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sitka loche

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Posts posted by sitka loche

  1. this is a surprise to you? Given his support for worldwide conspiracy theories re holocaust denial I'm not surprised he believes this ludicrous nonsense about 911.

    This is exactly what I was conteemplating. What if the United States were truely behind 9/11 and the general public simply refused to believe the evidence proven in this court trial and web sites.I do understand the concern in trusting every media site and some lawyes but given the evidence i also believe the subject should be investigated.

  2. There was no mistrust amongst the American allies until the Administration there started to do things worthy of mistrust. -shakeyhands

    Your absolutly correct shaky hands, however, after we charged into wrongly accused countries fireing at will destroying and massacreing innocent cities, were we turned against and beginning to slowly lose allies. Which if i may say so we are in no position to do.

    This eventually, thanks to good old George Dubya's horrible actions, led to America being frowned upon and our trust being lost.

    just thought i would clear that up :)

  3. this topic seems completely and totaly unreasonable. why is 9/11 still such a big deal?? this was a public display of national hatred towards america and our current weakness not to mention distrust from our allies. this falls under the same category of why is pearl harbor still such a big deal to our country? every year on december seventh millions of americans pray and remeber this fateful day when we were humiliated in front of the world. we soudl never just simply forget about such a tradegy, over some it mayb, but never let slip our minds.

  4. before we go and accuse bush of "stealing the presidency",lets ask ourself the question in life. What will i do outside of college? for most of us "americans" we want to invest in stable stocks and set up a strong family with good "american" values (which are now demorealized by the bush administration). For George W. he wanted to take controll of the most powerful country in the world and use it for his own malicious political intentinons. in the 2000 election none of us knew the man would be in office at the time of 9/11. all along bush obviously knew there was oil in the middle eastern region or else he wouldnt have "discovered" it there. he needed some diabolical plot to give him an excuse for the invasion. then all of a sudden the towers are bombed and he blames the iraqis for this. he then claims they have weapons of mass destruction and he needs to invade. if the modern american could have detected this before now i assure you that the moron would not have been re-elected in '04. as for weather or not he actually won the vote, i suggest asking the corrupt politician himself.

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