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  1. A larger "vote" is not what I was talking about..
  2. You know why he stole it, don't you? You know the Cinderella and the glass slipper story? Yeah yeah yeah, he snapped & stole it because it was just the perfect size and he was going to use it to find his ideal mate. In other words, Goodbye Max!
  3. I don't know how you put idiots like Harper and Campell in the same basket as Mr Martin and George Bush, and I don't care. What DID get my attention is your mention of "eating from the same through". Did you know that Czechs have that very same expression for politicians? Amazing! In past times in Czeckoslovakia, eating from the pig's trough was more or less all that was left the communist dictators got their fill. How intreseting. So you think the saying "politicians at the trough" over here in Canada means that that's all the slop that is left over for our poor mandarins after the Canadian piggy population has had their fill? Very interesting, I thought it meant quite the opposite...as it does in CZ.
  4. I don't know how you put idiots like Harper and Campell in the same basket as Mr Martin and George Bush, and I don't care. What DID get my attention is your mention of "eating from the same through". Did you know that Czechs have that very same expression for politicians? Amazing!
  5. My question is .... how does she know about the "tucked under an arm" trick? It's been so long since I used that one, I can't even remember. .......... OH YES I CAN ......... a crystal ashtray, made in the CSSR. In the town of Niagara Falls. In the early seventies. I STILL feel guilty about that.
  6. Zero tolerance unless you are famous. This guy belongs in jail, whatever his personal problems are. Maybe there, away from all that 'pressure' he can find his way. FAS sells off government assets so of course it has to state that it has a zero tolerance in order to keep the contract. But they just ran into the scenario where a "government asset" was stealing the government assets. They were told to back off. Can you doubt that? What a joke.
  7. It is Saturday here on the left coast and I'm having a kind of a lazy afternoon so I pulled out a bunch of oldies and got a real kick out of this one .... listen: "And here's to you, Mr. Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo) God bless you please, Mr. Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey) Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair Most of all, you've got to hide it from the voters. Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mr. Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo) God bless you please, Mr. Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey) ........" ROTFPIMPALMFARO
  8. In the same section of the said paper I have also got a kick out Diana Davidson who is a practicing lawyer. She wrote: "In my opinion he didn' steal. Criminal theft requires the mental component of intention to deprive. Many have found themselves on the fateful side of the retail door with something they have absentmindedly popped in a purse, a pocket, tucked under an arm. As a matter of law they are not guilty of theft. They are "guilty" of absentmindedness." Mr. Robinson should not give up his important work because of what appeared to have been absentmindedness." That reminds me of the Lorne Nystrom case where, even though he took the contact lens cleaning solution out of the box and put it in his pocket before putting the empty box back on the shelf, he was acquitted of theft after explaining that he was chronically absent-minded. Svend just hired the same smart-alec shyster that got Nystrom off, so there would be NO WAY Svend would be found guilty if the auctioneers sued So it is just as well that they won't prosecute. IMO, Svend should counter-sue for ruining his reputation, or some such. PS - Talking to MY lawyer, RDunn, just the other day he told me that if HE, instead of CRuby, were hired by the plaintif, he would also bring up the fact that Nystrom couldn't have SEEN where he was putting the lens cleaner because his lenses were filthy and thus he was as blind as a bat. He would even ask several bats to testify, he said.
  9. Reading the Letters section of The Vancouver Sun today I got a kick out of Michael Silver who asks: "Having a serious fall causes you, six years later, to steal? Does this mean we should all be holding our wallets a little tighter when Mike Harcourt is in the room?"
  10. CTV I used to like Svend. But between this excuse & his bawling like a baby during the news conference I think I've revised my opinion. I wonder what else he's palmed since he fell off the bike? How many NDPers will now come forward with stories about how once when they were in close proximity to Svend they felt something touching their back side, and how at the time they attributed it to Svend's showing his affection, and how now they have suspicions that that was when their wallets disappeared? You know, maybe Svend isn't gay at all, maybe he just made it all up to support his pick-pocketing sprees.
  11. He seemed to be connecting it to his hiking accident. The mind reels with possibilities... Painkiller addiction possibly ? He turned himself in, though. I read the article & I can't see where he tried to connect it to the hiking accident of a few years ago....how did you leap to that conclusion? Does anyone know the name of the Auction House he took it from? When Svend says "I'm a human and I have failed" is he implying that we're all a bunch of thieves?
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