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Posts posted by Esq

  1. Ummm, pssst, you do know if it were like the Gestapo we'd be attending your funeral instead of reading this don't you?

    I could take them on or the PMO without blinking an eye, I fear not, I'm far superior to anything they can do.

    Its only a game to them anyway, they are out of touch with the meaning of life.

    While the 'average' canadian may have problems coming up "special" people such as DHS calls me, don't have any new risks or threats presented by Gestapo like forces. I already live in a world of torture and attacks against my liberty.

    Also I would state this was a question... no one has identified why conservatives are harassing these academics.

    Although the source of the freedom of information requests, should be perhaps viewed by the police to determine if there is ongoing harassment - it is relatively minor - anyone who reads the article should realize that this is not yet determiend if indeed this is the case.

    I'm mearly presenting the potential, not stating that this is the case.

    We do know however people purported to be conservatives are harassing the blogs of those individuals. this so said.

    Criminal Harassment is a violation of the criminal code. Conspiracy to commit criminal harassment is also a violation of the criminial code.

    I havn't seen the reason given for the freedom of information request.

    I'm requested this exact same thing just to volunteer with an organization such as big brothers and big sisters.

    these types of requests for private records are not unusual with organizations - but other individuals researching peoples employment histories (and indepth records) is rather unusual - and might be akin to stalking without valid grounds.

    Someone is investigating those individuals and doing it "anonymously" why the secrecy?

  2. In response to the OP - yes. Yes they are.

    I picked up a radio broadcast with my hat that also said they are just about done constructing the internment camps for Liberal supporters too. Rumor has it that the CPC's new party emblem looks kind of like a red pinwheel, and that their plans to invade Kwebek are coming quickly. Personally, I think the new salute makes them look like school crossing guards trying to stop traffic...

    Are these different than the 40,000 new prison cells?

  3. I agree with you 100%. It's been a long time since someone on this board worded my opinion so completely and accurately.Wait....you WERE talking about the Trudeau, Turner, Chretien and Martin Liberal governments, right?

    This is the brain melt I was refering to, I swear the government is lowering peoples IQ's.

  4. Esq, if I understand properly, you don't like Stephen Harper and the federal Conservative Party.

    I don't like the bad things they have done. ---- for the last 5 years. Their lies and their frankly poor policies and actions.

    I, OTOH, tend to agree with what Harper and his party have done.

    What do you agree with that he or his party has done? What positive things has he or his party done? Things that have helped the people of Canada?

    Frankly I see nothing but put them in debt, tear down canada's image, and stifle democracy.

    So Esq, why is this a "truely disgusting polling"? IOW, what's your point?

    This is truely disgusting because it is disgusting to see a 2% gain when they have done nothing to deserve it, quite the contrary, a few recent actions such as attempting to buy votes with public funds, and running a campaign with tax payer funds is insulting.

    They are into dirty politics, unlawful practice, and selling out the public interest.. that is why it is disgusting a 2% increase shows them near the fabled majority territory.

    And leading by more than 10 points.

    I honestly think the other parties present a better government, even is stills sorely lacking, it is better than a totally corrupt and illegal government jockeying with public tax dollars. Through lies and smearing.

    It is disgusting that from this 1600 person poll it showed a 2% increase, that is what is disgusting. It is disgusting that Canadians would let these people form government again. That is what is disgusting.

    It shows Canadians support bad government, corruption, and poor morals. That is what is digusting.

    These people have delivered on nothing they said they would, they have lied and sold out the public, attacked their own base, and used the public for very selective private interests.

    IT is a horrible government. They are bad people, liers, not interested in helping their constituents, and a party oligarchy rather than an actual party - they are corrupt, bad people.

    THE END. They suck. and there are idiots who would still vote for them,

    that is what is disgusting.

  5. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/tmx-deal/ontario-takes-dim-view-of-stock-exchange-being-owned-by-middle-east/article1903997/

    It is interesting how the main Sheik guy of Dubai (UAE) would have over 10% (the largest) ownership in the merged exchange

    How much does the Queen own?

    For those against the whole sheik ownership thing, it would seem the London exchange ownership would be diluted about 10%

    Of course we must determine how much of the Toronto exchange he already owns...?

  6. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/says+snooping+info+about+academic+critics/4269465/story.html

    Is this s violation of privacy laws perpetuated by the PMO?

    Yet another corrupt police state occurence... total ignorance of law...

    first... things like forgery, privacy violations --- and worse.. so corrupt yet... people still support this...

    Canada, land of the corrupt.


    EDIT: Must start searching googlenews for instances of Babies being eaten by the PMO.

  7. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/konrad-yakabuski/mulroney-offers-harper-tip-on-how-to-get-security-perimeter-deal-with-us/article1904825/

    "Mulroney offers Harper tip on how to get security-perimeter deal with U.S. "

    funny stuff.

    big wheels gonna keep on turnin.

    If it wern't for pensions and free healthcare I think a lot more sellouts would be around.

    also mulrooney is looking more like a tarsier the older he gets. (that isn't intended as a knock but a compliment, tarsiers are neat'


  8. I said that there is some leeway, but often, if too much is taken, a higher court will overrule the decision.

    a judge has as much leeway as they like -- a court can overturn it if it is supravires.. same junk.. just people trying to put it on someone else.

    Elements of judicial process:

    1. Say stuff...

    2. See if people follow the stuff.


    there is judicial rule for you.

    Police administration:

    1. Who is complaining - someone else or me...

    2. Do stuff... ( do I want to do something?, can I do something without getting into trouble?)

    3. have a couple days before I need to let them go or get permission to get long term housing.

  9. Because that isn't the legal system we have. Our system considers the history of decisions in order to ensure fairness in those decisions. Newer decisions, of course, hold more weight, but to just suddenly disregard past decisions does anything but ensure fairness. There is, of course, much leeway within precedent, but only so much.

    This isn't true. A judge can determine that a determination is not applicable or errored.

    No event is eqaul. Some elements may be the same, but a judgement should be sound, and need not be applied if not applicable to the determination.

    Precedent is only used to generalized rulings.. but hyper legalize is a problem in the court system.

    The status quo ante is not static.

    There are new laws and new events.

    Fact is that the constitution has been destroyed by Governments like the current one, and in this respect justice is a show.

    Many of the very laws used to present precedent are constutional violations.

    They violate human rights and deprive ancient rights.

    That is the problem.. even the very basis of Canada has been destroyed by the governments unwillingness to allow Canadians to be British Subjects.

    The basis of the courts are thrown to sunders by the notion that the Canadians are not British Subjects.

    Yet if Canadians are Equal and Free no one shall judge a person but they themself.. and all will have equal powers in law, or justice.

    All that remains is lies corruption of freedom and tyranny.

    The precendent set is slavery and abomination.

    and I spit on that!

  10. I think one of the reasons people get shocked at the high price of aircraft is that, unlike anything else bought, the price generally includes all the maintenance costs and parts over the life of the aircraft......

    cheap wow gold,cartier necklaces,cartier pens

    don't let anyone in the government especially the department of defence see that post!!! or this one... or any other post quoting that post.

    SOmeone call the site admin NOW and knock this thing down and do a full reformat... THIS MUST NOT LEAK!!

  11. This is truely disgusting polling.


    They need to start giving people a kermit the frog option to gauge the options better.

    Like Stephen Harper, Michael Ignateiff, Jack Layton, Elizabeth May, Gille Duceppe, or Kermit the Frog.

    Also I'd like to see a comparative.. if you were voting in your riding, from your candidates -who would you vote for...

    and see how the poles match up.

    Anyone ever have their cell phone called for a poll?

    I'd like to see who was actually polled on this. Call them up and ask them to get a better crack supply.

    look even mickey is rooting for kermit


    I bet fossi could out play both Bob Rae AND Stephen Harper combined, with just his ears..


    They could take the whole thing..

  12. http://williamashley.info/SOCIAL/SP/justicesystemreform_htm.htm

    The poor get their legal bills paid for by government.

    Only some types of court actions are eligible. Civil actions for instance are not.

    The rich have no problems.

    Except for having to pay for access to justice and a potential of years for resolution.

    The rest of us are shut out.

    Mostly everyone but lawyers are shut out.

    A number of people, including the Chief Justice of Canada's Supreme Court spoke of their concern for this issue and possible repercussions for society.

    A number of possible solutions were proposed, but I couldn't help note one that never made it into the paper. maybe it was proposed and simply not given much thought or time. Legal fees average $338 an hour. I wonder if lowering those fees might be an option to allow a more universal access to the legal system. For those short on math skills, $338 a DAY would translate into about an $85,000 salary. One can say that lawyers have put a lot of time into education but so has anyone with a masters degree or doctorate, and none I'm aware of can command those kinds of fees. Nor does it seem to take any particularly unique blend of skills and abilities to become a lawyer. Most of our politicians are lawyers and I think most of us are fairly unimpressed with the majority of them.

    Its not legal fees it is needing a laywer and unreasonable delays -not enough judges and justices - and law that is absolutely absurd because it hasn't be consolidated in decades. it is a mess.

    In other professions

    That is the problem right there. Presenting information to a judge shouldn't be a profession, it should be what any literate - non infirm person should be capable of. natural law should be all encompasing of any national justice system.

    I'd suggest the government simply build up the law schools and graduate tons more lawyers. The more available, the less they can charge. But that doesn't seem to work with lawyers. The more lawyers there are the more work for lawyers there is. The US, which is said to have 2/3rds of all the layers in the world, has far more lawyers per capita than Europe, and yet they all seem to find work to do.

    There is 1 lawyer for every 265 Americans. By contrast, there is one lawyer for every 593 Germans, and 1 lawyer for every 1500 Germans. So increasing the number of lawyers won't work. Increasing government funding won't work either. That will either jack up the fees of the existing lawyers higher, or create a demand for still more lawyers to e trained.

    i think what is needed is either a government set limit on fees, or some way to disentangle most everyday legal problems from lawyers and judges and put them in front of arbitrators, perhaps with some sort of legal aid type person who isn't a lawyer providing help.

    As Justice McLachlin says, by shutting out hte middle class from the legal system disrespect for the system, and vigilantism are encouraged.

    The Globe and Mail


  13. Nope....the US has embraced the trend for even futher advantage in air superiority. You see...it can have both.

    even in an age of restraint?

    also the tech is "inferior" in terms of the spending and what you are getting for it. The US is playing second fiddle as to AI systems if at all.

    How much is the most expensive ai/drone system anywhere near the 100 million price tag of the f35?

  14. ESQ:

    Really because this are the very reasons the US airforce have encountered during it's research for new UCAV tech, and making this tech a reality.....

    Is this the same airforce with a whole bunch of pilots, and a 300 billion defence program for new manned aircrafts?

    Sadly this is because the US UCAV proposed didn't utilize AI, it utilized drone systems - this is because a drone system is not as efficient as an AI system. The US airforce doesn't want their most leathal technologies controlled by programmers. They want them controlled by airforce personnel. This has nothing to do with technological superiority, it has to do with politics within the military, and loss of military control to a small group of people. This trend in techology would all but eliminate US air superiority on a basis of trained flight personnel and remove the air force and replace it with technicians, not pilots.

    I'm sure US airforces black programs have exhausted every possiabilty in finding solutions.....Some of which you mention if available today would revolutionize the entire air industry, it would change all forms of travel........imagine flying with no fossil based fuel at all....The money to be made on this tech would make it's inventor's rich beyond anyones dreams....

    --- its not about money. It is about control and access. Money is only one mechanism that provides that.

    You are basically saying I know better than the whole of the US airforce, and i think that is a problematic position. It is politically feasable solutions - not the best solution. The airforce wants to control themselves. It is a game breaker.. it changes the game, they don't want that, because it is a game they have been winning at. As soon as those rules change - it is who can produce technology, not who can produce a culture of pilots.

    This is the same question of why pay a for a couple of pilots to fly a 767 when an ai can do it just as well? Even if it is a redundant system - for whatever reason they want a human controlling it, not a machine.

    Skynet is not the greatest problem - computers are more dependable than humans. There is more of a risk when you have a person behind a mission rather than a mission operandi behind a mission.

    Humans are fallable, and perform worse.

    this is a small taste of the future.

    The 1 thing that does matter is operation recognition.. battlefield awareness and contingency priority recognition... or tactical and strategic awareness.

    AI is capable of those things...

    No one wants something they can't beat.

  15. I don`t know the person in question. Why is he or she as bright as me?

    Antitrust in society is truely disgusting.

    I think if the perverts and people with uncontrolable sexual urges came to terms with this then it wouldn't be an issue.

    Just because a guy goes into a womans washroom doesn't mean it is to cause trouble.. sometimes a guys washroom is locked or full or out of order.

    If a guy was up to no good he could go in anyway since any up to no good would be illegal anyway.

    It is people who are just perverts deep down that cause these social divisions.

    Families share washrooms why not the public sexes.

    It is not my Canadian value to seperate the sexes place of hygine, it is a waste of tax dollars to have two types of washrooms.

    It is just a remenant of social division - that doesn't exist in CURRENT canadian values - only the perverts and overly anal people.

    This is like saying Canadians arn't people who can share the same washroom. I disagree I think that Canadians be it a family washroom, a male or female washroom.. it is totally uneeded, co-ed unisex washrooms are inline with the charter.. and the need for bisex washrooms is totally uneeded and contrary to Canada's constitutional value of equality of the sexes.

    Its not like gays lesbians and bisexual people don't exist anyway to male same sex washrooms sexually pure.

    It is nonsense.

    Nakedness and nudity need not be perverse or naughty.

    How many male gynecologists are there..

    or female eurologists..

    fact is here, it is only imature people who perpetuate this sort of division in society, and they ought to grow up already.

    Where are the people advocating for 6+ washrooms instead of two..

    1 for straight men

    1 for straight women

    1 for gay women (but only 1 at a time)

    1 for gay men (but only 1 at a time)

    1 for transgender males (maybe only 1 at a time)

    1 for transgender females (maybe only 1 at a time

    1 for bisexual men (1 at a time

    1 for bisexual women (1 at a time.

    and just a closet for the others.

    Canadian values don't support stupidity.

    Perhaps the president needs to change the name of his organization.

    disorganization of Canadian stupidity

    (maybe parents should be accompanying children who are defenseless

  16. So who is going to lead Canada's 'super secret' forces now?


    "he'll report to U.S. commander, Lt.-Gen. William Caldwell. "

    so Canada's non combat training mission is commanded by the US..

    sounds like a US training mission to me.


    Also the whole Canada's super secret forces commander is under the command of a US general is sort of funny.

    as many as 950 soldiers and support staff, most of them from the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry...


    Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson, who commanded Canadian troops in Afghanistan in 2008-09, will replace Day as head of special forces.
  17. Some of the problems that come with operating UCAV's



    1. Loss of control due to enemy jamming or signal manipulation, this is a major concern right now, and one that could result in some major investments, and R&D costs....

    So don't require the use of a datalink. Use AI. For example preprogam missions and plan contigency responses.

    This can even be hardprogrammed and reinitializable if there is partial system failure with each --- if --- x occurence then initiate y program.

    2. Long connectivity lapses due to distance, satellite location, or friendly mutual interference, once again to solve this would require more investment into additional Sats, or improved coms stations.

    So don't require the use of a datalink. Use AI. For example preprogam missions and plan contigency responses.

    For example preprogrammed terrain mapping such as used by cruise missles, to have mission milestones, and terrain awareness for mission execution.

    3. Limited amount of frequency bandwidths to accommodate large numbers of secure links for multiple UCAV operations

    This factor really limits the amount and use of UCAV of the future in combat...to solve this issue new harden sat tech will have to be developed and will add to the costs of the UCAV program....and will limit the amount of UCAV that can fly , which means they will have to be augmented by Manned fighters ....

    so don't use frequencies.

    Air Refueling 1. Transoceanic deployment distances and communications

    2. Risk to KC-135 or KC-10 high-value assets

    3. Tanker joinup and multiaircraft air refueling

    So don't use jet fuel, refuel from the air by use of existing energy sources such as micron filtering, gravity, free floating photons or photon striping, air currents etc..

    Currently there is no automated program to ensure the safety of refueling assets...I'm sure this is a minor problem but it still an obsticle.

    don't use jet fuel as a sole fuel source. --- use a rail gun to fire fuel (for example transfer of kinetic energy or kinetic energy to potential energy storage and so on through various means of energy transfer. or use a long distance or space based energy beam to refuel.



    Awareness 1. Number of aircraft per operator or operators per aircraft

    2. Air traffic control (ATC) and enemy airspace deconfliction from other aircraft

    3. Threat reactions for visual antiaircraft artillery, infrared surface-to-air missiles, or enemy


    So use AI. - this doesn't mean it cannot be augmented by human control.

    Emergencies 1. Less capability to rapidly assess and correct aircraft problems

    Completely untrue.

    2. Unable to see damage, feel small vibrations, or smell smoke

    Ever heard of a sensor... machines are even more capable of these things through vibration analysis, chemical analysis and apparatus state monitoring.

    3. UAV-capable alternate airfield recovery due to fuel or weather

    there is no reasoning for this.

    My link

    Although the link is to another board the and the article is about turning the F-16 into UCAV it does talk alot about future UCAV's.

    Other problems currently the US airfoce is struggling with some minor issues regarding the Conventions and rules of engagement....which are limiting the use of Armed UAVs in operations today.The below link explains it all

    Rules of war

    This is just nonsense talk in not understanding the capabilities of current technology.

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