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Posts posted by JWayne625

  1. The last statistics I read involved the Hand Gun Registry that was brought forward in 1934, and it was estimated that only 20% of hand guns were ever registered in this country. Now think how difficult it will be to register all of the rifles and shotguns. I would bet that those running the registry have no idea how many guns there really are in this country. Some people have stated they have no intentions of ever registering their guns, and who can blame them. Australia already pulled that fast one on their citizens, and then turned around and announced a confiscation without compensation. The result of which is crime has increased since then.

    Every time we turn around government's erode our freedoms all in the name of security or some other lame excuse. I do not trust this government, period! They lie cheat and steal, how are any of them trustworthy?

  2. Calling itself by the initials IRI, the group sent a message to newspapers La Presse and Le Journal de Montréal and radio station CKAC.

    It said its members set the charge to denounce the ''pillaging'' of Quebec's resources by the U.S.

    This IRI group or whatever these bunch of nuts are calling themselves have gotten it wrong because James Bay belongs to Newfoundland & Labrador not the Province of Quebec. It is just wishful thinking on the part of Quebec to have that land deeded to them, in fact it is time for Quebec to pay Newfoundland a fair share of the money they are making from the James Bay Hydro Electric Project.

    Contrary to popular Canadian beliief, Canadian's are not immune from experiencing terrorist attacks, and although this particular attack involved only property, the reality is that people could have been killed as a result of what this group was attempting to accomplish. Wake up Canada, nobody will be safe in this world until terrorism is beaten. Sitting back and thinking we are somehow immune from this type of thing is nieve at best. All of these nut-case groups have their own grievances. :(

  3. Many corporations have moved their operation offshore because free-trade allows them to ship their product into both Canada and the United States duty-free, so why would they manufacture their products here? One of the richest family's in Canada, the Irving's of New Brunswick still manufacture here, but the old man before he died took the family wealth to Bermuda. I believe I read somewhere that in order for his offspring to inherit they have to also move to Bermuda.

    I have a habit of trying to buy Canadian or at least made here or in the U.S.A., but it is getting very difficult to find Canadian or American made clothing. Old Navy just opened an outlet here in my city, and I went looking for a fleece-lined sweater, and all I could find was made either in Bangladesh, or some other third world country. In fact I was in Giant Tiger just yesterday for the first time and they had fleece line winter jackets for $19.97, which I though was an excellent price, but I could find no label anywhere on any of their displayed products which indicated where these products were made. I left without buying anything.

    As long as we keep buying foreign made articles, especially clothing, more and more will pack up and leave. If we suddenly got a conscience and stop buying these peoducts, just maybe they would be force to bring these well paid manufacturing jobs back into Canada.

  4. Layton certainly does not speak for all Canadian's, if he did he would now be sitting as our PM, or at the very least the Official Opposition, and he isn't. He's just another idiotic loudmouth, just like Carolyn Parrish, who also doesn't speak for most Canadian's.

    The reality is that Canada would be toast without the trade we do with the United States, and the fact is our military is in such pitiful shape we couldn't rely on them to defend anyone. I hope that we don't find out the way the US did on 9/11 that this world is not safe for anyone as long as radical terrorits are allowed to do their thing. If something like that happens again, and I hope it doesn't, we will not be ready, because for some insane reason Canadian's have been lulled into this idea that this could never happen here. Being Canadian is no protection, we just haven't experienced that type of activity in Canada since the FLQ, and many of those protesting are too young to remember that it can and does happen in Canada.

  5. Whoa, I'm on your side. And you're right it is not likely to happen since prisons are now being run by, as Prof. Paul Gendron put it MBA's who have no idea what a prison is supposed to do. They concern themselves with making sure the program stays within certain financial constraints, and if that means closing prisons and laying off guards, then so be it. These are the same types they are hiring now to run hospitals. They could care less what the institution they are running is supposed to accomplish, because they concern themselves with only the bottom line.

  6. No one should be learning another language in Canada until they have mastered English & French.
    Why French? It is prevelent in only one Province of Canada, and they don't seem to want to be part of Canada, because they keep sending separist's to Ottawa. Even though New Brunswick has declared itself to be Officially Bilingual the truth is anything but. The vast majority of NB'ers speak and write only English even after vast amounts of money has been expended on the promotion of French. Bernard Lord even took an additional step a year or so ago by naming our own Language Policeman, in an attempt to force people to learn a language that is dying a slow death.

    Language cannot be legislated, because people will speak the language of the majority if for no other reason that to be able to survive. In New Brunswick they have even bought and manned school buses for use exclusively for French speaking kids in predominantly English parts of the Province, so they won't become corrupted by associating with English speaking kids. What in reality has been accomplished in New Brunswick is segregation based on language instead of skin color, and segregation is not healthy as far as I'm concerned.

  7. I sit on the Board of a food bank in Atlantic Canada, as well as volunteering to serve those who need to rely on a food bank to make ends meet. Some of the people who utilize the services of food banks are on Income Assistance, but the trend we are seeing more often are those of the "Working Poor." People who are attempting to better their lot in life, but sadly are not succeeding, through no fault of their own. Every time they get a raise in pay, it seems to signal corporate greed to claw it back by raising prices, and this often leaves the working people worse off financially.

    Like the rest of Canada, the Province of New Brunswickhas lost many of our manufacturing jobs. This came about with the signing of Free Trade Agreements, which have ultimately turned our ecomony from a manufacturing base to a service sector base. Many of the jobs are call-centre related and most of these jobs do not put food on the table, nor do they offer stable employment. In fact many young people have to continue residing with parent's because they simply cannot afford to maintain their own dwelling space.

    Simply raising the minimum wage is not the answer because all that does is encourage every other sector to raise their rates. Income Security cheques for instance increases every January 1st, and seems to be quickly followed by rate increases in the cost of food, electricity, heating costs, telephone service, cable serrvice and the list goes on and on. The point is that a raise does not necessarily increase one's ability to raise their circumstances in life. In fact when everything else increases in cost it often leaves people worse off than before.

  8. I think we should completely dismantle our state-censor, and allow Canadian's the freedom to watch whatever medium present technology allows one to access. Having someone tell me that I have to subscribe to either of our two licensed monopoly's like StarChoice or Bell ExpressVu, smacks of a dictatorship style of enforcing adherance to state policy. The same type of practices used in North Korea, mainland China or Cuba. Are we a free country or are we not? I'm having a hard time telling the difference.

  9. If I seem to write strongly on this issue, it is because I see the destruction of the Senate as a wedge leading to possibly the destruction of Canad. If not, certainly to an Americanization of our political institutions and, actually an end to "responsible government."
    Since when did we develop a responsible government in power in Canada? I cite the sponsorship program as an example of one that is totaly irresponsible.

    One of those Senator's appointed by Mulroney to assure the passage of both the FTA, and GST was one Nancy Clark-Teed. Albeit she didn't get a chance to sit because she was tragically killed in a traffic accident shortly after being appointed. That aside, she was incompetent, and had just been kicked to the curb by the electorate in Saint John, NB. Not only did she not win reelection but she finished in last place in her riding. Her appointment to the Senate by Mulroney was a slap in the face to the people of New Brunswick, because iy was just like him saying to the people, that we may not have reelected her to office but now you're going to pay her anyway. Her claim to fame was that she was a well connected individual to the PC Machine, and everyone knew that the reason she was appointed was because she would do as she was told, and vote the way she was told to vote, just like all the rest of those who have been appointed to the Senate for decades.

    Until the Senate is comprised of elected individuals, you will have a hard time convincing most Canadian's that individual's appointed by the governing party, will represent anyone except those that appointed them to their positions. The same can be said for our Supreme Court Justices, they also should be elected to serve specific terms, at least they would be accountable to someone for any decision's they make.

  10. I think that the only thing Canada has going for us right now is our health coverage, and that is quickly eroding. Canadian's have really nothing to be patriotic about, because our country does not stand for anything. We pretend to be peacemakers, but fail to properly equip our military to protect themselves in war zones. Peacekeepers must be prepared to use force when necessary, but in order to do that they have to have proper equipment, and bargain basement used subs is not getting the job done, the same can be said for our helicopter's that have fallen from the skies and taken Canadian lives. Neither of these things would have happened if we spent money on providing safe equipment instead of worrying about what language a person speaks or doesn't speak.

    Trudeau's declaration that Canada is a bilingual country has done more to segregate our population based on language that it has brought us together. We waste untold billions on a failed attempt to socially engineer our population into believing that legislating bilingualism will magically entice people to run right out and learn a language (French) that in the big scheme of thing's is a dying language, and artificially inflating a need for it does not make it so. People have simply not bought into this pipe dream and are not about to. I just wonder how long before Ottawa finally admits that their attempt to turn Canada into a French nation has failed miserably. Think how much money will be saved each year when they finally do admit to this failure. Until that happens we will continue to throw good money after bad.

  11. MONTREAL (CP) - Federal prison guards, displaying a variety of homemade weapons seized from convicts, demanded better tools on Tuesday to protect themselves from some of Canada's most dangerous citizens.

    "We're facing shanks, zip guns, picks, even attacks with syringes tainted with the AIDS (news - web sites) virus," said Pierre Mallette, a corrections officer at the Donnacona prison near Quebec City.

    Until we start treating inmates like criminals again, instead of poor misunderstood mentally ill individual's we will continue to put lives in danger. Sure a small percentage of prisoners are mentally ill, but they make up a very small percentage of people in prisons and jails, and I agree this type of individual in many cases could eb better helped in a group home setting or in an institution. They are there because government's and social workers, have closed mental institutions in favour of community based services.

    Jails and prison have been transformed from cells where every prisoner could be observed from one guard post, into a dormatory style facility where there are many blind areas where prisoners can do whatever without being observed. God forbid they be deprived of their privacy. Some have commjtted horrible atrocities on other human beings by for some reason our warped snese of justice bestows more right's on these low-lifes than it ever afforded to their victims. If this is the way our Charter reads, it needs to be changed immediately.Prisoners are now being treated as if they are all just misunderstood individuals and a bit of applied treatment is all that is needed to put them on the straight and narrow. Bleeding heart organization's like the John Howard Society, and Elizabeth Fry spend all of their waking hours lobbying for prisoner's rights, but the victims seem to have been forgotten in the march to insure that criminal's rights are not violated. Things have gotten so lax that we are now putting guard's lives in danger, and that has to change.

    We need to go back to referring to these individuals as what they are, criminals, and removing right's instead of giving them. If they can't conform to the laws of society, why do they deserve rights? Most are where they are because they made a concious choice to break the law. They certainly didn't plan on getting caught, in fact if you have had a chance to talk to some of them as I did for over 10 years, they will tell you that they got caught because they were careless, but, next time, " they will be more careful, and those stupid Pigs won't catch them." Their only remorse is not for their victims, it is for themselves, and the fact that they got caught.

  12. What are you talking about ndpnic?

    You don't want your teens sleeping with adults, teachers/other, then maybe you should lobby for less American bullshit on t.v..

    You don't want your teens drinking and smoking pot? Give them a viable economy and social structure and maybe they won't.

    In Canada we have certain lobby groups promoting Methadone Clinics, and one of the nutcase city officials in Vancouver is lobbying that people be allowed to also smoke their crack at this same facility, why not turn this place into a legalized Opium den? Hell why don't we in Canada just legalize all illegal drugs and have it paid for with Medicare dollars, that way the dregs of society will be able to kill themselves off at the taxpayers expense, and the rest of us won't have to worry about healthcare, or paying drug enforcement officers, because we won'y have any of either. This sure is a progressive society we have here in Canada.

    I watched a documentary on Discovery which pointed out that violence inside and outside prison's has been increasing steadily over that last number of years. This documentary pointed to the fact that in many cases we have turned our prison's into hospital settings, and now instead of cells we have dormitories, and instead of criminals we instead treat them like patient's. These social engineers (Criminologist's, and bleeding heart organization's like John Howard) want us to believe that everyone is inherently good, and anyone who breaks the law, must be mentally ill, and subject to treatment. The reality is that most people who find themselves incarcerated made a concious choice to break the law. It had nothing to do with a mental illness, it had everything to do with the fact that they never intended to get caught, and next time they will be a little more careful, and not get caught again. I worked in the Criminal Justice field for a number of years as a Youth Worker, and this scenario was repeated time and again by offenders, unless their first crime was a duzzy it is more the norm for offenders to have numerous convictions before they ever end up being incarcerated.

    I have seen more soft pornography on Canadian television than I have ever seen watching productions from the USA. Some of this trash being produced in Quebec is nothing but smut, yet our CRTC allows it because it is somehow supposed to be quality Canadian programming. Much of it I wouldn't allow even my teens to watch, yet some of it is shown in Prime Time, all the kids have to do is flip the channels. SexTV. PRIDETV, nothing like promoting alternative lifestyles.

    I could care less what two consenting adults do behind their bedroom door, but this crap in Canada is shown as if it is acceptable, just because it was produced in Canada.

    We have a controversy broiling in New Brunswick right now because a bunch of social engineers, (Clinical Psychologist's) designed a sex education program for school kids and they thinks it's somehow inportant to inform kids in grade 6 about pleasuring themselves. I'm quite sure they will discover this aspect of human sexuality the same way most of us did, by experimentation, when they are ready. As one teacher put it when teacher start talking to children about sexual experimentation and self-gratification, it could very well end up in a courtroom with the teacher being charged with acting inappropriate with a student.

  13. theloniusfleabag; Excellent post and it was also very informative. It has shed a great deal of light onto why certain breeds like the pitbull are so agressive. As I pointed out in my last post, the pitbull that attacked those people and even a stroller had somehow escaped and was free to so what this breed does naturally, which is to attack unprovoked.

  14. I don't know about the rest of you but when I was 15 and could get laid by one of my teachers, I would have been the school hero.
    True story!

    Believe it or not ML when I was 15 year's old in Junior High back in the 50's, one of the student's in my class, it was rumoured, was sleeping with a female teacher( for the life of me I can't remember her name, I do however remember how she looked, MMMM). She was in her early 20's and he was one of those student's who was quite good looking, and old for his age, he actually had a dark beard. We all talked about how fine she looked, but it was Rick who left with her, in her car, almost every day. She waited for him after school and drove him home, or somewhere.

    Yes, we thought he was a hero, and it never crossed anybody's mind to report our suspicions, because we were all envious of him. I think the authorities were suspicious because she never came back the following year, and neither he did. I ran into him year's later and he confirmed that our suspicions were, in fact true. He said their relationship only lasted a short time, and he decided not to return after he had been questioned about their relationship by school authorities. He said he never revealed anything to them, because he didn't want to ruin her career.

    He wound up marrying someone else, and he wasn't sure what happened to her, as he hadn't seen or heard from her since. The last time I saw him was only a couple of years ago, and he was driving his own transport truck, long-haul.

    I do know one thing, he was the envy of every male student with raging hormones and an active imagination, way back then.

  15. this is usually interpreted by francophones and Québécois as a rejection, that they are not wanted.
    For the most part they would be right, they are not wanted with their anti-English rhetoric, and Bill 101. This is not language protection it is discrimination pure and simple, and we do not have a federal government with enough balls to take action against this blatent disregard for the right's of English speaking Canadians living inside Quebec. On the other hand, they spend untold $millions on the promotion of the French language outside Quebec. One would think they are attempting to convince Canadian's that we are a French speaking nation, when the truth is that most Canadian's speak English, and those that don't, most speak a language other than French.

    We have a federal Language Policeman travelling across the country reporting back to government every time French speaking people can't find someone to speak to them in French, while he seems to ignore the plight of English speaking people inside Quebec and their inability to receive adequate service in the language of their choice. Upon going to the Quebec Government website I discovered that there is no provision to provide an English interpretation of anything on their sites. While the rest of the Provinces are expectged to provide French on their individual websites. In fact New Brunswick, being one of the poorest Provinces in Canada wastes untold amounts of taxpayer's dollars segregating our population based on the language spoken. We have even created our own "Office of the Official Language Commissioner" and the whole bureaucracy to go along with it. We are cutting back on healthcare by closing whole hospitals and beds, and closing schools and laying off teachers, while increasing classroom sizes. All fees and fines (taxes) have increased due to revenue shortfalls, but we somehow have found the necessary funds to create a whole new bureaucracy in this Language Commissioner's Office. Amazing how politician's think that this is rational thinking!

  16. For the Senate to be anything other than a home for defeated politicians and Party hacks, it has to be a triple E Senate. Alberta has already taken steps to elect member's to this body, but the problem is that it is the PM who decides who sit's in this supposed "place of Sober Second Thought," something it has not been for a very long time. It has become nothing but a rubber stamp for whatever Party is forming the government when a Bill comes before them.

    This was never made clearer then when Mulroney named extra PC's to the Senate to ensure the passage of both the FTA, and the hated GST. How democratic was that? One of those appointed was a defeated MLA from New Brunswick who finished in last place in her riding. Unfortunately she was killed in a car accident shortly after being appointed and did not get the chance to serve. She left small children, and a husband, and for them I am truly sorry! The point is that Mulroney should never have appointed a person who was recently defeated in a Provincial Election to the Senate in the first place, that is like saying to the voter's that regardless of what people think he will reward Party loyalty regardless.

    I say, we either have a Triple E Senate or abolish it altogether, and while they're at it they might want to write a job description for our Judiciary so that it again becomes our elected Members of Parliament and their Provincial counterparts who make laws in this country instread of a bunch of out-of-touch, pie-in-the-sky lawyers who suddenly find themselves appointed to the Bench, with no idea what the real world is all about.

  17. At least the Territories want to be part of Canada, unlike Quebec who keeps sending separtist's to Ottawa. Their sole purpose is to disrupt Parliament and stick their hands out for their share and that of every other Province if possible.

    I would much rather have a Canada without those bunch of whiners. The sooner they decide to leave the sooner real Canadian's will be able to get jobs with the federal government, because federal facilities will have to be located inside Canada, not in the Republic of Quebec. They can join with Cuba for all I care.

  18. In a case a few years ago we had a mad pitbull loose in a part of our city and he was attacking anyone he seen. He severely bit two adults before they could get into their houses. A bit further down the street a girl I worked with was out for a walk with her two children, (one walking and the other in a stroller), and the pitbull went after them. She grabbed the youngest out of the stroller, and managed to get herself and the two children into the nearest hallway and closed the door. She watched while the dog attacked the stroller. In the meantime the police, and animal control had been called by one of the previous victim's and when they arrived they managed to somehow subdue the dog. It was taken to the animal shelter while they attempted to ascertain who owned the animal, and it was announced that the animal would be put down and tests would be conducted to see if the dog was rabid. During the night someone broke into the animal shelter and left with the dog. I can't remember whether they ever did find the animal or who had broken it out of the shelter, because the story just died. I do remember that the people who were bitten had to endure shots just in case the animal was rabid.

    If this animal has not been recaptured, I would suggest we have a very dangerous animal out there somewhere that could be like the perverbial stick of dynamite, ready to explode, and let's hope it isn't a small child. Obviously whoever freed the dog has a very warped sense of right and wrong. Normal sane people don't protect these types of dangerous animals.

  19. Governments of all stripes are crying along with every one of us over high oil proces. The difference between their tear's and mine is that mine are tears of sorrow that the additional money I am paying at the pumps, much of it is going into government coffers, while government is shedding tear's of joy thinking about the windfall of money, that they can now think up ways to waste.

  20. The Fraser Institute is nothing by a lobby group to push for a corporate agenda. They do not believe in Medicare, nor any of our other initiates included in our social safety net. Instead they think that corporations should not be assessed taxes which are used to fund such initiatives. One of their goals is to privatize every government service so that the corporations which they represent can then make a profit from it.

  21. Guite is not a Member of Parliament, he is a bureaucrat, so tell me again why he has any immunity at all, but especially Parlaimentary Immunity? He is a bureaucrat who ignored the rules, approved fraudlent invoices for payment, approved invoices without making certain that work which was being billed for, was completed before payment was issued. Had he done what he was paid to be doing, we wouldn't be having this inquiry right now. He broke the law, and should be prosecuted using all evidence against him, including any admissions he has made. In the end, he should be stripped on any pension benefits he is or has received, and tossed to the curb.

    That the problem in Canada we have a Criminal Justice system that is badly broken, and treats criminals as if they are just misunderstood, and therefore should not be accountable for criminal acts. OUr new CYJA is a prime example of a justice system out of touch with reality. Youth crime in Canada has not gone down one little bit, it is simply being hid by the fact that many young criminals are not being charged in court, they are being steered through Alternative Measures Programs, which allows these young criminals to avoid being held responsible for concious decision's to break the law.

  22. Why don't they take a few million and help us to educate ourselves about what is going on?

    On an episode of CBC Coounterpoint I watched, a representitive of the corporate sector stated quite clearly that corporations feel that it is not their responsibility to contribute to the socail safety net for Canadian's or any other country, and Education falls under that umbrella. Their only concern is the corporate bottom line that they are able to split with their shareholders. Society is not theri concern until judges sometimes bring them back to reality by slapping them with judgements, when someone rightfully sues their asses. The problem is that outcome doesn't happen often enough for them to get the message that they are in fact responsible.

    It's like the insurance industry that sells people Disability Insurance, but when someone files a claim under that policy, the insurance industry uses every tactic they can think of to avoid paying the claim, including outright refusal, regardless of medical evidence. In many cases, they force the claimant to seek redress through the courts. They then cry because too many people are suing them, and seek increases in premiums citing high payout percentages.

  23. I think that Parrish has the same delusion that many Canaidian's especially from Quebec have, and that is that Canada can survive without the United Staes and the trade we have with them. Some are even delusional enough to think that aligning ourselves with the likes of France and Germany will somehow make us more prosperous.

    It is now being revealed that Iran is manufacturing nuclear bomb material as we speak and has speeded up that production ahead of their agreement to stop doing that very thing. France, Germany and Russia are all up to their dirty little armpits with investments into God knows what in Iran, the same as they were doing in Iraq, even though it was in violation of UN sanctions. Let's not forget something here, France is a country for the mostpart of cowards who caved in to Germany without a shot being fired, and they would be flying the Swaztika today if it wasn't for Canada, the US, and Brittain.

    Let's remember that Germany lost two attempts at conquering the world, now they are one of the driving forces behind the European Union. Could this be attempt number three, only this time they are attempting to accomplish it financially instead of using weapons? If that is the case France is staunch ally of Germany's. Just speculating.

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