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Posts posted by MapleBear

  1. Seems like the only good news, the only hope, comes from outside the U.S. these days. Fear and loathing of George Bush, Inc. is driving other nations into each other's arms. As the U.S. continues its assault on democracy, other nations are picking up the torch.

    Of course, most of Latin America is swinging sharply towards the left, but Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is a real firebrandk. If an international poll was taken, George W. Bush would almost certainly rank as the most hated person in the world, while Chavez would likely rank as one of the most admire.

    Go, Chavez!

  2. I'm sure other people have discussed the possibilities, but, amazingly, I've seen no references on any online news sources or political forums. That is, no one (to my knowledge) is talking about the possiblity of terrorist attacks on U.S. troops in the regions struck by the recent devastating tsunami.

    To put it in perspective, let's ask why we're there. A right-winger (or a blithering idiot) would reply that we're a humanitarian nation. But George W. Bush alone puts a big damper on that argument. His initial response was eerily reminiscent of his initial response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks ("What, me worry?"). Then he did an abrupt about face and sent in the military.

    I agree with critics who see this as a combination public relations farce and military exercise. I just can't understand why no one is talking about the threat of terrorist attacks.

    Think about it: We've dispatched thousands of U.S. troops to several nations, some of which hate the U.S. and/or harbor terrorists or civil wars. On top of that, security can't be too good in third world nations ravaged by Nature.

    I think I read that our troops were expected to stay in some areas for six months or more. Does anyone believe we can maintain that many troops in the Indian Ocean for half a year without suffering a terrorist attack(s)?

    So what would be the result of such an attack? At the least, right-wingers would say, "See, irrational third worlders repay our kindness with terrorism! These people clearly aren't as good as Americans!"

    A really serious terrorist attack might induce George W. Dumbass to pressure a third world government, perhaps demanding that it allow U.S. special forces to track down the villains. Some governments might even invite the U.S. to take sides in their local civil wars and guerilla conflicts.

    It's also possible that the CIA could stage another phony terrorist attack, perhaps sinking a small ship and blaming it on Muslim terrorists. I don't think people realize how serious this situation could be.

  3. "Hi Maple Bear missed you. Hope you had a good Christmas Break."

    Thanks, same to you.

    "It really was hard to believe that he could have been re-elected after all the things he was found to be fabricating."

    Yes. But the entire election system is corrupt - including the voters. I ran for state office here in Washington, and I was utterly floored at the dirty tricks I encountered - primarily at the hands of Democrats! Liberal Seattle reeks just as bad as Washington, D. C. or Houston, Texas.

    Sadly, I STILL don't see any real resistance forming. I just recently read a post on Democratic Underground suggesting liberals should get geared up for the elections in 2006. What about THIS YEAR??? There are ALWAYS some kind of offices up for grabs, and we need to win some local victories - city councils, school boards, etc. But no one will talk about it. And I understand John Kerry is promoting himself as the frontrunner for 2008. That little quisling ought to be handed over to the Iraqis.

  4. I think most people would agree that George W. Bush is one incredibly lucky SOB. I still can't believe what he got away with during his first four years in the White House. I find it very, very hard to believe his luck will hold out for another four years.

    The man's going down. Which isn't to say right-wing religious kooks or spineless liberals will ever hold Bush accountable, but the United States in general is headed for a big fall, and Bush will at least get much of the credit.

  5. The primary focus has had to shift from the Soviet Union to a nebulous security threat.  There were serious errors in not predicting the September 2001 attacks.

    The biggest gaffe I recall on September 11 was a certain moron who sat on his butt reading a story about a pet goat before running and hiding in Nebraska. Why did Bush hold private citizens accountable, then hold the CIA accountable when no one holds Bush and his cronies accountable?

    On this one, I think Bush and the politicians are ahead of the bureaucrats.

    I think your essay has scored a perfect zero for political astuteness so far.

    Economic power?  In the US, it is dispersed among literally millions of people.  It is impossible to coordinate such power in any meaningful way.

    Hmmmm... Guess you never heard of the embargoes against Iraq and Cuba.

    Cultural power? Same thing.

    Yep, I guess the French are up in arms about nothing.

    No single committee or funding agency decides American culture.

    Well, DUH... does any nation need a committee to determine its culture?

    Political power? I don't know what is meant.

    The ability to threaten or bribe nations into signing agreements to not sign on the International Criminal Court?

    If it is the power to pass laws or regulations, this is primarily a concern for ordinary Americans since they are most affected.

    What about laws or regulations that target foreign countries, like the embargo of Cuba? Now there's an example of political and economic power!

    The US Constitution limits severely such political power of the president and the federal congress.

    Gee, do you suppose that's why Bush thumbs his nose at the Constitution?

    I think it is fair to argue that we have never known a world where economic, political and cultural power was so diffused.

    It's fair to argue that Earth is flat and is made of silly putty. Whether people believe you is another matter.

    This is all to the good.  The world as a whole benefits from the drafters of the US constitution.

    Actually, they're dead.

    The US is a product of the Enlightenment and we are all children of the Enlightenment.  So, draw your own conclusion about who we are.

    Uh, Renaissance landscape painters?

  6. "This seems to include whether or not one is willing to blindly support outright lies in pursuit of a president's agenda or not. It seems Powell and the CIA are not."

    Folks, it's time to wake up and realize, once and for all, that COLIN POWELL IS ONE OF THEM. I had that jackass pegged nearly a decade ago when he publicly supported a derelict ex-general who became superintendent of the school district I worked for - and wrecked it, just as George W. Bush is wrecking America.

    I agree with the posters who say Bush is simply replacing moderates with his hired guns. This is scary stuff, and things could very well come to a head. Bush has made too many enemies and done too many stupid things. He may have to start another war just to divert attention from the domestic holocaust he's unleasing on the United States.

    With the European Union, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran and Latin America all flexing their muscles, I suspect President Dumbass may be feeling a little hot under the collar. All I can is the morons who voted for Bush - along with the liberals who STILL aren't scraping together a credible resistance - deserve whatever Bush brings down on them during his second illegal term in office.

  7. "I do feel sorry for Pat Tillman, who gave up a lucrative carrer in the NFL to join the US military, and to fight for what he believed in. A courageous man."

    Why do you feel sorry for him? No one held a gun to his head. He apparently died doing what he loved - shooting guns in the mountains.

    Regarding the comment that Tillman wasn't stupid, I wouldn't be quick to agree. Just because he was academically gifted doesn't mean he had any common sense. Frankly, I think the guy had a few loose screws. He certainly didn't help his country by running around Afghanistan fighting for a lost cause.

    I'm not a fan of the war in Afghanistan, and I'm not a football fan, either, so, for me, Pat Tillman adds up to a perfect zero. To put him in perspective, John "Taliban" Walker was probably at least as courageous as Tillman, obviously believed in something or other, and survived a Made-for-TV ordeal.

    Though I don't understand why he would break bread with the Taliban, I have more respect for Walker than I do for the dumb jock.

  8. Do you mean the US has not attacked Canada because we have "fossil fuels"?

    Not at all. The Middle East has a far greater supply of fossils fuels, and it is not as easily controlled as Canada, which many Americans consider the 51st state.

    I interjected the word "randomly" because that's the implication of your argument.  The US randomly picks countries and attacks them.

    Holy cow, I suggest you go back and read my post again. I implied exactly the opposite.

  9. He would face arrest and imprisonment for up to 14 years if he set foot in Canada again.
    Whatever happend with innocent until proven guilty?

    George W. Bush put that silly notion to rest.

    But there's nothing silly about this lawsuit. After all, many millions of Canadians would obviously support it. Hell, millions of AMERICANS would support it. It has very strong symbolic value, and it could go somewhere.

    It's kind of like my Jail4Bush website - of little impact as long as the media and the masses ignore it. But all it needs is a little publicity, and it could become a major headache for George Bush, Inc.

  10. King was referring to Germany, which was a superpower at the time who unilaterally decided to take another country by force regardless of its citizenry. Oops, sounds like someone else we know.

    Yeah, Saddam Hussein.

    No, the United States would be a better example; Iraq has never been a superpower.

  11. Be very afraid. The corporations that run the U.S. have taken over our government, media and public school system without firing a shot. Start studying propaganda and manipulation - along with human psychology - and you'll understand the powerful forces we're up against.

    I believe Canada can survive as a sovereign nation - but only if its citizens wage a vigorous defense - something U.S. citizens have scarcely even attempted. It's largely a war of intellect, fought with computers and the Internet, with a healthy appreciation for logic. Be aware that corporations have recruited legions of operatives to do their dirty work, and they don't wear ID badges. They include government officials, your teachers and perhaps your neighbors.

    I would hope Canadians appreciate conspiracy theory more than my brainless fellow citizens here in the States do.

  12. Just out of curiosity why would bush blow up the pentagon? did he want to collect the insurance money, because the redecorator sucked, and simply took advantage of the situation? I like reading different conspiracy theories, they are always a fun read. However most conspiracy theories atleast tell you why?

    You asked, "Why wouldl Bush blow up the Pentagon?"

    That's a good question. One possibility is that the Republicans simply weren't content with the destruction of the World Trade Center; they wanted to promote the terrorist attacks as an attack on our military.

    Here's another theory:

    There's abundant evidence - virtual proof - that Bush had advance notice of the terrorist attacks. Many people believe the Republicans were even more actively involved in the attacks.

    But think about it: If you were a foreign terrorist planning a major attack on the U.S., would you feel comfortable openly working with Republicans? Probably not.

    Therefore, the Republicans likely would have worked with the terrorists through operatives. And if foreign terrorists were unknowingly being guided by Republicans, the Republicans may still be playing the same games with terrorists they're playing on the rest of us.

    Thus, if it remained an essentially Al Qaeda operation, then Al Qaeda would have chosen the targets. And if the Republicans want Al Qaeda to believe it (Al Qaeda) was in full control, then it should have allowed the airliners to strike most of their targets.

    The Republicans shot down one airliner because they wanted to protect the White House. They wanted the terrorists to think they had struck the Pentagon, but they wanted to control the damage, so they substituted a missilel for the airliner.

    And the World Trade Center was fair game.

  13. The enemy does not want to die. Some of it is willing to die for the cause.

    That same willingness would come into play should the USA ever make the statement about destroying Mecca in the circumstances. There would soon be bot a building of note left upright in the US since it would have provided all the justification for preemptive action by every Muslim. Assuming you meant only Muslim attacks.

    George Bush, Inc. has already given Muslims every justification for attacking the United States.

    As for Israel vs Iraq, I wonder how prepared Iran is for an attack? I mean, they must have learned from their last experience. What secret defenses do they have? How many secret nuclear operations do they have, and how could they be destroyed without a ground invasioni - something Israel is scarcely capable of?

    And if the U.S. and/or Israel does attack Iraq, might that push other nations or organizations over the edge? Could Pakistani elements give nuclear weapons to terrorist groups who would be only to happy to end Israel's existence?

  14. Hopefully, people will bury the lame argument that ongoing torture scandals merely reflect a few bad apples. Torture and war crimes (along with general corruption) have been widely documented in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Look at the way the Bush administration even treats U.S. citizens, such as Captain James Yee and John Walker.

    The buck has to stop somewhere, and George W. Bush's hands are dripping blood.

  15. The pre-emptive strike doctrine is very dangerous. Any nation that launches a pre-emptive strike had better have its facts squared away - and it should be severely punished if it invades a sovereign nation in a false alarm.

    The United States' invasion of Iraq was obviously not justified. (Saddam Hussein's fleet of drones weren't capable of bringing down the U.S. - even if they could cross the Atlantic - and he would have had a hard time occupying even the state of New York even if he had succeeded.)

    Ironically, the United States - through its pre-emptive strike doctrine, its fatal blunder in Iraq and its continuing threats and bullying - has given many nations a legitimate excuse to launch a pre-emptive strike against the United States.

    Thus, Bush's doctrine may one day become a synonym for "stupidity."

  16. Bush took advantage of the situation to eventually invade Iraq but I don't believe that even he is capable of the type of evil this theory presents.

    Whether or not Bush's team could pull off a stunt like this I don't know, but I do believe that Bush is fully capable of doing something this evil.

    There was in fact, a fourth airliner that crashed with the help of citizens aboard, before it reached its target.

    That hasn't been proven. There's evidence to suggest that a military jet shot that airliner out of the sky.

    Bush's subsequent actions and attitudes do not need this type of embellishment. Flying out the Bin Laden family AFTER the attack on WTC while refusing to allow planes with ordinary American citizens to land...????????
    Invading Iraq despite being shown his "proofs" were false, fraudulent or lacking substance is enough for me.

    Yes, these are more than enough to condemn Bush. However, they also make it easier to believe even some of the wildest conspiracy theories. What are George Bush's limits?

    Let's stick to what we know as rock solid proof of his arrogant bullying and disdain for international laws.

    Because we want to learn all we can by continuing to ask questions.

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