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Posts posted by Bobby

  1. Well, although the White House tries to blame Moscow for leaking phone call between its top diplomats, discussing Ukraine situation (www.voanews.com/content/us-points-to-russian-), it is clear there is not only Russians, who were interested in posting the recordings in Internet. The more especially as Americans are not even traversing the mere fact that this phone conversation has really happened to be, as Nuland has hurried to contact her EU counterparts and apologized! Obviously leaked Ukraine recording reveals US exasperation with EU. And most likely it has been work of European special services that were ordered to punish the US allies though giving into hands of Russians so disparaging copy, eh?

  2. Not long ago Poland was mourning the death of its best military pilots and Air Force commanders. All 20 Polish AF officers, including 2 generals, remaining on the board of a new CASA C-295M military transport plane were killed in the crash near Miroslawiec AF Base in north-western Poland. I’ve learned about this fatal accident from night reports of Poland’s CNN - the TVN24 TV channel. And there were some strange, even mysterious circumstances reported on TVN24: the pilots didn’t report any problems to the control tower, but suddenly the plane dived down and crashed. Moreover, these transport planes in their military version have been produced by a Spanish CASA aviation concern since the 1970s on Boeing’s license. As to the newest C-295M models, they have been sold, I hear, to many countries in Europe, Africa and Asia and - so far - they never crashed! Thus, they are safe, dependable and their equipment is up to the highest standards. That is why they’ve chosen to carry Polish soldiers and material to and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Lebanon and other Polish military combat (!) and peace-keeping missions. And this air disaster has become the first one.

    A misfortune or… some diversion down the plane with important Polish generals, squadron commanders, training chiefs and high skilled military pilots? It stands to reason! Surely, this flight catastrophe (by the way, the third most important Polish military air accident since WWII) was caused by a purposeful sabotage.

    In my mind only one question arises who could be interested in such crash and especially who could be able to organize and carry out so delicate operation? It is clear as a day that it reeks of a purposeful attempt, made by those who have close relations with Polish military now. To my seeming it could be done by Americans, who is known for everybody in the world as Polish best friends especially in military sphere, where US assistance to Poland is the largest one in comparison with European countries, for instance. Most likely lately Polish military has opened their mouth too wide for agreement to deploy US AMD elements on the territory of their country and the Pentagon has been under Washington’s order to give them a lesson for their brash racketeering and grabbing…

  3. Regardless of whether you want it or not we design new types of sophisticated weapons. And I tell you more, we’ll continue to do it. Your “existing treaties” are absolutely dead letters. But nobody wants to negotiate their adaptation to new conditions or to sign new ones. That is why America has all grounds for withdrawing from such treaties. And if we have an excuse, we’ll certainly use our nuclear weapons against any enemy of our state, wherever he hides his head.

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