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krazy kanuck

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Posts posted by krazy kanuck

  1. Looks like Ayn Rand hit the proverbial nail on the head with the book "Atlas Shrugged."

    Just imagine the money that would free up if every non-essential employee were turfed out to find a useful job other than paper shuffling and giving excuses.

    Imagine if all level of governments cleaned their own houses and reduced our taxes accordingly.

  2. Would anyone out there in cyberspace deny the fact that most of the problems stem from white peoples not giving either the black or aboriginal people a fair chance at bettering themselves??

    We have kept them from earning a decent living by ostracizing them according to race and colour.

    Most lose their self respect and turn to crime to augment their meager income.

  3. How do you feel about the racial profiling that goes on in the media?

    Do you think that it really helps us or clouds our judgement to know the truth?

    Do you think we can finally think of ourselves as Canadians or Americans rather than putting in a hyphen??

    Does it really matter in news reports whether a criminal is black or white or yellow or green or red or blue?

    If a man is arrested his colour really does not matter. Only if he is being hunted would his colour be of value to searchers. :ph34r::ph34r:

  4. There are lots of examples of unjust behavior of corporations and how they operate. Exxon Valdez tragic oil spill happened years ago and fair compensation for victims is still before the courts. The TVA and the recent toxic spill. Dow chemical and Bophal, India deaths. Syncrude and toxic oil tar sands pollution, the Love canal scandal, are just a few that come to mind.

    My question is~~~Will justice ever be served while big business is in bed with the politicians???? :ph34r::ph34r:

  5. And what brought on the current credit crunch, pray tell, if not corporate greed of financial institutions buying worthless asset backed commericial paper.

    And loaning money to those who could not afford to repay the loans??

    And what exactly is the problem with auto makers if it is not sales??

  6. Do you think that corporate greed sparked the worsening of our economy?

    Corporations were so intent in making a profit for their stock holders that they moved their factories offshore to take advantage of cheaper wages. Right now we are reaping the benefits of these descisions and the corporations are too. So many jobs have been moved offshore that the people here are out of work. If they are not working they cannot buy. I think a lot of these CEO's must have failed simple economics. If you produce something, anything you need a buyer for it. The old law of supply and demand is alive and well. The auto companies now have been so good at producing cars that no one can afford.

    The corporations are all screaming for government money to bail them out. These same corporations that neglect the payment of taxes in any way they can and of course have no loyalty to any country. Just to themselves and their major stocholders who are mostly CEO's and upper management.

    We are witnessing a real downfall in the major industrial, financial, housing and commercial real estate markets.

    Could it be that we are beginning to see that money is not the real source of wealth??

    Wealth does not buy health. At any price. Sure it may buy a nicer room and better care but it will not buy better health.

    I wonder what the wealthy will eat? Do dollar bills taste good? How about diamonds and gold or silver bars? :o:o

  7. I was thinking he should be in jail for his own protection. So many people were robbed by this guy some one could spend another couple of hundred bucks and get him wasted.

    I see the judge placed additional restrictions on him yesterday.

    I also agree with what you say about being innocent until proven guilty. Try telling that to any victim. :o:o

  8. Our countries are tied together through an invisible umbical cord. What hurts them hurts us and vice versa. In the matter of economics we are tied too.

    I am reading a book now by Michael Moore called "Downsize This". It is about the effects that corporate greed has wrought on all of us.

    On page nine of this book he says "Today we are actually earning less than we did in 1979 and as of the writing of that book back in 1996 there were 20 million people not making the minimum amount that they need to survive!

    Both the U.S. and Canada are quickly becoming among the have nots and third world countries of the world.

    Corporate greed does not stop at our borders.

    I shall always be a Canadian and mostly proud of it. Hey, look at our junior hockey team. Winning the championship of the whole world five times in a row now. Don't you feel a modicum of pride in being a Canuck?

  9. The Bernie Madoff scandal has uncovered the amazing embezelment or outright theft of $50,000,000,000.00 dollars and yet as I write this he is walking around free, albiet under house arrest in his comfortable apartment building in New York. He has financially ruined a lot of people, and yet he is free.

    If a mugger holds just one person up he is destined for a jail cell.

    Is this fair?????

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