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Smiling Moose

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Posts posted by Smiling Moose

  1. Yes sure.  I remember a few years back; under Klein, I believe;  Alberta was handing welfare recipients a one way bus ticket to BC.  And they were not former residents of BC, either.

    If you honestly believe this crap, I've got some great ocean front property for you on Cold Lake.

    Honestly, this is one of the stupidest things Alberta-bashers have been peddling.

    Get a clue,

  2. Prior to 1973 Ontario subsidised the Alberta oil industry by paying prices more than 100% over market prices for Albertan oil, nearly 2 dollars a barrel when the market price was well under one dollar. This program was put in place by Diefenbaker to build a domestic oil industry in Canada and ws obviously to Alberta's deep benefit.

    Can you explain this some more? I can't seem to find any background information on when and how this was accomplished?

  3. Stronach represents everything that is wrong with the PC party in Canada. Remember how she was trying to take credit for being Harper and McKay together shortly after the merger? If she did have something to do with the merger, which I doubt she did, it's a classic case of elite-manipulation.

    What do you think has driven the Reform movement in the west for the past decade? Eastern centric Bay Street/Elite manipulation. It's not hard to look back and see the many examples, CF-18 contract etc. I'm tired, and many in the West are tired, of this type of politics.

    A pretty face with lots of money (her fathers money) does not buy creditability (or a political career). And the fact that all the old blue Tories are lining up behind her should make it obvious that they see her as a puppet - to which they can control from the sidelines.

    If this women managed to win the leadership, kiss the conservative party goodbye. As I and many others like me will do our best to utterly destroy it.

  4. most of Clement and Strahl's supporters will go to Stronach

    Say's who? What would lead you to believe this?

    the first ballot results will look thustly:





    Please explain how Stronach is going to get 30% of the vote? She exists only in a name to 10% of Canadians, the rest have no idea who this women is. Why would they vote for a no-name women with no public image and no declared policies?

  5. Come on guys - are you drunk? Stronach hasn't a hope in hell of winning this race. Let's all forget the mediahype this women is getting and look at the facts. She's got no campaign organization on the ground. Nadda, nothing, not even a sitting MP supporting her. So how is she going to win a leadership with no party insiders?

    It's unbelievable how easily some of you fall for these media tactics. Just cause she's got a pretty face and lots of daddy's money, doesn't mean she'll be a player in the race.

    If you want to see who is going to win this leadership race go to the party's founding meetings that are being held across the country this month and see who's bothering to set up a table at the back of the room. My guess is the only tables set up will be staffed by Harper's people. He's the only candidate who's got people on the ground working the rooms and the people that will make a difference in the end.

    Just cause the CBC and the Globe and Mail tell you that she's got a chance, doesn't mean she does. Let's try to think for ourselves.

  6. Once again, our illustrious Prime Minister at his best,

    Chretien was asked how it felt to have bills for decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing same-sex marriages as the exclamation points to his lengthy political career.

    "I don't know what is marijuana," Chretien replied.

    "Perhaps I will try it when it will no longer be criminal. I will have my money for my fine and a joint in the other hand."

    Source: Canoe News

    Spoken like a true statesmen.

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