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Posts posted by CanadianPatriot

  1. Yes, I have to agree that money does make a difference in a childs life, however money in itself is not the solution. Rich families also have big family problems.

    I have to agree with Michael:

    You can't pay people to be better parents.  Its not a lack of money, its a lack of spirituality.

    We need to encourage traditional families. OUr children need good role models. They need a mom and a dad. Pyschologists from around the world would agree.

  2. Your sabbath is no holier than mine, and I don't happen to have one.

    Well Blair, if you have no Sabbath and I do, than obviously mine must be holier than yours :D

    You will never get me to agree to Sunday openings on the basis of religion though. Two consectutive days off? No problem. Family consideration? I can buy that. Religious and/or racial celebration? Sure. Want to keep the stores, bars, and restaurants closed because you belive in a god? Sorry, I will not back you up on that.

    WHy are you opposed to the idea of closing stores based on religious values? How does it harm you in any way if we ask the government to close everything down for one day a week? You´re happy because you get a day off to rest and the religious folks are happy because they are fulfilling their commitments to God. Would you really dig your heels in the ground and deny Christians and Jews their Sabbath for the sole reason that you do not believe in God? Do you have some personal reason for not supporting it?

  3. Digby, I´m a Christian. I believe in the Bible. However, you are taking things way too far. (Revelation 22:18- ´´If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book.´´) You are completely twisting everything said in the Bible. Though I completely disagree with you, if you really wanted people to believe your ideas, you should present your them logically and thoughtfully, not by going off into unintelligible rantings that no one understands.

  4. It depresses me to see how our society has deteriorated. The divorce rate has sky rocketed in the past few years and now same sex couples are raising kids... is there any hope for a better tomorrow? Our children are being starved of role models. It will only continue to get worse as kids are confused by there upbringing and are unable to sort through there confusion before they themselves start raising children and so the viscious cycle starts. We need to break this cycle now-- before it gets out of control. The government should encourage traditional families-- a married, heterosexual couple with children. Divorce has become an easy out. People don´t know how to work through their problems anymore. At the first sign of trouble in their relationships they bail! Divorce should be discouraged. Its become way to accepted. This breakdown of the traditional family in our society can lead only to worse things down the road.

  5. I believe in the Bible. I believe its God´s word to us, however I do not believe it was meant to be some sort of crystal ball whos secrets are to be ´´unlocked´´. Yes, the Bible does hold predictions about the future, however I do not believe you can predict, lets say, an election base on sentences taken out of context. I could take sentences out of context from all over the bible and twist them to mean things that they were never meant to mean. Be careful that you don´t twist the words of God, Digby. You obviously know your BIble, so you know what God has to say about people who twist the Word of God.

  6. Any traditional definition based on religious values, which is what Harper's argument comes down to in the end, has no place in government or legislation. Various cultures, including traditional aboriginal cultures that predate Christian Europeans arriving in Canada, accept same-sex relationships for what they are...two people who love each other. How come we have to bow to Harper's narrow definition?

    Our entire constitution was based on religious values. We can´t just ignore those values. Marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. If we extend those rights to same sex marriage, whats stopping us from extending in incest or bestial marriages in the future... afterall if they truly ´love´eachother, why not?

  7. Prisoners should not be allowed to vote, they gave up their rights when they broke the laws of this nation. Why should they have the same electoral rights as law abidding citizens especially when it comes to voting for a party that would instate lower punishments for crimes

    I completely agree.

    As for the other citizens of Canada, I believe everyone should have the right to vote-- regardless of their economic situation. If we refuse the right of some to vote just because their bank accounts sport a few less zeros we completely undermine what it means to be a democracy.

  8. It is crazy. Crazy and stupid. The idea that gay marriage would somehow open the door to bestiality is an reductio ad absurdum fallacy and a scare tactic devoted to making the end scenario so scary and so horrible that the first step should never be taken. It's bull, of course.

    But is it bull? I know right now it seems absurd, however we have constantly been pushing the moral envelope. 50 years ago homosexuality was something detestable and wrong and now its almost completely accepted. Who´s to say that bestiality won´t become something that people push to accept a few years down the road? When does the moral decay of our society stop????

  9. Why don´t these women just give birth and give the child up for adoption to one of the hundreds of couples who are infertile?????

    Because it is a free country and all though you certainly have a right to any opinion you want a woman absolutly has the right to chose what to do with her body.

    What about the child within her? Its not just her body she´s dealing with.

  10. Because we have a duty to help our fellow citizens as best we can and not punish people for mistakes. As one prominent philosopher put it "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    Black Dog.... by your posts I didn´t think you believed in the bible... you do know that ´´prominent philosopher´´ you quote is none other than Jesus Christ... the bible also has teachings AGAINST abortion and homosexuality. I can give you verses if you wish.

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