within Ontario's Bill 13 “Trans gender" Heterosexuals are heterosexuals because we have sex with the opposite sex, not because we seek to have sex with any homosexual whether they have a mutilated genital or not! We are not homosexuals, we are not bi sexuals we are heterosexuals and homosexuals obviously just don't understand that! Homosexuals are deliberately deceiving heterosexuals thus deliberately discriminating heterosexuality Love David Jeffrey Spetch Ps. Be good, be strong!
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